*closed* RRRR chain render contest



  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited October 2013

    TAG: KaribousBoutique #5

    Last pull...
    6752 War Dog for Genesis (DAZ)
    6117 The Laced Dress for Dawn (RO)
    395 Archeress (RO)

    NO idea how I'll incorporate these into my Saga, but I have a lot to live up to... :D I have a week, at least!

    Wow. This was not what I expected. And GOOD GRIEF, did that take a loooooooong time to finish. The first one is the actual entry. I posted the composite renders under it, just for fun. :) Originals of all renders are way over 2000 x 2000 px, so I hope the details aren't too lost in compression. My "new software used" ended up being 3DS Max AND Inventor, though I cheated a little. My boyfriend made the picture frames and 3D text for me in Inventor and I converted them in Max for use in Poser. :P

    Originals (full sized, not compressed:)
    Wall of Heroes
    Kaly Dragonheart
    Descendents of Princess The Slain
    Blue Wizards of Protection
    The Great Archeress

    Title: Wall of Heroes

    Generations later, elven descendents could come to this wall and gaze upon the strong heroes who kept Elvenkind safe. Amongst legends such as the Blue Wizards of Protection and The Great Archeress were the legacies of two women who fatefully stumbled into a mob of Puffball Barbarians --- Kaly, the avenger and Princess, the slain.

    OH -- and -- HA! Proud Member of the Bald Wizards Club!!

    2000 x 1927 - 449K
    1821 x 2000 - 376K
    1639 x 2000 - 379K
    2000 x 1564 - 380K
    2000 x 1268 - 425K
    Post edited by Karibou on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited October 2013

    ...OK for the second submission (and probably my last one considering tomorrow is the deadline).

    This one took a bit of thought on how to combine all the items into something that made a bit of sense. The rollover item was actually also randomly chosen from the four items used in the last submission.

    Considering the month I felt it would be a bit of fun as well as an interesting challenge to play a bit with the Halloween theme as well.

    so without further adieu:

    Random Draw #2:

    651: Light The Way
    1043: Sadie 16
    1049: SF Barriers and walls


    Quilted Bunny Dazed

    Additional items used:

    Sadie Morphs+
    Sav Molina Hair
    Sadie Wear Tights (retextured with The Fabricator Mach Pack)
    Steampunk Accessories Hat
    Galadriel Dress (Tunic version) with Steampunk texture (free)
    Boots for Sadie (free)
    France's Sadie Skin Tones (free)
    Western Bric a Brac Leather Bag (retextured with The Fabricator & Willmap's Assorted Shaders)

    Mavka for Genesis
    Chelsea Hair
    Carry Bag (3DS- free - retextured with The Fabricator & Willmap's Assorted Shaders)
    Kerosene Lantern (3DS - free)

    Professor Paxton:
    Toon Gramps
    Mad Scientist for Toon Gramps
    Mitch Hair (free)

    "The Professor's Assistant":
    Freak 4
    The Tin Man
    Jepe's SteamZ

    "Compound walls"(retextured with DZFire's Real Metal Shaders and GHazes Fast Metals):
    Iron Gate Top (retextured with DZFire's Real Metal Shaders)

    "The Manor":
    Cathedral (free- retextured with Eva's Urban Shaders, Magical Granite Shader, and DZ Fire's Real Metal Shaders)
    The Ballroom: (front doors and lower windows).
    GIS Nova (dome - retextured with DZ Fire's Real Metal Shaders)
    Dystopia Power Tower (free - retextured with DZ Fire's Real Metal Shaders)
    Awning (free Retextured with DZ Fire's Real Metal Shaders)
    Jepe's SteamZ

    Steampunk Truck Bizon
    Jepe's SteamZ

    "The Grounds":
    LB Creepy Trees 2
    LB Ancient Trees
    The Church (Ground Plane)
    Lune Portal (Ground Plane)

    Fog Tool Deluxe
    AoA's Atmospheric Effects Cameras
    Skies of Economy

    Created and rendered in Daz Studio 4.6
    Minor Postwork in GIMP

    Their steam carriage having broke down, Maggie and Drusilla along with their "Flutterglow" headed down the road on foot towards what appeared to be an estate in the distance in hopes of acquiring some assistance (as well as a warm cup of tea to ward off the night's chill). As the two approached the already open gate and looked in, they realised this was no typical country manor. Indeed, they had stumbled upon the home and laboratory of none other than the mysterious and quite eccentric inventor, Professor Percival Paxton.

    Their lantern's light betraying their presence, the two were approached by the professor and his mechanical assistant who had apparently been busy unloading supplies and equipment.

