PostgreSQL CMS Connection on a Mac



  • Eternal ForceEternal Force Posts: 301

    I've been through many pages on this forum regarding solutions trying everything offered to get a PostreSQL CMS connection to work. There are no conflicts with my firewall and has never been the case since using any version of Daz3d. I've uninstalled and reinstalled including the Daz program 5 times now, even attempting to change the port numbers that after a restart of Daz to note it has reverted back to whatever numbers were originally there. And still can't find a connection. I'm on macOS High Sierra. It's clear there is no One Fix Fits All to this problem that goes across both Windows and Mac. I've never had to change any admin rights in the past to get Daz3d to work. And noting now since doing a fresh install of Daz Studio when starting up am no longer being asked with a popup to accept any connection. I'm about to give up and move back to using Poser. Sorry and one very disappointed user that has spent money on some great content I can't use because of this problem. Not unless I'm willing to have to look through all the folders to find it and to build scenes which defeat the whole purpose of the user content interface and no access to the features.

    My problem exactly. Looking for a solution as well. The only difference is that I have MacOS Mojave. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Rob says:


    in Terminal...--cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/DAZ\ 3D--sudo chown -R YOUR_USER_NAME /cms


  • daolondondaolondon Posts: 0
    alserov said:

    I've been through many pages on this forum regarding solutions trying everything offered to get a PostreSQL CMS connection to work. There are no conflicts with my firewall and has never been the case since using any version of Daz3d. I've uninstalled and reinstalled including the Daz program 5 times now, even attempting to change the port numbers that after a restart of Daz to note it has reverted back to whatever numbers were originally there. And still can't find a connection. I'm on macOS High Sierra. It's clear there is no One Fix Fits All to this problem that goes across both Windows and Mac. I've never had to change any admin rights in the past to get Daz3d to work. And noting now since doing a fresh install of Daz Studio when starting up am no longer being asked with a popup to accept any connection. I'm about to give up and move back to using Poser. Sorry and one very disappointed user that has spent money on some great content I can't use because of this problem. Not unless I'm willing to have to look through all the folders to find it and to build scenes which defeat the whole purpose of the user content interface and no access to the features.

    My problem exactly. Looking for a solution as well. The only difference is that I have MacOS Mojave. 

    I am having the exact same issue and have the same laptop too :(

  • Eternal ForceEternal Force Posts: 301

    Rob says:


    in Terminal...--cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/DAZ\ 3D--sudo chown -R YOUR_USER_NAME /cms


    What does this commmand do? Can you specify it, please? 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    It sets the access permissions on the specified folder for your account (you have to use your own user name) so that it can be used correctly.

  • Eternal ForceEternal Force Posts: 301

    It sets the access permissions on the specified folder for your account (you have to use your own user name) so that it can be used correctly.

    Thank you very much for your help,  Richard! :)

    I usually prefer to change pemissions by using Finder. Not that it matters much. Please have a look at the screen shot of the access permissions of my cms folder. As you can see, I have a full permission. Should I delete the other two positions - "staff" and "everyone"?


    CMS permissions.png
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  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    Try create the directory ContentCluster inside the cms directory, then run DS and see if it "populate ContentCluster with files.

  • Eternal ForceEternal Force Posts: 301
    Totte said:

    Try create the directory ContentCluster inside the cms directory, then run DS and see if it "populate ContentCluster with files.

    Hi Totte!

    After creating ContentCluster folder and running DAZ Studio nothing happened. My freshly created ContentCluster folder is empty :(

    It really looks like a permission problem on my Mac.  I am unable to change the port number, for instance. shows totally different port number  than CMS Settings in DS Preferences. Not to mention, that ContentCluster folder was not created in the first place.  As I understand that there supposed to be a log file in this ContentCluster folder. It is not there. However, it must be somewhere since I can see the log when I go to the Menu/Help/Troubleshooting/View Log File

  • Eternal ForceEternal Force Posts: 301

    I just discovered strange pemissions for my Library/ApplicationSupport/DAZ 3D folder. Please have a look. Should I give the permission to me only or should I leave it as it is?

    CMS permissions1.png
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  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    What you do then, is to set you as owner with read-write then change it deep (there is a checkbox for that which will change all directories from The one you fiddle at down the tree.

