PostgreSQL CMS Connection on a Mac

For the past month I haven’t been able to access my products in Smart Content because I keep getting the dreaded message informing me that a “valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established” when I open Daz Studio.
This started after I migrated to a newer MacBook Pro (10.13.6).
Every other piece of software I own works perfectly on the new computer (the older computer was also a MacBook Pro 10.13.6).
I have opened a help ticket with Daz which is still going on.
They've not been able to help.
Following their instructions I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything Daz related from my computer several times in order to start fresh but I still get the same message.
Last week while my internet was down I noticed that the PostgreSQL CMS connection warning didn’t appear when opening Daz and once I connected my computer to my phone’s hotspot everything worked normally.
The problem started again when my internet came back.
I have the feeling that fixing this should be simple but I’m stuck.
Any ideas?
I do wonder, given that it seemed to depend on which connection you were using, if it's a firewall issue - I'm not sure how you would check that, however.
Hi Richard, I checked and the firewall settings are the same whether I use I use my regular internet network (with a non responsive CMS) or my phone's hotspot (when everything works).
I'm not tech savy and I do not know what would make CMS work with one network but not another.
Everything else works fine with both.
I have it running on two machine with 10.13.6, so I know it works.
But there are several things that can happen, and I upgraded to 10.13.6, didn't migrate DS to machine with it.
I'm in a but of a hurry right now, but I will come back soon and give you a few things to check, usually it is one of them, tricky little buggers that only effects very few, and only due to some cosmic rays or something, I don't really know what causes it, but I know a few things to check, to help solve it.
Thanks, I'm looking forward to your cosmic expertise!
Ok, here we go, take a deep breath, enjoy the ride!
Postgres run errors?
in ~/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster/ is a file named dblog.txt (~) being your home directory. If you open that logfle (drag it to TextEdit or TextWrangler and move to the end of the file, there should be lines like
There might be errors or warnings there as well, please copy the last 10-ish lines and post into your reply. You can even go back to where it did work (postgres shutdowns are timestamped, for easy finding them), so look at that, what is different from when it doesn't work. Paste that in your reply too, this is one piece of the puzzle.
(2) Check postgres IPV4/IPV6 problem (if it in #1 was determined that is was running)
In DS, go to Preferences -> CMS Settings; there is a portnumber there, in my screenshot is says 1024.
Now, in /Applications/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/ there is an application called
Run that, create a new connection (File->Add Server...), see screenshot #2
Fill in that exactly as it says (and use the portnumber you have in case it's not 1024)
Now click OK, the interesting thing here is what error do you get? Error to connect to the server or something about role "test" does not exist. Please screenshot the window (cmd+shift+4, click in the window)
Now, replace with ::1 (the IPv6 equivalent of the IPv4, try again, a same or different error
Please upload the screenshots from the connect tests (tell me which is IPv4 and which is IPv6. To upload, open in any imageprog, save as jpg (screenshots are .png), and upload that saved copy to your reply.
Still with me?
Hi Totte,
1- the Content Cluster log file is full of "fatal warnings".
Attached are the last lines, the whole thing is like that.
2- The port in the CMS settings is 1800, because someone posted somewhere on these boards that the number 1800 had fixed issues for them (not for me).
I did not complete the pgAdmin3 test because it asks me to save the password before continuing (I am assuming that I had to enter my Daz Studio username and password?)
Should I save the password and continue?
OK, what does it saty when you ran using your mobile connection, this looks like it royally fail in TCP/IP (resolving localhost), which means something is bad in your /etc//hosts file
Start your (located in /Applications/Utilities)
When started, issue this command (which is a frigging pain to type in the forums as it's blocked by the anti hacker code)
I need to figure out how to type this without getting this in my face all the time!
I'll be back when I've written it somewhere else and can link to it.
When the computer is connected to my phone's hotspot the Content Cluster log file says the same thing (I haven't checked every single line).
Attached are the last lines.
The only visible difference is that Daz Studio work with the phone's connection.
Take a screen snapshot and post it - that's my work-around.
Difficult to let someone past those commands then....
