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Szark, my image in question can be found here:
Yep, I love mine. 24" Asus LED for a great price.
You and I must think a like. 25" Led Backlit LCD at 1920 x 1080 full HD resolution. So clear it's creepy.
EDIT: Nope yours is FULL Led, you dog!!
I bought it through Amazon while I was having this computer build. Two shiny new toys. LOL
Hey, Teach. I'm not really playing hooky. My cold's much better now. I've downloaded a couple of items I reset. Through in the yard until the mower decides to cooperate. Finished surfing the forums--for now. Headed for the coffee pot, then I'll light up and get down to work.
Later, gator.
Anne my dear, as long as you enjoying yourself and dont need me I'm good. I'll be here when you need me, no worries.
Hi Everyone
I have been wondering for a long time, what is the difference between the props and materials in the image, and what is that scrolly thing meant to signify?
Thanks Jaderail, I am learning something new everyday in this thread. I have it bookmarked now so I don't have to keep searching for it.
Didn't get much done today. I did put a goatee on Genesis with the idea of turning into a woman, but then decided to go to a Chibi Boy. Got the giggles, but I liked him. Didn't save or render, but got some ideas simmering from it. I guess at some point I turned my extensions on. I know I did because I got tired of trying to apply pz instead of *r. Just can't change hair color if the hair's not already there.
I knew there was something else. I'm planning to work on posing tomorrow. I know how to split into more than 1 workspace, but is there anyway to have different images in each, like for reference?
You want a different reference image in each Viewport when using a mutli windowed worspace? If that is the case then No, not automatically is the answer, unless you put a plane, with reference image applied, in for each Camera.
To get to know the different File formats may I suggest going to Edit > Preferences (F2) > Content Library and make sure Show File Extension is checked on. This will then show all your content with their associated file extension.
Actually, the scroll means that there's a DAZ Studio script file with the same name as the Poser file in the folder and DS will run the script when you double-click on the thumbnail. Usually that's done to put the DA Studio materials preset in with the Poser mat files, so that each application uses its own optimised settings, but it can be used for other things (for Victoria 4 and Michael 4, for example, i launches the Power loader utility so that you can choose which morphs to load).
You want a different reference image in each Viewport when using a mutli windowed worspace? If that is the case then No, not automatically is the answer, unless you put a plane, with reference image applied, in for each Camera.
Thanks, Szark. That answers my question.
Thanks Szark and Richard for the extra info.
I'm tired of this chickie babe and don't seem to be able to get the pose any closer. I feel like just dressing her and sending her forth.
Yeah, after a certain point, you just have to do that. I've rendered my latest at least 20 times, most of them just trying to get the lighting right, and have probably postworked it to death by now. At this point I think I'm ready to call it "done" and move on to the next project.
Your pose looks really close to to me, especially in the torso and limbs. If you do decide to keep going with it, I think I'd concentrate on the head and hands, and maybe the feet (it's hard to tell). But if you're tired of posing her, maybe moving on to the next step is the best plan of action (there's no reason why you can't revisit the pose afterwards, if you want to).
I do need to work on the tilt of her head. And her right arm is too high in the air.
Back to my Studio, then to WIP thread.
Sorry Anne. I've been a little under the weather. I hope your still getting the help you need. I'll try to be back after my treatment wears off.
Hope you are feeling better soon! And thanks for all your help here and in the WIP thread. :)
Hope you are feeling better soon! And thanks for all your help here and in the WIP thread. :)Thank you Scott. I'm pretty healthy but I still have bad days. Sometimes my treatments knock me down also, it's still to early to tell about today yet.
I'm really bummed tonight. I thought the contest deadline was today. Got up early and worked all day, went to post to the contest and discovered it was over yesterday. I feel more like crying than laughing now.
I never could get her boots to fit. I had a problem trying to find a setting to put her in. I understand slapping a background in. The one I wanted to use just wasn't right. Tried several sets that I had, only to hit the "can't find so and so file." Ended up with an oh, hell, thrown it in oops I think she's sitting in a pool of water.
I've still got some other poses I had picked out that I can work on. Bryce and Hexagon are calling. Should I make a list like Barry does? Still need to learn about shaders, lighting, cameras. I'll think about it tomorrow.
The New Users contest is live for August. I'm offering help on it or any other topic that a New User might need.
I'm sure?? I read somewhere that when using raytraced shadows with DoF you have to use different parameters in your render settings and can't recall what they were. Just wondering if that is correct.
Avatars are back, things are getting better every day.
Check the second post in the August New Users Contest WIP thread. It covers how render settings effect the renders. And has examples to show how it works.
I couldn't get an answer in the thread I posted, guess I'll try my luck here...
I've been tweaking a character for some time now, and I'd like to make a morph out of it, one of those dialable morphs that appear in the shaping tab.
I've found a good tutorial by a guy named Medhue....I save the morph as a support asset, dsf morph, select everything that I've modified, check for the files in the /data/Daz 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs/myname/mymorph...everything seems fine, but the morph doesn't show up! Not in the shaping tab, not even in the parameters tab! What am I doing wrong?
On the side, is there a faster way to do this, considering that my character has a lot of limits set off?