  • Eternal ForceEternal Force Posts: 301
    daolondon said:
    alserov said:

    I've been through many pages on this forum regarding solutions trying everything offered to get a PostreSQL CMS connection to work. There are no conflicts with my firewall and has never been the case since using any version of Daz3d. I've uninstalled and reinstalled including the Daz program 5 times now, even attempting to change the port numbers that after a restart of Daz to note it has reverted back to whatever numbers were originally there. And still can't find a connection. I'm on macOS High Sierra. It's clear there is no One Fix Fits All to this problem that goes across both Windows and Mac. I've never had to change any admin rights in the past to get Daz3d to work. And noting now since doing a fresh install of Daz Studio when starting up am no longer being asked with a popup to accept any connection. I'm about to give up and move back to using Poser. Sorry and one very disappointed user that has spent money on some great content I can't use because of this problem. Not unless I'm willing to have to look through all the folders to find it and to build scenes which defeat the whole purpose of the user content interface and no access to the features.

    My problem exactly. Looking for a solution as well. The only difference is that I have MacOS Mojave. 

    I am having the exact same issue and have the same laptop too :(

    Today I've been able to solve my CMS problem thanks to the script of Totte. My relief is enormous! I am so happy! :) You can try this script too. DAZ Studio CMS Fix for macOS Catalina

  • mavantemavante Posts: 734
    edited May 2020

    Can anybody decipher this from my log? The only thing I did before this problem started is I chose in System Preferences "Default macOS Graphics Driver" rather than "NVIDIA Web Driver," mainly because my computer kept crashing to a black screen often when I had Daz Studio open, and I wanted to see if that web driver was the cause.

    Then I restarted, and kept getting the dreaded "Unable to connect to valid PostgreSQL ..." death message. I have now restarted my computer several times and get the same thing. I did NOTHING else. All the relevant folder permission seem to be the same as always, with my having Read and Write permissions.

    ===============BEGIN BOTTOM OF LOG SECTION ================

    LOG:  received smart shutdown request
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
    LOG:  shutting down
    LOG:  database system is shut down
    LOG:  database system was shut down at 2020-05-02 14:39:28 CDT
    LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
    FATAL:  pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "[local]", user "xxxxxxxxxxx", database "postgres", SSL off
    LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 2020-05-02 15:16:59 CDT
    FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    LOG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
    FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    LOG:  record with zero length at 2/8F5C3450
    LOG:  redo is not required
    FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
    LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
    FATAL:  pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "[local]", user "xxxxxxxxxxx", database "postgres", SSL off
    LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction
    WARNING:  pgstat wait timeout
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
    LOG:  received smart shutdown request
    LOG:  shutting down

    ==============END BOTTOM OF LOG SECTION=========

    Sometimes in the past I have gotten that message after a reboot, but if I waited a few minutes and restarted DS, it would be fine. Not this time.

    God, this is madness.

    ETA: I put the "xxxxxxxxxxx" in where my username was in case that wasn't clear.

    UPDATE: I just recalled something that happened while about six other things were going on: I had one of those unexpected "black screen" crashes of my computer today while—as usual—Daz Studio was running. It was running hidden, though, while I had Safari open in the foreground. And I think that DS may have been in the middle of a "Reimport Metadata" operation I had started some time earlier, before hiding it. There's no way I'll ever know if it actually was, but if so, it likely corrupted the database.

    I read elsewhere about somebody using "Stop CMS" and then "Start CMS" in one of the Content Directory submenus, so I guess I will try that, and then do a "Reset databse," and then another reimport operation and see if that fixes it.

    UPDATE 2: I went to eat dinner, then fed and walked my dogs. Then I came back to open DS and try the fixes I mentiioned above— But it had [CUE TWILIGHT ZONE MUSIC] >>>fixed itself<<<.

    Post edited by mavante on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited May 2020

    LOG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress

    Usually mean the database was not properly shutdown, but rather killed without mercy, and leaving the database in a non stable state. When this happens, a database then uses a backup with a stable state and the transaction logs, which are every change that has happened since the last stable state, and applies them to the database, which usually will take a lot of time compared to starting up a database in stable state.

    Post edited by Totte on
  • redbikersredbikers Posts: 13


    I want to delete the message and remove the connection to postgreSQL, I have a Mac with SO Mojave, help me :-)


    91 x 40 - 3K
  • adaceyadacey Posts: 186
    edited August 2020

    I've started getting this error.

    FATAL: pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "[local]", user "andrew", database "postgres", SSL off


    Since my day job is nothing but UNIX Sysadmin work I took a look at the pg_hba.conf file. The dead giveaway here is it's saying [local] so it's not showing the IP address, it's trying to make a socket connection instead.

    The pg_hba.conf file I have has the following line:

    # CAUTION: Configuring the system for local "trust" authentication# allows any local user to connect as any PostgreSQL user, including# the database superuser. If you do not trust all your local users,# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all rejectlocal   all             all                                     reject

    So I started playing around with options.

