Why might a product not appear AT ALL



  • plaul2002plaul2002 Posts: 127
    edited September 2020

    FYI - From DAZ

    "This should now be fixed, so all of the products should show up in Daz Connect as they were previously.

    Here's the nitty gritty about what happened: I am currently moving the download location of all of the product files from our old machines over to a new cloud-based file provider. While new products have been getting transferred from the new provider for a few weeks now I just started transferring existing products earlier this week. I was cautious with the initial transfers, starting with just a hundred products or so, then moving on to everything with a SKU above 70,000. After checking in with customer service and not hearing any complaints I went bigger and did everything above SKU 60,000. Once again, there were no complaints in either the forums or directly to customer service. So this weekend I was going to be doing some other work anyways so I lined up a big transfer and selected everything with a SKU above ~15,000. Unfortunately it looks like the store software had a bug in it that was fixed but it caused the data on the store side to be missing important pieces of information, it seemingly affected products in the mid 20,000 to the low 30,000's but was fine after that. This went unnoticed because the store software managed to get that information over to the durable cache of the download servers before losing bits of data on it's end. Well, when transferring the products the store data was updated with the new storage locations and caused the cache of the download servers to be refreshed with the missing data. The silver lining of this cloud is that fortunately this all happened in preparation for moving to the new store software so I was able to write some little programs this weekend to fill back in the blanks based on the source files on the old download servers."


    *I do want ot thank Richard for being proactive in getting this fixed.

    Post edited by plaul2002 on
  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,464



    What happens with the meta-data for DIM installed products? Do I have to import it manually? I didn't used to have to do this.

  • Alright, Daz Studio is looking more normal now. My thanks. yes
    But I have a couple questions, now that I see there's stuff about Daz I had no clue about:

    1. I think most (if not all) of my missing products are back, but how come a lot of them are now showing as uninstalled in Daz's Smart Content/Content Library? If it makes a difference, I inconsistently install the majority of products through either Daz Install Manager, Daz Studio, and Daz Connect.

    2. How is logging in or connecting to internet in Daz Studio related to being able to access my purchased products? I guess I assumed once I downloaded and installed a product to my computer I was free to use it whenever, but apparently that's not the case. Can Daz Studio not be used "offline"?

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,464

    Alright, Daz Studio is looking more normal now. My thanks. yes
    But I have a couple questions, now that I see there's stuff about Daz I had no clue about:

    1. I think most (if not all) of my missing products are back, but how come a lot of them are now showing as uninstalled in Daz's Smart Content/Content Library? If it makes a difference, I inconsistently install the majority of products through either Daz Install Manager, Daz Studio, and Daz Connect.

    2. How is logging in or connecting to internet in Daz Studio related to being able to access my purchased products? I guess I assumed once I downloaded and installed a product to my computer I was free to use it whenever, but apparently that's not the case. Can Daz Studio not be used "offline"?

    1) If installed via Connect, damage to the meta data can result in the product being inaccessible if you recieve bad meta data files (which is, I am pretty sure what happened this weekend and has happened before)

    2) Connect constantly refreshed the meta data files if you are logged in or Connected.  This is supposed to make updating etc easier and more steamlined. You do not have to be logged in to use the content once it is installed, but once you do connect you take the chance of getting corrupted meta data that breaks things.  If you do not connect you can not load new products within Studio or recieve updates to products installed that way. Catch 22.


  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,985

    Having Daz Connect installed products inaccessible from within Daz Studio is eye-opening. 

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