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Can't say anything good about the release so far. Non-stop crashes, usually without even a way to submit a bug report. Bug report link goes to a non-existing page. This has made 7 hours of my day miserable.
About Tone mapping and environment options moving to scene panel as nodes:
At first there are no tone mapping or environment settings in the render settings since they have moved to the scene as a singleton node. Okay. but if you change drawing mode to iray, then view the render settings again, the tone mapping and environment options re-appear in the render settings. Changing the draw mode back to the default does not get rid of them in the render settings either.
Does anyone else get this? Bug or feature?
Feature; there was some discussion on the 4.12 threads. It makes sense to me; my render settings are scene specific. For example an HDRI generating scene will not have tone mapping ;-) Even with tone mapping sometimes I end up with everything synced to EV0 and sometimes I just use the default, EV13; it's scene specific. Sure, if I save the scene the data is retained, but if I merge two scenes what happens? I haven't tried that yet, it will be interesting...
My 'bug or feature' questions was not about the settings moving to the scene panel. Please reread.
I waited a couple of hours, and it didn't "close gracefully." My first attempt at a resolution involved restarting my computer. It worked, but I don't want to have to restart every time I want to do a render. My second attempt involved looking at Task Manager where I discovered the DAZ Studio .exe keeps running, so clicking on the .exe to start D|S does nothing since, as far as your computer's concerned, it's already running. Ending the D|S .exe in Task Manager works, but it's still a pain.
The default is just another setting. If I create a key frame then change every setting back to the default, or, indeed, what it was before, I do not expect the key frame to disappear.
More generally; if I make a statement then change it, back to the commonly held belief, I have still made a statement; it is not the same as saying nothing.
Can't install DazStudio 4.14 through the Install Manager and there is no way to download it and do a manual install. When I try to go to the link for the product it takes me to my Product Library with nothing selected. The Install manager downloads it just fine but errors out during install. I also can't create a ticket in Daz3D because it thinks my browser is of the wrong type that can't display the CAPTCHA challenge. It's like they don't want to support customers anymore.
I understand your statement. Interesting. Your answer appears to delve into changing settings over time in an animation sequence. This has nothing to do with animation. It is about inconsistent UI. Let me restate the question:
The questions is "why do tonemapping and enviro suddenly show up back in the render settings after you change the draw mode"? Even after you change draw mode back to its original setting. Draw mode should not have have any effect on the render. It appears to be a UI bug unless there is some underlying feature being activated.
Okay, it turns out the answer is trivial. It's a feature. Obvious now.
Changing the vp Draw Settings to Iray or running an IRay render will auto-create an Environment node and a Tone Mapping node in the Scene if none are there already. Once created, these settings also show up in Render Settings (and Draw Setting too if the draw style is IRay)
If you delete these nodes from the scene, they disappear from Render Settings.
If I'm Using DAZ Studio, do I need to backup my user Data before updating to 4.14? My Runtime is 584GB's, so I'd rather not do that.
Hi I have a question about hair...well fur. Does the new PBR show fur? If so what format,ie Dforce,catalyst,or look at my hair? I tried one and it failed on a human,a dforce one?
Experiencing the "Shut down Bug" Moves from active App to Back ground and has to be killed in the Task Manager manually... Yes I've waited, infact went downtown grabbed some grub, got back and it was still in the task manager... Yes I'm lazy I want a one clk kill...LOL
As to filiment trying to figure out the Glowing white textures almost like mega glossy Looks great in Iray...
Call me reckless, I didn't back up anything. Worked fine. Yeah I've got runtimes totaling something of that magnitude. Makes me nervous that I didn't even think of it though.
Anyone run instancing in this build...?
Filament..I am recompiling my plugin (ParticleFX)on a new windows 10 computer Never had DS or DS-SDK Long story Too many builds between Window$ 7-10...In Iray it didnt work but 3delight it does..Where can I find the release notes on filament...?
In this new build did the SDK get updated to reflect the new engine...?