    First, I tried adding the following line above the reject line:

    local all andrew trust

    That then gave me the following error:

    FATAL: role "andrew" does not exist

    Bingo, I'm on the right track with the connection method

    I tried a couple of other options that didn't seem to resolve it, so in spite of the dire warnings otherwise, I went with the following line for now:

    local all all trust

    That got me back to the same error about my role. So it looks like something has gotten fouled up with the DB between releases or something similar. Short of nuking the whole ContentCluster directory, does anybody have a suggested fix for this?

    Post edited by adacey on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    I've been getting them since 2017, but I have no problems with the CMS, so I guess it's something else (system util maybe), that is trying to access the database.

    FATAL:  pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "[local]", user "totte", database "postgres", SSL off


  • adaceyadacey Posts: 186
    Totte said:

    I've been getting them since 2017, but I have no problems with the CMS, so I guess it's something else (system util maybe), that is trying to access the database.

    FATAL:  pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "[local]", user "totte", database "postgres", SSL off


    It perfectly coincides with when I start up DAZ and get the error about the CMS connection failing, so that's what leads me to think it's related. Tempted to just nuke the CMS dir and rebuild the DB.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    adacey said:
    Totte said:

    I've been getting them since 2017, but I have no problems with the CMS, so I guess it's something else (system util maybe), that is trying to access the database.

    FATAL:  pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "[local]", user "totte", database "postgres", SSL off


    It perfectly coincides with when I start up DAZ and get the error about the CMS connection failing, so that's what leads me to think it's related. Tempted to just nuke the CMS dir and rebuild the DB.

    It's timed with the startup of the DB probably, not related to the CMS errors.

    Maybe correlation, but not causation 
    Do you get these errors all startups of DS?


  • adaceyadacey Posts: 186
    Totte said:

    It's timed with the startup of the DB probably, not related to the CMS errors.

    Maybe correlation, but not causation 
    Do you get these errors all startups of DS?


    True, and of course I've not looked at the DB logs before I started getting this issue. Permissions on the directory look fine. I'm now on 10.15.6, I've not been using DAZ that much lately, but I want to say that it was fine on the previous OS release. So it's either a DAZ update or an OSX update as the likely culprits.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    adacey said:
    Totte said:

    It's timed with the startup of the DB probably, not related to the CMS errors.

    Maybe correlation, but not causation 
    Do you get these errors all startups of DS?


    True, and of course I've not looked at the DB logs before I started getting this issue. Permissions on the directory look fine. I'm now on 10.15.6, I've not been using DAZ that much lately, but I want to say that it was fine on the previous OS release. So it's either a DAZ update or an OSX update as the likely culprits.

    I would say 10.5.6 update. 
    Postgres usually dislikes when someone else can read the DB files, so permissions might need narrowing, not widening


  • adaceyadacey Posts: 186
    Totte said:

    I would say 10.5.6 update. 
    Postgres usually dislikes when someone else can read the DB files, so permissions might need narrowing, not widening


    I thought of that, so I checked all of the permissions in ContentCluster and found all of the dirs are 0700 and files are 600.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    OK, hmm, does Postgres say it starts or does it startup, complain and then die?
    No firewall/system permissions to prevent it from opening listening ports?


  • adaceyadacey Posts: 186

    Argh, I'm an idiot. Due to some power issues at home, I'd been shifting around my plugs and running a more limited set of peripherals. One thing I'd left unplugged? My external HD that has all of my DAZ content on it. As soon as I plugged that in the errors disappeared.

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,128
    adacey said:

    Argh, I'm an idiot. Due to some power issues at home, I'd been shifting around my plugs and running a more limited set of peripherals. One thing I'd left unplugged? My external HD that has all of my DAZ content on it. As soon as I plugged that in the errors disappeared.

    The phrase, "I hate when that happens," comes to mind.

  • Please help me. I'm having the same problem and have checked other forums, but my skills are not up to the task. I cannot solve this problem.
    First of all, I started by moving DAZ contents from internal HDD (C:) to external SSD (E:).
    After that, I got greedy and thought "it might be easier to migrate programs to external SSD now when I bought a new PC", so I migrated all program files too.
    That is the beginning of the nightmare.
    The environment used is Win10, and the security is a firewall, Win standard defender, and avast.
    By the way, what I have tried so far is
    1. Move the migrated files back to the C drive.
    2. Turn off all security monitoring, including the firewall (I wanted to give DS permission for the firewall, but it didn't appear in the pro-frames list and I couldn't tell if it was currently allowed or denied, so I had to turn it off).
    Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the 3.cms and DS programs and DIM at least 10 times, including the C and E drives (currently on the E drive).
    4. Changing the port dozens of times (it was easy to change from the cmscfg.json file under the DAZ 3D/cms directory).
    5. The ProgramData folder (usually hidden) in the C drive has a DAZ 3D/CMS folder, which also contains the cmscfg.json file, so I changed the file path there to refer to PostgreSQL CMS/bin in the E drive. . (Changing this makes the 6 work well.)
    6. Make sure the file path is correct from ContentDirectoryManager and that the path to the cms folder is referenced in both DIM and DS. For example: E:User/nyo/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms
    7. Permissions have also been checked. Full control is available for all permissions. I changed all read-only data → read write data.