    "Please, do come in my fair young ladies" the professor invited, "it is not good for ones such as yourselves to be out on the highway so late, besides tonight for I hear there is a storm on the way." Looking up at their hovering companion he remarked, "By the way, that is a very fine specimen of a Flutterglow you have there, a much more accurate guide than any map."

    Before Drusilla could accept his seemingly kind offer and tell him of their plight, A wary Maggie pulled her aside with a look of concern on her face and whispered...

    "Do You really think It's Safe?"

    1499 x 1175 - 1M
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Well Doggies... KK is still at it. Well then I shall keep on as I said I would. Maybe I'll get something that speaks to me this round, PULL!

    Hold over is Aged for V4.
    #85 - Attitude Expressions
    #936 - Quilted Leather for V4
    #1170 - The Garbage Pile

    Well, huh. Not a thing went Click so I'll think on this a little while.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    Wow! Kyoto Kid, that is really something! I can't believe you took the time to write down all those gazillion items in this picture. Well done, and a nice story, too.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...thank you. Have really been on both a shader and a kitbash kick these days. Not only is it an interesting challenge but it really extends the capability of the old runtime (also makes up for my lack of modelling skill).

    Coming up with the story was one of the fun parts.

    Will try another pull but can't guarantee I'll get it finished in time.

    Well got to post in the render only thread and head off to bed.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Okay, now that I've had time to browse the thread, I'll throw my comments at everyone, all at once! I went through the "entries only" thread, so if I've missed one, it's because it isn't there. :)

    obanion#01 (Title: Indiana Jones, This Guy Is Not) Yeah... my boyfriend is an engineer and he would TOTALLY go after the Ark of the Covenant with hand tools.
    Totte #01 (Agnes is overseeing the LOL-FRAG operation) Agnes scares me a little. Is that wrong??
    MelanieL#1 (Title: Who Done It?) My own cat is just grinning at me as we look at this picture...
    Sasje#01 (Title: “Not all creatures are bad”) My daughter would give an arm for a pet dragon!!
    hawkonthewing#1 (Title: Visiting El Dorado) Nice effects -- I'd vacation there, I think! :)
    Sasje#02 (Title: “Minor maintenance for the little tuff tuff”) If it's possible, the little tuff tuff looks a little nervous, lol!
    obanion#02 (Title: “I’m Just Sayin’....”) Hickeys? :lol:
    obanion#03 (Title: Enticements Notwithstanding, Their Parents Taught Them Well) Anyone driving former produce is suspicious...
    Sasje#03 (Title: “Intruders”) ANY render with an upside-down person is awesome!!
    obanion#04 (Title: Channel-Surfing) The tidy-whities really make the piece for me. A man watching crappy TV in his undies. What's not to love??
    Meanie#1 (Never Eat Mysterious Cupcakes) Good advice. Not-so-good outcome for the, er, pig...
    Totte:#02 (The junk food festival) The McMutant clown makes ALL of us uneasy. After all, as meanie pointed out, never eat mysterious junk food....
    Sasje#04 (Title: “Down in the shelter”) Mmmmm. Burgers....
    barbult #1 (Title: Visiting Hours) This is adorable and sad at the same time!!
    barbult#2(Title: Jungle Honeymoon) Ahhh... The backstory. Love it!! They look so happy, lol.
    ChangelingChick#01 (Title: Maybe the guy in the middle?) I think suspect #1 is about to pee his pants...
    ChangelingChick#02 (Title: Earlier that day…) Wow, it's been one heck of a day!!
    barbult#3 (Title: Fatal Distraction) Oh no!!! The king has been eaten?!
    luci45#1 (Flying Ninja Delivery Service) Do they charge extra for that? Because I could TOTALLY go for a flying ninja pizza guy.
    luci45#2 (Danielle’s talking Horse) Sometimes, when *I* finish an entire bottle, I see talking horses, too. Okay, not really, but if I did, I'd probably drink more!
    luci45#3 (Awakening from Cryosleep) NOBODY should look that perky after waking up, especially after a few centuries... And teh "gender neutral" society made me laugh -- you did a perfect job depicting it!
    ChangelingChick#03 (“Your bodyguard creeps me out…”) Yeah, me too. Lol. Love the hanger with the dress, though!
    Sasje#05 (Title: “Fashion”) LOL. This is a conversation I KNOW I've had with my boyfriend. Only I was not in latex/kevlar? at the time!
    Zawarkal#01 (Title: |:| By Day By Night) Oooooh. Dramatic and surreal! Very cool!!
    ChangelingChick#04 (Title: “I’ll wear it, I just… I wish you’d put on some pants…”) LOL. I wish he would, too!! :D
    obanion#05 (Title: When Worlds Collide) I see a Disney Special in the making here. Trust me, my daughter watches WAY too much Disney channel -- I can see Hannah Montana as Julie...
    gopherus #01 (Title: Tales of von Münchhausen) Love the book!!!
    Meanie#2 (Title: Trying to Remember the Night (aka How Exactly Did I Get Here)) Cool effects! And at least she didn't end up AS a pig (like the Mysterious Cupcake gal.)
    MelanieL#2 (Title: Horse Valeting) Not sure which creature I'd put my money on, but the PEOPLE aren't in the running!
    KyotoKid #01 (Title: Oooooooooh, Pretty.) You don't need any expensive software! It **is** pretty!! :D Fantastic expression on her face.
    Totte#3 (M is upset: Take the bloody shot!) ...Like shooting fish in a barrel...
    Totte#04 (Wack-A-Frank) Again, this is a visual I will always remember. Right up there with the inflated pants...
    zawarkal#2 (|:| Government Shutdown - Shall We Dance |:|) Excellent use of the components! Nice symbolism, too.
    luci45#4 (Oscar Rat’s Fresh Seafood) This almost tops the flying ninja service!!
    luci45#5 (The Bergonzi Twins and Friends) Wow -- is that a bassoon?? I thought *I* had weird things in my runtime!!
    barbult #4 (Muck Found Guilty) Failure to return the king... Bummer, lol. Poor Mavka looks like she needs a tranquilizer!! Great expressions on everyone!!
    Scott-Livingston #1 (title: A Dish Best Served Cold) And revenge involving an axe (even when used for carving sushi) is ALWAYS more fun!
    barbult #5 (Title: Incarceration) Muck is having a rough day....
    Jade #1 (Title - ..give me the Strength, Please!) I have never seen such a fantastic (oversized) "dead" expression!
    KyotoKid #2 (Title: “Do You really think It’s Safe?”) This is a PERFECT Halloween scene. Creepy Tin Man, crazy scientist, adorable steampunk kiddies... Excellent!!
    luci45 (extra): LOL! Couldn't help noticing the "gender neutral" party-goers -- but the bassoon is out of the frame, lol.

