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spuddy - quite some improvement. However, the first one also looks great with the sand and rocks at the coast. The second one is in a completely different setting.
Thanks Horo..changed the viewing point added building and derelict car added a background turned off the sun and lit with a coloured radial light ....just to make a plain scene pop a little
Spuddy - both are lovely but I love the first one with the sand and rocks.
spuddy: I like both, they are different. Very good work.
Spuddy, very good work on the new version. But the old one also is wonderful. And it is not easy to see that it comes from the same scene. Wonderful new render anyway.
mermaid010..adbc Thanks
Hansmar Thanks I know where you are coming from I tried to keep the direction of view the same but lower and closer but I guess it will always be the case with a terrain that it is harder to relate a new version to the original...... thanks again... Dave
0292wc Open Air Museum: made in Bryce 5.5 on Nov 2005. Background terrain with a material I tested for David at the time. Huts and boats are from Daz 3D.
01101 Openair Museum II: made in Bryce 7.1 on Dec 2018. Not much change, a shore was added to the terrain, light adapted with an HDRI, the water material changed and rendered with DOF.
Horo : Both renders are great, I prefer the second one with the HDRI that makes the lighting softer and a different time of day.
adbc - thank you. Though I do like the first one, it looks a bit flat and the water reflections look a bit funny.
Horo, great scene. But I agree that the second version is indeed even better.
Horo - both are very nice, the second version is better, awesome work
Thank you Hansmar and mermaid.
I finally got to redoing an oldy from my starting days of DAZ Studio and Bryce.
First the old one, then the new one. I guess you can spot quite a lof of additions and other changes. I did try the same or similar viewpoint, but that did not make the plants at the waterside look interesting. Therefore I changed the viewpoint. I might retry with similar position of the sun, to get a better comparison.
Horo, the Conjunction renders are Awesome!!!
The second one blew my mind as soon as I saw the much improved sun! I mean... that looks So Good! But to me, everything is at least "Better" but some things are vastly improved, even though the first one was really cool. The stars look amazing and love the galaxy. Wow. Radial with a glow, eh? I love it!
I noticed by your website that you enjoy astronomy (I think). I was a bit of a parttime backyard astronomer myself - I hunted galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters (I love Messier Contests!!!) with my meager Criterion RV-6 Dynascope that I completely restored myself (this is a really old (1972?) ad)
Edit - sorry for the off-topic!
Hansmar - nice idea to begin with and the second one is quite an improvement.
Dartanbeck - thank you. Yes, astronomy fascinates me.
Hansmar - this is a very nice Idea.
And all others: its amazing what you did with your older work.... I'll try it too, I think.
Hansmar - both are nice but no doubt the second is better. I like the path leading to the bridge, trying something like this for my challenge entry.
Horo, Yellow Pen, Mermaid, Thank you.In the meantime, a version more closely to the original position and sun position is rendering too. I'll show that one later.
Hansmar, I love this whole idea! That revamped versio of the older render is night and day Astounding! Looks beautiful!
Hansmar : both scenes are awesome, the grass and vegetation look better in the second version so is the lighting.
so... I'll try to make this better:

I made this in 2017.
...and did a Fabulous Job, I must say!!! Bravo!
Yellow Pen - difficult to make this one better. It looks like a great scene.
Yellow Pen : I agree with Horo.
Yellow Pen - would love to see what you do with this one, it's awesome as it is.
thanks Dartanbeck, Horo, adbc and Mermaid, for your nice comments.
Horo: its very difficult, yes. And I had my first nervous breakdown with this.... so I think this needs more time.
Yellow Pen, Thank you. And I really wonder what you can improve in that already wonderful work. OK, I see it: add some great wave crashing onto the lighthouse. Now that will not be easy at all!
adbc: thanks and please be welcome to try improvements on your own scenes too.
So... I'll take another One. Sorry, but this one here I could'nt make better...
Hi everybody!
Has just seen this forum's topic...
Accidentaly, have a couple of works. In 2010 I experimented with alpha-channel for procedural textures. It resulted in getting a texture which applied to a terrain (with lot of noise) looked like greenery (grass, small shrubbery). In order to look at this texture in the environment I made this picture. It was before Bryce 7came out.
10 years later, coming across this picture in my archive decided to rerender it. First, changed the clouds for the ones with more volume. Exchanged Bryce trees (with monstrously large leaves) for a birch grove. The latter is far from being ideal, I don't like it either. However, it's better than it was in the original. Also added some details and people, as well...
Sergey Sam_T - Welcome to the Bryce forum. Very nice landscape, perhaps in the Netherlands?