I think I have an idea here then, is your machine set to use Ipv6 ? Could be that your broadband provider triggers your machine to think Ipv6 works but it doesn't and that could trash the IP settings (your phone most probably only runs IPv4.
In your network settings on your mac: Network -> Advanced -> TCPIP, what does it say about IPv6 settings?
It says configure IPv4 > Using DHCP
Then in descending order: IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask, Router (all followed by numbers)
Then is says Configure IPv6 (Automatically), Router again with different numbers and finally a box IPv6 address with 3 addresses inside.
Just for a test, set IPv6 to (local only, I think it says in English, running Swedish OS X here so need to guess what the englsh text is).
Then start DS and see if CMS works.
And, I would love to see the content of that file, will make an image of the text you should type into the terminal. (done), I highighted the command.
Attached a pdf and it seems to work thanks for the out of the box thinking by Linwelly)
Just the 3 words right?
In the Terminal app there is a line about my last log in and another with my name, should I delete them before typing or just type under them?
I forgot to mention that I changed the IPv6 to local but CMS still didn't work so I changed it back.
Do you want me to post a snapshot of the TCP/IP window?
Just hit return once, then type it and return to execute it, terminal shows last login, or actually that's the bash shell, but now we're beyond what you really need to know ;-)
OK, good to know,, but yes, might give me ideas.
/ Totte
Ah - yeah. Just another example of someone trying to be helpful getting in the way of the task at hand.
Hi Totte, I entered the info in Terminal as you indicated but nothing happens.
After I hit return a new line with Macbook Pro and my name appears, that's it.
Here is the TCP/IP window.
That is disturbing indeed.
If that file is missing, it would explain why you cannot access localhost.
I added more commands (in the attached pdf), need to establish if the problem it a non resolvable localhost
I get an answer that says: unkown host localhost
There we have it!
Something in your internet configuration has killed your localhost mapping.
Here is a link to how to restore the missing important file, read all comments before starting:
Totte, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to identify the problem.
I truly appreciate it.
I will try to restore the file tonight (after my daughter goes to bed).
I will report tomorrow, hopefully with good news.
Thank you!
Totte, it looks like I need more of your help.
I've been following the instructions at the link you provided but the problem starts at stage 4.
it says : "Hit Command+Shift+G to bring up the “Go To Folder” window, now type in /etc/ and go"
I did that but no window appears that would let me go to stage 5 in order to "Name the file ‘hosts’ and save"
Nothing beyond that works as described.
Hmm, I will try.
ok, seems to work in TextEdit when you have the save sheet down, hit Command+Shift+G (go to), brings down a small sheet, where you can enter a path (type /etc there )
I think you must do this from an user that has admin rights.
So first Command+S to save, then when save panel is visible, Command+Shift+G
Hmmm, now when I try to save it it tells me that I do not have the permission.
This thing will drive me crazy!
Sorry to bother you again but how do I get the permission from my own computer?
You need to be logged in with a user that have admin rights, not a "user user account".
And if you happens to have some third party "protection software" installed, please shut that down. I know there exists programs that hides /private from the Finder, and /etc is a logical link to /private/etc (and /etc is a classic unix system directory)
Strange, I am logged in as "my name" Admin, so I should have the permission.
It tells me to find the item in finder in order to enable the permission but I do not know where to find it since I cannot save it.
I don't know what I'm missing here.
If you in finder hit Command+Shift+G and type /etc in the "goto sheet", finder would "go to" /etc.
There, can you see the file "that cannot be typed"?
Does it exist?
Can you check permissions on it?
Can you open it in TextEdit?
I think the issue is either permissions on "the file" or that itr is empty + plus permissions that caused your issues, the next question is "why?".
Added some steps, copy all and paste into terminal! (hit return after pasting as the last command will hang at the prompt otherwise.
Added screenshot from my results.... for compare (my last line is a custom entry for a test of something, you might have similar stuff (but broken, that causes your problems)
Totte, you are a genius!!!
Following your instructions I managed to get the necessary permission and restore the missing host file.
Your diagnosis was correct and Daz Studio now works normally for the first time in over a month.