    SHEW! That was actually more fun than reviewing one at a time, because I got to see the fun chain-story arcs that some of you went with. This has been an AWESOME month of renders!! :D

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...OK third pull: We'll see if I can get something done in time.

    #224 Cherish Top
    #1225 Teen Ashley Character and Hair
    #1404 Vandalised Parkside Passenger Car (+Parkside Passenger Car)


    SciFi Barriers and Walls. (randomised from pick # 2)

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    However I'm going to risk another pull in the hope that the remaining 9 days will be enough!
    727 = Regency Boy for Kids 4
    1266 = Persian Palace Decor 1
    988 = Western Gear
    Chained Item: Pattern Magic I - Two-Toned Fabrics

    Well those days were only just enough... I think I've been spending too much time at the store and not enough using stuff!

    Title: Boys Games

    Also Used:
    Happy Boy (Genesis) = Tweens for Justin, Caleb skin, K-Nicky Hair
    Sad Boy (Genesis) = Tween for Justin, Aaron skin, Alexios Hair
    Toy Soldiers = Lorenzo Lorez with military outfits from Varsel (on ShareCG)
    The Reading Room
    Easy Environments - Grasslands

    1024 x 768 - 456K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited December 1969

    Luci45 (09/Oct) - yes I have something that passes for real life, but that doesn't really explain why I've spent so little time on this contest, I just couldn't seem to settle to it this time.
    KaribousBoutique - well done for taking the time to do such a thorough run-through of all the entries! I feel rather guilty that I've not been more active on this thread. I'll have to eventually do that run-through in order to vote, but procrastination has been the name of my game this month. :red:

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...gahh, came up with a good idea that would have worked and been completed in time, then realised the Teen Ashely character is V4 while the Cherish top is G2F and the G2 update for GenX is still in development (most likely waiting on G2M and Mike6).

    Nice afternoon gotta take a short walk to think about this.

  • SylvanSylvan Posts: 2,718
    edited December 1969

    Argh, I need to switch from Luxus render engine towards the native engine from DAZ ... Somehow Luxus has trouble with strecthed objects...

