Daz Studio Basics 101. New Users help for starting with DS.



  • edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    WzM_dK said:
    I couldn't get an answer in the thread I posted, guess I'll try my luck here...
    I've been tweaking a character for some time now, and I'd like to make a morph out of it, one of those dialable morphs that appear in the shaping tab.
    I've found a good tutorial by a guy named Medhue....I save the morph as a support asset, dsf morph, select everything that I've modified, check for the files in the /data/Daz 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs/myname/mymorph...everything seems fine, but the morph doesn't show up! Not in the shaping tab, not even in the parameters tab! What am I doing wrong?
    On the side, is there a faster way to do this, considering that my character has a lot of limits set off?
    I hate to say this when you have not found help yet but, that is more of an Advanced DS question. This thread is more for teaching people who are new how to do things like add lights change textures ect.. the basic things. Did you ask your question in the Nuts and Bolts Forum? It may take awhile but you should get the help you need.
    I've seen other questions about morphs in this forum and, being a noob about daz, didn't realize my question was more advanced. I've realized that the procedure I used was to add morphs, while what I'm trying to do is create a dial that uses morphs...guess I'll try to use some of the other options in the support asset menu, and then I'll try the Nuts and Bolts Forum. Thanks anyway!
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Creating a new Genesis morph target is only possible with the advanced tools. Using a genesis morph from the shaping tab is basic. If I had the info I would give it to you. For advanced topics even I use the other forums.

  • edited December 1969

    Szark said:

    Thanks to both you and Jaderail, but sadly the tutorial didn't work out for me. I've eventually opened a thread in the nuts and bolts forum, it's here in case someone has any further help.
  • Nolamom3507Nolamom3507 Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    I've read through much of this thread, (I admit, not all!) and I have an extremely basic question. For some inexplicable reason, my Smart Content and Shaping controls refuse to show up.
    When I first got the program, the Smart Content showed up just fine, as did shaping. I can access Shaping when I have a Genesis figure, but not with V4 or M4. Is this normal? And I can't access Smart Content at any time in the past few weeks. I've been doing everything through the Content Library, but I certainly would like to be able to use the controls.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    I don't know where Jaderail is. He should be in bed because he has an standing appointment early on Saturday mornings. In the meantime I'll try to help you.

    On your Smart Content problem, try right-clicking on your Content Library tab. Left click on Content DB Maintenance. Tick Re-import Metadata. If that doesn't work, let us know.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Take a look at the Content Library tab -- if there's no triangle next to Categories, then the Content Management Service isn't running. Shut down DS4, then go to Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D > DAZ Content Management Service and click on "Start DAZ Content Management Service". If the CMS is running but you still aren't getting anything in Categories, then your security program may be blocking it from communicating with DS4.

  • Nolamom3507Nolamom3507 Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    Yeah! That last bit did it. Odd that the Content Management Service was switched off somehow. I really appreciate the help. Thank you!

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you both for helping out yesterday. I was down all day with a bad hip and I just got in from my Saturday thing.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    I knew there had to be a good reason for your absence. I take it the hip is better.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm walking again but it still pains me to do so. I need to go see my Doc again soon if it don't clear up. It has been acting up on me all week now.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    I do have a question. Last night I was working with a bedroom, but I don't know really how to see inside it. I can do top view and remove the ceiling or I can do a side view and remove one of the walls. I think it involves cameras. However, right now with the laptop down I can't do anything in Studio and I'm slowly dying of boredom.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    When I release packs that have rooms. I make it so all the walls are separate so they can be removed at will and I supply cameras

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Is removing a wall the same as hiding it in the Scene tab?

    I have big problems with placing items in a room. I don't remember what room I was using, but it started with LS_, has a door, 2 windows, fireplace, bed, vanity, curtains, drapes, etc. Maybe that was the final straw that broke my laptop. I will never win Interior Decorator of the year at this rate. I ended up with the curtains outside the windows, sconces on the outside of the walls, and I have no idea why the rug is catercorner the room. Also I think I may have my fireplace in backwards. Yes, I know I can use the pre-load, but I like to rearrange furniture.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:
    Is removing a wall the same as hiding it in the Scene tab?

    I have big problems with placing items in a room. I don't remember what room I was using, but it started with LS_, has a door, 2 windows, fireplace, bed, vanity, curtains, drapes, etc. Maybe that was the final straw that broke my laptop. I will never win Interior Decorator of the year at this rate. I ended up with the curtains outside the windows, sconces on the outside of the walls, and I have no idea why the rug is catercorner the room. Also I think I may have my fireplace in backwards. Yes, I know I can use the pre-load, but I like to rearrange furniture.

    Nope. If you just Hide it you can turn it back on whenever you need it. If you Remove it (Delete) you will have to load it or the full prop to get it back.

    I'm with you Anne, I like things the way I like them. You need to experiment with moving items with the different tools. You can only get things so close by eyeballing it. That is one reason DS has all the built in cameras, I use the perspective Camera all the time. For putting things just in the right spot I get my RENDER camera were I want it then switch to the Perspective came to do my fine tuning. It will do all the same things like Zoom, Center on Item selected ect. the Default Camera (Render Camera) will but you can switch back to the Render Camera to check your work. I test render and then Edit some more if need be using the Perspective Camera for close up work.
  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Much clearer to me now. As soon as I get my laptop back up, I want to play with cameras. Hopefully I can find my pot in my Dreamhome bathroom.

