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They are the recommended settings for my NVIDA card.
Can the merchant resource be used or maybe altered in photoshop to be used on the other Gen5 or Gen6 textures?
Yes, provided the overlays are merged onto the texture sets if they are to be sold. EG no separate layers from the resource are to be distributed in any form. For personal use you can do what you want. However they are not meant for Gen6 UV's. Also no freebies are allowed to be made with the resource.
I'd be buying it for personal use, won't be right away, I bought the bundle for Studio but remembered after about all the different UV's so I was thinking if I picked up the merchant resource maybe I could add the overlays to the other UV's from Gen5 or Gen6. I'd be buying the bundle merchant resource for V6 as well...
Thy wont line up on Gen6 UV. You would have to convert them manually.
Oh, ok that's fine then, I'm not that worried about it to go through a lot of trouble, just adding to the other Gen 5 UV's, Gen4 UVs I think are mostly similar
They are similar in a way, and in most cases are fine in certain areas. But you will get stretching and issues at the seams on details that cross them.
Ok, I've only tested once with the aging morphs, awesome program, just haven't got to play around with it much, I'll try on the other UV's if its too bad and I can't cover it up I'll stick with ones that do:)
Thank you for this product I was really waiting for.
Machine: Intel i73960X - 32Gb RAM - NVidia GTX690
DAZ Pro (64bit)
My Library not installed on the disk where DAZ is installed.
Scene: V4.2 with standard textures and nothing else.
I did wait for long without touching mouse or keyboard but Overlay never stopped to create hundreds of " *.tdl " files in "C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp".
a/ Same problem with or without displacement
b/ Problem starting again when opening a saved scene file.
c/ Same problem with all options (vascularity, age spots, Cellulite, etc.)
I opened a request (#150992 ) in DAZ Help Center on Sep 23 without getting any answer up to now.
What can I do to solve this looking like "closed loop script" problem ?
Hmmm. That shouldn't be happening...What skin set\shader is it being applied to?
I did first with Danae LyonSSS (to add freckles to this red hair skin). Then I tried with many other skins and each overlay options. The problem exists for all
For example, because of my pooooooooooooor English, I've already spend 20 minuts writing this post, and the script is still creating tdl files for the simplest default V4.2 standard texture (Materials sample res/!All_Natural_BKN) and only with vascularity diffuse option applied.
Other point: Is it normal that displacement files "V4L AcneLessD.png" and "V4L AcneMoreD.png" are empty ? (Photoshop alarm "Area empty" when I try to copy after selecting all.)
Still testing and something, maybe, important I forgot:
With the simplest V4.2 model as described before:
- first, 9 tdl files named "d2_V4SmplMouthM.tdl" up to "d10_V4SmplFaceM_BKN.tdl" are created.
- second, two tif files are created "d11.tif" and "d12.tif".
- then it's creating continuously numbers of tdl files named "d13_d11.tdl" (1663 ko) "d14_d12.tdl" (1762 ko) ........ after 20 minuts now, for exemple, I am at "d265_d11.tdl" (1663 ko) and "d266_d12.tdl" (1762 ko), and still creating
Testing again and again !
Don't feel harassed please, that's just cause I need your fantastic product.
I just test an option, I confess, I never tested before: "Cellulite bump". The "less" and "more" options are trying to locate "V4L BaseD.jpg" in torso directory. But, as a V4 L , it is in limbs directory.
Checking this point in the textures drectories, I found many "*.dsi" files there.
I deleted all and I did another test with my simplest V4.2 standard texture with vascularity diffuse only. No dsi created.
Then I did the same with vascularity diffuse AND displacement then I found 3 dsi files, one in each V4 sub-directories:
V4F BaseD_00100_SkinOverlay.dsi V4L BaseD_00001L00_SkinOverlay.dsi V4T BaseD_00001L0_SkinOverlay.dsi
I'm sorry but It's not allowed to attach dsi files here. So, I attached them in my DAZ Help Center request (#150992).
Contrary to tdl and tif filescreated in "C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp" which are deleted when I delete the scene, those ones stay in the textures directories.
So sorry for all these posts.
Thank you
We are taking note...Will have Draagonstorm look at your posts...
No answer from Draagonstorm but Cristina Galloway answered she is unable to duplicate the error and asked me what textures and shaders I used. I answered the same I answered you, standard textures and no shader.
this wouldn't work in poser I suppose?
Is it worth buying for a poser only user ie just manually apply the layers to the textures in photoshop or not?
Love esther
This won't work in Poser unless you manually apply them. Also if you manually apply them, you have to resize the dimensions to match the dimensions of your texture set. The script for DAZ auto detects and resizes the overlays to match, so it does all the hard work. If you are going the manual route, then the merchant resource is the better option.
well I do have DS. Maybe I could create the textures in DS and then store them for use in poser?
You can do that, if you know how. Basically apply the overlays on your skinset and save that as a preset, and convert for poser.
and it could then do displacement in poser too? I mean I'm just assuming it uses a displacement map as part of the way it works?
Yes. However the displacement has to be applied like this in Poser.
It might be worth it one day, to make one elderly looking character for my comic. I will think about it. I"m not up to that part anyway. mabye by then there will be something like your product for poser natively.
Anyway you've done a brilliant job! It looks great!
Thanks dear.
Maybe you should uninstall, redownload and reinstall. I've tested this on two different computers, I know Zev0 ran the script on his computer... The DAZ tester ran the script... And the other people who have purchased and ran the script are not having these issues.
Sorry my answer isn't more helpful.
I just did. Nothing better.
I will try to find the way to change my licence to the merchant ressource, if Zev0 agrees.
I hope I didn't give a bad image of this product to the other users as it's really a fantastic creation.
Thanks to all.
Lol no harm done. Sorry you are having issues with it.
Sorry, but I have an problem with the Skin Overlay :( He doesn't start.
If I trial to load the Script, I get an error report (An error occurred while reading the file...) In the logfiles stands "Failed to load script file!"
I have downloaded the file again, uninstall the old files and install the new, but there's the same result :(
Have anyone an idea, what I could do?
It would be best to contact DAZ Support... My first questions would be What is your Operating System and Version of DAZ Studio?
Thanks DraagonStorm. I will contact the DAZ Support. (my operating system is WIn 7 Prem and DAZ I should update DAZ , it's an idea :) )
I'm applying Vascularity More and Skin Details to a Generation 5 Genesis character. He is mapped with M5 UV. The skin uses omHumanSurface shader, but is silver in color. (I applied Glitterpaint -25 Silver.dsa from the Supersuit SciFi Pack before applying the skin overlay). I'm getting this error in my log file, and no displacement is applied to my character.
Executing DAZ Script file: I:/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Shader Presets/Supersuit/Metal/Glitterpaint - 25 Silver.dsa
Script executed successfully.
WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 17 unknown for QWidget)
WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 18 unknown for QWidget)
WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 17 unknown for QWidget)
Executing DAZ Script file: I:/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DIM Library/Scripts/Skin Overlay/SkinOverlay Gen5UV.dse
WARNING: Script Error: Line 1497
WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'oMap' [null] is not an object.
WARNING: Stack Trace:
Error in script execution!
But if I apply the M5 Phillip skin, which also uses omHumanSurface shader, the skin overlay works OK.
Please help me get the skin overlays to work on my silver painted man!
I am running DS on Windows 7 64 bits.