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    Luci45 (09/Oct) - yes I have something that passes for real life, but that doesn't really explain why I've spent so little time on this contest, I just couldn't seem to settle to it this time.
    KaribousBoutique - well done for taking the time to do such a thorough run-through of all the entries! I feel rather guilty that I've not been more active on this thread. I'll have to eventually do that run-through in order to vote, but procrastination has been the name of my game this month. :red:

    It really was fun sitting down with them all at once this month. Seeing how people "chained" their renders from one to the next was very inspiring -- and usually hilarious, too. :lol:

  • SylvanSylvan Posts: 2,718
    edited October 2013

    I got a little carried away by the postwork, but hey, I had fun!
    My numbers and items were:
    #598 Mystical touch
    #326 Grassy Ground
    #540 Buccaneer basic
    #48 Sir Graham expansion
    Forgot to add the title: Transcend

    1214 x 1619 - 209K
    Post edited by Sylvan on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969

    Back from the outback, contest closed ( a little late)
    Super contest, and thanks to Kari for the commets (but the floater pants was Luci's)

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited December 1969

    It was a fun contest. I liked the chain thing and am sorry I didn't do a story. The stories were very cool.

    Zawarkal #2 So many of your renders have a mythological weightiness - this US government shutdown one makes me very uneasy, like there is more than political grandstanding. That's why the "powerful" comment.

    barbult #4 Poor Muck and Mavka! I love this render - their bright colors in the cold environment say so much.
    #5 So ends the story (unless there is a sequel, like the Son (or daughter) of Muck breaking him out in a few more years.)

    Scott-Livingston #1 LOL, another crazy chef! I love the bright colors in the dark background.

    Jaderail, wow, a render! Very nice. It's been a long time! And thanks for inspiring Kyoto Kid too.

    KaribousBoutique #5 - a spectacular finale! I enjoyed the story and am in awe of your use of the different softwares. (And welcome to the Bald Wizards Club.)

    Kyoto Kid #2 I love both of your entries. I usually don't like 'toons but these are really fascinating.

    Thanks, KaribousBoutique, for the comments. I'm glad someone got a chuckle from my gender neutral characters. (I don't know how Dean looks so fresh after cryo-sleep. I think he dolled up a bit for the picture, which was difficult with makeup so hard to find there.)

    MelanieL#3 I know what you mean: I've spend more time shopping than rendering this month and last. Nice render! I love the Grasslands outside. I love Varsel's Lorenzo clothes too. He did a great job with them.

    Estroyer - Excellent postwork! I think it worked really well.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I planned to Match the Kid render for Render but forgot the end date for this RRRR. Opps. And that said, maybe Next time I'll put some effort in my stuff, I was just so not feeling it on that one.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited October 2013

    ...got close on #3 but ran out of time. A big part was issues I had loading V4 into 4.6 which I had to figure my way around at the time. Almost got the Cherish top to work on Ashley with some "trickery" but need more practise in creating geometry shells. What I really needed was the G2F - Genesis clone so I could have loaded Ashley into my V4 Genesis via GenX and then used the G2F clone to fit the top to her. The perils of being flat broke.

    ...decided to continue working on the scene anyway as I like where it is going.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • SiscaSisca Posts: 875
    edited December 1969

    I came to late to this one so is there talk of doing another one and when might it start up?

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    Back from the outback, contest closed ( a little late)
    Super contest, and thanks to Kari for the commets (but the floater pants was Luci's)

    I know they were Luci's -- Just saying it's in the "RRRR" hall of fame in my mind. SECOND to Luci's floating pants, but still in the top 5. :P
  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    KaribousBoutique, thanks for your comments

    Luci45, thanks for the followup

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969
  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    KaribousBoutique thank you for the comments

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...a little belated (too much RL rubbish to deal with at the wrong time) however KaribousBoutique, thank you very much for the comments.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    You're all very welcome -- it was loads of fun.

    KK -- I can hardly fault you for being delayed, since I didn't post my comments until the very end of the contest!! :D

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    The forums will NOT let me post to the voting thread... says my "entry cannot be submitted at this time." Grrr! Anyway, I voted!!

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    The forums will NOT let me post to the voting thread... says my "entry cannot be submitted at this time." Grrr! Anyway, I voted!!

    You've said the same before or it was to short. The software thinks it spam I think

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...yeah, things like a simple "Thanks" or "Thank You" are often rejected unless you enter something else with itto make it long enough.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Lol... Nobody has ever accused me of being NOT long-winded enough before!! :D

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Finally a chance to check back.

    Thanks for your comments Luci45, Karibousboutique and KyotoKid

    KK. loved the expressions on your kid refugees from Mos Eisley
    and your lighting and backstory in "Safe" was really well done

    Totte. lol! Whack a Frank is such fun!

    Barbult. Mucks carriage and four gaol wagon is really great.

    Luci45. love your musical combo s. almost reminds me of Arca Iris an argentian group that used to play around so. cal.
    in their range of instruments

    MelanieL. nice action figures for your boy games on a blustery day.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969

    Look here to see the winners: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/31526/

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