    My late husband learned early on to always turn the light on when coming in from second shift. He never knew where I might have put the furniture.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited August 2012

    AtticAnne said:
    Much clearer to me now. As soon as I get my laptop back up, I want to play with cameras. Hopefully I can find my pot in my Dreamhome bathroom.

    My late husband learned early on to always turn the light on when coming in from second shift. He never knew where I might have put the furniture.

    ROFL!! That does not surprise me one bit. My Ex danced to that same drummer. I can not tell you how many times I barked my shins when I was trying to NOT wake her up after I got home from work.
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Every time I open DS I play with something new. I really enjoy playing with the lights and cameras.

  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919
    edited December 1969

    What is the difference between .dsf and .dsa. I was loading the earrings from Elven dress for gensis and I noticed there were two different files. I also noticed that when I loaded one set, and then changed the pose of genesis the earrings didn't follow. Can't remember which version I used.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Opps, missed that one. Okay folks, truth be told I just really think this thread is a good Idea.

    I'm Asking right now that all CV's and other helpful people help keep this thread up and running. I'm Just a DS semi-know it all.
    Like most New Users I'm still finding my way around DS4.5Pro. I do try to stay on top of all the tips but I do not know the answers
    to all the Questions that can and have been asked.

    I also invite all users to ask any NONE Tech question about DS here. The types of new files and why they exist is not my cup of tea.
    How to use the files and install files I understand just fine.

    I hope to see more Users soon.


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969


    Here is a link to the documentaion about File Formats. It will tell you everything you ever wanted to know, and probably a lot that you didn't :)


    Have fun.

    Must read it myself sometime :red:

  • wiibbwiibb Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi Jaderaid, got advised to come here as I am a new B and ask my question if I had any. I am glad I did come here as now I can go through all the-other posts and learn from them rather than hitting a brick wall and having to relay on others helping me.
    Just one question I do need help with, if you know what costume this is could you please let myself know so I can purchase it from here?
    Thank you and I really look forward to going through your posts

    500 x 650 - 115K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    wiibb said:
    Hi Jaderaid, got advised to come here as I am a new B and ask my question if I had any. I am glad I did come here as now I can go through all the-other posts and learn from them rather than hitting a brick wall and having to relay on others helping me.
    Just one question I do need help with, if you know what costume this is could you please let myself know so I can purchase it from here?
    Thank you and I really look forward to going through your posts
    I'm sorry but I don't know that one wiibb. For the best info on clothing and hair and stuff you will get more people helping you in the Commons Forum. The more folks who see it the better your chance some one will know what set it is. I hope that helps some.

    Feel free to ask anything you like. If I can not help I'll try to find the help you need.
  • wiibbwiibb Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    No problem thank you for your time in getting back to myself Jaderail.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    wiibb said:
    No problem thank you for your time in getting back to myself Jaderail.
    This is kind of my thing, I enjoy it. Happy Rendering.
  • niccipbniccipb Posts: 483
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Okay folks, truth be told I just really think this thread is a good Idea.

    I'm Asking right now that all CV's and other helpful people help keep this thread up and running. I'm Just a DS semi-know it all.
    Like most New Users I'm still finding my way around DS4.5Pro. I do try to stay on top of all the tips but I do not know the answers
    to all the Questions that can and have been asked.

    I also invite all users to ask any NONE Tech question about DS here. The types of new files and why they exist is not my cup of tea.
    How to use the files and install files I understand just fine.

    I hope to see more Users soon.


    Hi Jaderail... :-)

    I think this thread is a great idea for all the new users...

    I will gladly lend a helping hand when and where I can... Unfortunately my free time lately has been limited to the waaay late hours of the nite or waaaaaay early hours of the morning PST. I barely get to do anything in 3D lately...

    But maybe I can guide those that have questions when everyone else is sleeping... :)

    See you around...

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Opps, missed that one. Okay folks, truth be told I just really think this thread is a good Idea.

    I'm Asking right now that all CV's and other helpful people help keep this thread up and running. I'm Just a DS semi-know it all.
    Like most New Users I'm still finding my way around DS4.5Pro. I do try to stay on top of all the tips but I do not know the answers
    to all the Questions that can and have been asked.

    I also invite all users to ask any NONE Tech question about DS here. The types of new files and why they exist is not my cup of tea.
    How to use the files and install files I understand just fine.

    I hope to see more Users soon.


    I'm a newbie when it comes to DS so not sure how much help I can be. I can do most the basics and pretty good with cameras and decent with lights. I'm more of a Poser guru but I'm working hard on DS.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969


    Here is a link to the documentation about File Formats. It will tell you everything you ever wanted to know, and probably a lot that you didn't :)


    Have fun.

    Must read it myself sometime :red:

    Taking this tip further don't forget my tip on page 7 http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/4310/P90/#60979 about showing file extensions. Showing them helps with learning what is what.

    Also here is a direct link to the list of formats you will come across http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/tech_articles/file_extensions/start

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you All for popping In, Frank you'll do fine. Everybody just help with what they can when they can. Now we need some users.

  • wiibbwiibb Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi Guys, now that I have the very very very basics of Daz and the interface could one of you help me out with some started tutorials as the ones I am finding on the net are not up to much and would love to learn a little about lighting and reflections.
    Thanx in advance

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