    By the way, this is the latest log data in dblog.txt.

    STATEMENT:  ALTER USER "dzcms" SET statement_timeout TO 300000;
    LOG:  received smart shutdown request
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
    LOG:  shutting down
    LOG:  database system is shut down
    LOG:  database system was shut down at 2020-09-04 20:48:35 JST
    LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
    FATAL:  role "nyo" does not exist
    ERROR:  could not read block 0 in file "global/11915": read only 0 of 8192 bytes
    STATEMENT:  ALTER USER "dzcms" SET statement_timeout TO 300000;
    LOG:  received smart shutdown request
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
    LOG:  shutting down
    LOG:  database system is shut down


    I keep getting this error but I don't know what to do to fix it. I don't know what to do to solve this problem. Please help me. Thank you.

  • I had the exact same problem but my solution was much simpler. Recntly I need to make room on my C drive so I moved my Daz3D folder to a Programs folder I created on the D drive. Since the Installer originally installed it on the C drive, I guess it was still looking for it there. I went into the installer and right-clicked on PostgreSQL CMS and the on show installed files(which were blaked-out and not clickable). I went to the location they should've been and confirmed that the files were not there. I sthen uninstalled the PostgreSQL CMS file and reinstalled it and it automatically installed itself on to the D drive inside the Daz folder. I restarted Daz and everything works fine.

  • Ok so just to confirm Totte's solution is spot on. Mac 2011 running High Sierra. First I needed to change permissions for the fiolders (exactly as the user Galactic Wind - noone had privys to the DAZ3D folder). So I added myself as read/write to DAZ3D folder and then created the ContentCluster folder - again with read write in CMS folder. Then I uninstalled two PostgreSQL CMS addons using the DAZ3D DIM. Then reinstall. Restart Daz and BOOM - I can login to my account and all is well. Thanks so much guys.

  • I know this is an old thread, I hope it is still monitored because I'm having very similar problems that I have gone round and round with Daz help and they finaly pointed me here.

    I'm running DS on iMac 10.11.6. My problem started when I noticed some products from Daz connect would not install correctly. I found none of the files were coming in correctly. Duf's were 0 kb, jpg were damaged unable to open in PSD. To fix I used DIM and replaced all the connect files with the DIM downloaded files. Worked fine. Then when Daz did their server change connect stopped completely. No new content could be installed with connect. I have read through this thread and have tried these things, none have solved the problem yet. I think clues to the answer may be in the dblog file. Right at the top it says customer doesn't exist and aborting and terminating connection due to admin command.


    Set IPv6 to local.

    iPhone hotspot doesn't work , nor my regular internet.

    cmscfg.json file says port 17237, inside DS under CMS it says 17237 but PostgreSQL/pgAdmin3 says port 5432.

    Attached my dblog.txt and it is full of system shutting down, database system is shutdown, rejects connection for host, things like that.

    I am at my wits end with this.



  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    from the log I see the following "bad thing"

    data directory &quot;/Users/Bob/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster&quot; has group or world access

    But after that the cms seems to have started correctly.

    What do you have in log.txt from DAZ Studio at the same time?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    The Management said:

    I know this is an old thread, I hope it is still monitored because I'm having very similar problems that I have gone round and round with Daz help and they finaly pointed me here.

    I'm running DS on iMac 10.11.6. My problem started when I noticed some products from Daz connect would not install correctly. I found none of the files were coming in correctly. Duf's were 0 kb, jpg were damaged unable to open in PSD. To fix I used DIM and replaced all the connect files with the DIM downloaded files. Worked fine. Then when Daz did their server change connect stopped completely. No new content could be installed with connect. I have read through this thread and have tried these things, none have solved the problem yet. I think clues to the answer may be in the dblog file. Right at the top it says customer doesn't exist and aborting and terminating connection due to admin command.


    Set IPv6 to local.

    iPhone hotspot doesn't work , nor my regular internet.

    cmscfg.json file says port 17237, inside DS under CMS it says 17237 but PostgreSQL/pgAdmin3 says port 5432.

    Attached my dblog.txt and it is full of system shutting down, database system is shutdown, rejects connection for host, things like that.

    I am at my wits end with this.

    Is the issue with the CMS services in DS, or a failed PostgreSQL cionnection at launch, or is it just installation? If it's installation why not just use DIM until the account issue can be resolved?

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