NFT and the Future of Digital Content
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And that coal fire helped explain the speed their captain had them doing, as they either used that burning coal or risk running out of coal before they made port. So many problems came together to doom that trip.
I'm curious whether the Season Pass is intended to eventually replace PC+. It's a lot more money for Daz upfront, and a lot less value for the customer. Then again, selling them both, will make them more money. I think it would probably be redundant to any PC+ discount on Daz Original Core Characters, which I assume exists because they are Daz Originals, right?
Between NFTs, the SP drama and gaslighting about the changing contest rules, and overall Daz commentary on this (comes solely through mods) my addiction is cured too! But, forumites are irrelevant. We're the minority of Daz users, apparently.
What was the storepocalypse? Last year was pretty bad for personal reasons, so I think I might have missed that.
I don't think season Pass is intended to replace PC+.
Storepocalypse happened last year right around the holidays. Busiest time of year and Daz chooses to do the changeover from the previous store software to the present software. It was supposed to be quick and smooth, but it was a disaster. The Daz devs are still fixing some of the things that broke. It's never easy!
...during the middle of the Annual PC+ sale they decided to roll out a new storefront which caused a lot of grief, from peoples' CCs being rejected and card profiles disappearing, to orders which wouldn't process, and the store search malfunctioning (worse than it already was).
The situation persisted for the balance of the sale and continued a couple weeks afterwards (the store search wasn't fixed until a few days ago).'s better than it was during the storepocalypse, but yeah, still needs improvement.
Just checking, are you using FF..? I think there is a bug using that, which the filters dont seem to work correctly.. however with Chrome it seems ok.
I... Can't imagine anyone approving a fundamental major software change like that during a critical sales time like that...
As for SP versus PC+ I can't help but wonder what's going on there. It seems weird to have to such fundamentally different premium subscriptions. You have Vanilla Platinum at ~$6-8 dollars a month, and then the Super Special Platinum SP which can run anywhere from $75 to $125 a month (for a two month period), and the more you pay the less you get. Granted that last $90 to $125 is Super Special Silver, not Platinum, and there was a Gold offering between them. But normally Vanilla Platinum (PC+) is THE premium subscription, and who they give their special premium discounts to, but looks like there's nothing special for them in this latest round of sales offerings and instead Super Special Platinum/Gold/Silver SP get the 20% off instead.
One quarterly PC+ costs less than the price difference between the PC+ and full price Season Pass. If they can get people to shell out that kind of money for two months and five characters with HDs, they might think if they merged Vanilla Platinum's discounts with SPs benefits and expense, they can make a lot more money on Super Special Platinum SPs than on Vanilla Platinum Club. Granted, charging too much can reduce sales and PC+ has a fairly friendly price point. Plus, Daz didn't release a second figure during Gold, so presumably they didn't trust figure #2 to boost SP sales, which leads me to think it hasn't been quite as successful as they say. Gold went out with a whisper, not a bang. They didn't even release the second "freebie."
This is not the Season Pass thread.
The Newest Evolution Is Here: The Daz Season Pass!
Yeah, sorry. That got a little off topic and way too long.
Honnestly, the old store was working so badly and caused so many problems with the sale that they probably thought they didn't have much choice. They expected the upgrade to fix the store, after all...
Correct. It wasn't a case of someone deciding we launch it specifically then.. it was the only option.
Well, I'm not a customer here anymore, just a forumite, but, looking at the sales thread, one gets the impression not much has changed in reality and things are as messed up as they used to be...
Yeah, but they get messed up much faster now.
Compared to how it used to work during last PC sale, the store is definitely working much better...
Besides issues mentioned above, there was also the little problem of people's purchases disappearing, or if they did appear in DIM, they couldn't be downloaded despite endless attempts to do so, or they didn't download but DIM thought they did, and no doubt other permutations. Reading between the lines of DAZ reps' forum posts, it seemed they made a major change to the backend services that the Store depended on, and those services were failing on a regular basis.
Be glad you missed the trainwreck.
The problem with the downloads started a few weeks before Storepocalypse, though. It was a separate nightmare.
It's a shame that Daz didn't think it worthwhile to improve our experience using the store when they changed software. I've not been keeping score on a daily basis, but it doesn't appear that there are fewer discount or coupon issues now than there were previously. When I see there are problems, I just don't buy, because life is short.
