i13 100 Essential Expressions for Victoria 7 - GONE - OTHERS AS WELL



  • To Richard and the Daz folks, my stuff is back and  thanks for quick fix. 

    Just a simple request from a customer to Daz the business people.  In the future please be proactive and let us know of any scheduled maintenance.  Communicate with us so we know what is going on.  Just kind of common courtesy and good business practice.  Some people did drastic measures on their end thinking they did something wrong others pulled out their hair trying to figure out what went wrong and coming to these boards searching for answers. 

    If it had been communicated with us that this weekend you were going to do standard mainatance and there could be potenital issues it would have solved a lot of the frustration and hair pulling.  This is kind of buiness managmeent 101 but you guys run it the way you want I guess.  Just a thought.  

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