After updating to 4.14 using the Install Manager and having updated the 3 plugins that were in the update list (Dynamic Clothing, Mimic Live and Measure Metrics) I get the error shown in the attached picture. Apparently Mimic Live cannot find some of its configuration files. I noted that of the three plugins I installed, only the Dynamic Clothing plugin shows as installed. If I refresh the down load list, the Mimic Live and Measure Metrics reappear on the Ready to Install tab in Install Manager. If I click install on Mimic Live it disappears from the Ready to Install list but does not appear in the Installed tab. The Install Manager log file shows:
2020-11-11 20:45:39.697 Installing: 13000-2 : Mimic Live! for DAZ Studio 4.14+ (Win 64-bit)
2020-11-11 20:45:39.824 Install Successful: Mimic Live! for DAZ Studio 4.14+ (Win 64-bit)
2020-11-11 20:45:39.879 Install Queue Finished: 0 min 0.1 sec
If I refresh the Ready to Download list, then Mimic Live reapears on the Ready to Install tab.
What does the helper log say?
I cannot find anything in the DAZ log file that is related to this error message. The problem seems to be that the Install Manager is not really installing the Mimic Live (or Measure Metrics) plugins, but the Install Manager log file says it did.
I finally figured out this has something to do with the DAZ Studio process hanging up and not quiting. When I killed the DAZ Studio process in the task manager and then used the Install Manager to install the Mimic Live plugin, it succeeded and appeared in the Installed tab. The error message has also gone away when I start DAZ Studio.
Thank you. I do appreciate the highlights thread. I just mean it would be helpful if it was noted here:
The quote on the information page "Filament has a huge market appeal — it’s open source and works amazingly for everybody, no matter how old the system they’re working on is." I understand now that it's primarily refering to windows systems, but it creates the impression that it works "for everybody", at least it did for me.
as for the two extra items added to my scene list? Are they needed? Can I delete them?
can I rename them so they don't interfer with my scene hiearchy?
They are the tonemapper and environment options for the scene. You can delete them; this will reset all those options to the underlying defaults (you probably don't want to do this), however they get recreated as soon as you start rendering. What is more if you delete them the tabs in the 'render settings' will go away so to change those settings (before starting a render) you will have to make the nodes again from the "create" menu. I haven't tried renaming them yet. It would be really nice if I could reparent them to the camera and have per-camera settings, at least for tone mapping. It makes no sense whatsoever for f-stop/shutter-speed/fileISO (which all just mean EV) to be global to the scene...
...question for those having Daz hang in memory after shutting down, was the scene closed first before shutting the programme down. I've noticed that in older versions if the programme is closed with a scene still loaded, Daz takes much longer to clear from system memory. I routinely close out the scene (clicking "New" on the File menu) before shutting the programme down and it usually it drops from memory much quicker (still using the 4.12.0,47 Beta).
Still not possible to save a character with all the morphs in the new Daz 4.14. Great....
What do you mean?
Animation time-line & morphs activated. See thread >>
I created a character, with my own morphs and saved that as a character preset, morphs not showing up. Have several problems. Materials not changing, crashes, sometimes it simply doesn't start.....
. Last 7 minutes it starts, then shuts down with no error report....
FYI, The thread you were previously posting in that i linked above was alot about animation timeline and lost morphs for whatever is not on the timeline slot where you saved.
If you go save as> support asset> morph asset then your new morph will work 100% of time and be callable for any new characters.
I will try that, if i get it to stay open. Because right now, it just shuts down.
You need to save those morphs first as an morph asset to the base figure.
If you just import OBJ:s as a morph, you can save the figure as Scene Subset or Scene, but saving as a character preset dosesn't save any external assets like the hair, clothes or any imported OBJ:s
they appear in my default opening scene which has nothing in it.
Okay, anyway you can put them in a group named whatever you want .. I named it Z daz crap ... this moves it to the bottom of the sorting order.
but I can't even see how they are used, unless they match the changes I make in those setting and thus become saved with the scene?
sometimes I wonder how much time the programmers artually use the program?
Like everytime I create a group I have to remember to type my group name into the second line because anything typed in the first one is ignored for a group numbered by the program