Interesting. In my case is the other way around. After a manual search, filters works fine on FF, but not in Chrome
I don't have Chrome to test but certainly in FF if I uncheck Hide items I Own the search refrshes and shows the owned items.
Wow, this thread went way off the rails....
Naah, just some Neglectable Forum Turmoil......
Yes, and in just the week I haven't been active on the forum I found out NFT power consumptions has risen to even more. Every NFT transaction now requires more than two and a half days worth of power compared to the average US household. I wonder how many tmes I'll have to update my signature before this NFT thing is over.
I shook my head in disbelief when I saw the Earth Day sale earlier this week, how does that even make sense while your selling NFTs? Does Tafi/Daz even have an official vision on their enviromental impact?
Maybe it's something like clean coal or or carbon credit points?... Words can be very important if you say them convincingly enough.
I propose the idea of "Cryptocarbon Negation Pogs"... Why "Pogs"?... Well, "Token" is too NFT and nobody can pronounce "Escutcheon" and a Pog is sorta like a Token, plus lots of people who are young enough probably played with or ate Pogs and there is a level of nostalgia to Pogs which will give lots of people a warm fuzzy feeling inside, which when combined with the words "Cryptocarbon" and "Negation" can be a powerful mental tool to help people visualize a world where clean green crypto-mining helps create a less environmentally devastated earth where birds and beavers frolic under rainbows, breathing crystal clear air beneath perfect blue skys, and through this selfless visualization create a feeling of environmental empowerment in each individual who receives or is awarded one, thus driving that individual to strive through good intentions their desire to virtually contribute towards a collective desire to move forward with others equally desirous of a greener, cleaner future to join together using the best of vibes and most determined of resolution, using a vast array of good feelings to ensure mutual forward momentum towards the greener goals they strive for.
Sounds good... right?... maybe not if you say it out loud or read all the words... or think about it, but that's not important... the important words are the important ones and that's how these things work... you say stuff and feel good about and eventually if the world doesn't blow up, it all works out.
So, definitely Cryptocarbon Negation Pogs are the way to go... you toss one or two of them in along with all the other bells and whistles one gets with their NFT and before you know it birds and beavers are dancing under the blues skies like it's the age of Aquarius all over again.
I'm assuming one gets bells and whistles, or at least some sorta cheap plastic decoder ring with their NFTs... otherwise that's just stupid.
But whatever... CNPs will save the future like these sorta things always do... that's how we got world peace and spray cheese, so why not the same with CNPs.
Plus, plus... you could even have a unique and exclusive CNP badge next to your avatar when you collect enough CNP points and mail in the box tops from 10 specially marked NFTs, which if you pay for shipping and handling before midnight tonight DAZ will pay a small child to hug an endangered tree and since the love of child is priceless, we'll all be better off for it and everyone who sees that badge will secretly be envious of how environmentally responsible you are and hate you for it... and if getting other people to hate and envy you isn't the most effing environmentally responsible thing we can all do then I don't want to live on this planet with you people anymore.
Ta ra rum boom dee Yay
Ta ra rum boom dee yay
Do you want some levity
in your new N-F-T?
This has probably been posted before, but there is a Saturday Night Live comedy skit on explaining NFT.
As far as I'm concerned, given that an NFT is a block-chain linked encrypted link to an object I have no rights to that is on a server I have no control oveer, my absolute maximum amount I will pay is $1.00 US - cash. All conversion cost and fees come out of that single dollar.
I will pay serious money ONLY if I get copyright AND the NFT process guarantees that no other NFT can possibly be created for that object on any other server by anyone else. I don't expect that to happen in the near future.
Hypothetically, it is possible to sell copyright with NFTs, it's just generally not done, and of course some people sell multiple NFTs for the same work, which would make it impossible. I don't think it's possible to secure the artwork from being copied or re-minted multiple times, since artists can't even secure their own artwork from being minted by strangers. There was a twitterbot that minted NFTs from people's posts that people figured out how to stop, but any individual can still host a new copy of the image on another server, and mint that. Only the token be guaranteed to be unique, the art, not so much.
Give it a rest, Daz. You tried. Now give it a quick death.
Apparently there is a new twist in the NFT game... NFT horse racing...
This could be a real game changer for people bored by the fact that their current NFTs just sit around doing nothing but collect digital dust on some server somewhere.