NFT and the Future of Digital Content
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Well you could always set up some crypto mining servers to heat up your house...
If I could get hold of the GPUs I might be tempted...
Just wondering because all of this, has anyone been involved in a customer panel, or been sent a questionaire by Daz for marketing purposes?
Before the Great Software Rejigger Of 2012' , when DAZ changed over to Magento and effed up the store for several months and forums for at least a year with all sorts of serious bugs persisting for almost another year, they used to occasionally have customer polls... I can't remember what any of them were about in particular but, I don't think they were controversial topics or anything, maybe stuff like "Do you enjoy animation or still renders more?"... something like that. There was a feeling they may have had interest in what the customers were interested in or preferred... well, for me at least.
Since then, with the exception of the DRM encryption debacle, DAZ just does whatever it's gonna do, whether customers like it or not, whether it's convenient or not.
I'm pretty sure the NFT thing is gonna happen and continue whether customers like it or not... my guess as to why is not flattering or complimentary and ultimately won't change anything.
But still, maybe there may be enough pushback like there was with the horrible awful DRM encryption crap, that they may reconsider.
If you already know the outcome, and are not very interesed in it either, why do a poll?
I wanted to know if this had happened as an indicator of interest to repair the Customer-Supplier relationship. I only started last December, so I have no idea. As such it would help me manage my own expectations. Though again, it's just an indicator, not something you can support a definite conclusion with.
I think they only rearely they actually listen to the community. We are constantly being told to start a SUPPORT tickets if we want to give feedback, and the "feedback" tracker of the support system was removed. First, a support system is not a feedback system. Then, if you actually remove the option that may have adapted a workflow to allow the feedback to reach someone other than a support person is the same as saying: "Let me write it in my invisible typewriter".
They mostly "listen" to counters in a dashboard designed to ignore anything besides quick bucks. Context for those dashboards? they don't care. But they do at least read sometimes, you see that maybe someone gets "hurt" for a critic and may come here and defend against complains saying that "the feedback has beeen great"....oh right, were? In a facebook/instagram were you get simplistic comments like "that is cute" or people just click like on any picture they like? They seem to consider a couple of things like that more than actual (and potential) clients actually analizing things.
I am not aware that that has happened. At least not within the last year or so. I have read a couple of posts from long term Daz customers talking about better times with regard to support. But that might have been years ago.
There was a time when DAZ used to discuss possible future plans in the forum, that led to two things:-
1: Anguished cries from people if their favourite niche product/feature didn't make the cut.
2: Endless cries of "When will <product/feature> be available????" hence the genesis of 'DAZ soon'.
I see, yes, a message-board is not the ideal tool for marketing research.
I got a survey once. It seemed more like their way of saying "These are the things we're going to do. What do you think?" They gave a $5 coupon for doing the survey, too. But that was a while ago - 2018, I think. And they seem to be doing some of the things they talked about in the survey. It had a lot to do with more exclusive PC+ content, IIRC.
I'm actually glad to hear this.
They'll likely abadndon it becasue 1) they are not making money off it and 2) their cryptocurrency transaction ledger is public and DAZ is very private when it comes to sales data. They have sold a grand total of three(!) Shidu NFTs. In the DAZ universe, the sales/promo day is their biggest sales day and its downhill from there so that's saying something.
Three does not seem like a lot. But maybe they have sold one of the Shidu NFTs for millions of US dollars? Then again, probably not.
You can see for yourself. They're getting absolutly wrecked by the transaction fees:
On the Champion item, they actually spent $38 worth of Eth on transaction fees processing a sale of $0.21.
I get the sentiment, but not sure if I'm ready to share it yet. Caught myself being far too cynical this morning, I don't like myself being that way.
,........ugh,'re not helping.
Sorry to hear that though.
That makes it easy for me then. I am absolutely done buying anything from this place until all that **** is gone. I have been a customer since the place was still Zygote, spent thousands and thousands of dollars here. This I just can't abide though.
events of the last week have pretty much ensured I spend my money elsewhere
habits are hard to break, I find myself looking through sales but DAZ has also helped enormously on ipad where I do most my browsing by making the daily promo page impossible to use
If Daz does end up removing the NFTs eventually, I think the bare minimum for me to start rebuilding trust would be an honest discussion of what their goals were, what their expectations were for Daz community response and NFT sales, and whether or not they would roll out an experiment like this in the future. I think it would've shaken me a lot less if they weren't so confident that they devoted a portion of their website not just to selling them, but to selling the concept, without reservation. While businesses letting people pay for purchases with cryptocurrency or whatever is one thing, promoting it edges into ideological territory I'm not comfortable with.
If they took the stuff down and quietly swept it offstage, I'd be relieved but also very hesitant to recommend it to newbies or buy anything that doesn't work in other software.
Either way I've run my mouth more than enough on the topic, and I'm going to take the advice I'd give to past me and come back if something changes.
Hey forumites!
We can tell there are lots of parts of the conversation around NFTs for digital artists that are important to you. And we acknowledge that there are valid concerns and plenty of unknowns yet to explore, some of which you've highlighted. As with most sufficiently big advances in technology, there's a lot to test and learn, and no doubt plenty to improve! We're committed to being part of the solution, innovating responsibly, and we appreciate your input and feedback along the way.
What problem do you think you are trying to be the solution for?
Even if they did that, email receipts on gumroad and every other online marketplace already exist and serve the exact same purpose as NFTs, they're just not culturally hyped for being shiny new tech. Every platform that allows artists to sell digital content solves almost all of these issues, with the only downside of usually not permitting resale, so they're of no value for rich people wanting to engage in speculative trading, but it's not like they don't have plenty of other, more reliable opportunities to gamble with their capital. Hoping that a short animation of for example Shudu or Aiko will accrue value and be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars in a few years would be a bit silly, especially if people keep flooding the marketplace with new NFTs (Daz is now trying to sell their Aiko NFT for less than $70. They own 100 of them, so rarity won't drive up their value. Oops.).
If rich people want to feel special paying a lot of money for digital art, they could always commission artists for more money. Just because a tech is new and sounds cool, doesn't mean it's worth using or has any value, or that continuing to try retroactively find a use for the tech is a worthwhile endeavor. NFTs are the equivalent of over-engineering the wheel, then trying to find a way to retroactively find a use for it because lots of people think the new wheels sound cooler than regular wheels even if their performance is inferior and they love the idea of shaking up established the wheel market for the sake of shaking up the market.
With respect, everything Daz has done has demonstrated the opposite. You could have held out past the gold rush, waited on the environmentally-friendly solutions I keep hearing about, and asked the community for input beforehand. I have no idea how the company is benefiting from this, but it came out of nowhere.
This feels really bad. I'm going to need a while to get back my enthusiasm for something I spent more or less all my free time on since discovering Daz, but I think my future in 3D art is probably elsewhere.
I'd be interested if you eliminated the cryptocurrency part, and the environmental impact, oh and the NFT part.