The Poses Rhyming With Roses Complaint Thread
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Conan The Barbarian is on TV, with Ron Perlman wow, what a class act :)
I want to see that movie!
It is a good swords and sorcery type movie ;)
I haven't seen that movie in years.
weird because the movie he is talking about came out last year. I remember that I wanted to see it in theaters but I could not.
Controlling this mouse is difficult. It is either too sensitive or my hands are shaking or both.
Ah, I was thinking of the original.
Something to always remember. Cat like is not the same as child like. Maybe they are more teen like than child like. Like teenage girls, female cats can get pregnant so easily. (Not me as a teen but it is known that there are teenage mothers. The only way to be a teenage mother, is to be first a pregnant teenager. the only way to be a pregnant teenager, I think the movie Juno is about a pregnant teenager)
This probably should apply to cat girls. I have a cat girl in my story named Mili (that is the way she likes to spell it, though it is pronounced same as Millie) I always thought of her as a kitten girl. now I am rethinking about her. I am now trying to not think of her being child like but be more cat like. I am thinking of having her on a special type of birth control so she will be able to control herself when she is in heat. Otherwise she might go to the nearest bar, order some milk and try to find a guy to go to the nearest hotel with every time she is in heat (and then multiple times when she is in heat)
awake naos :)
goood morning - reveleeee oops - is it really afternoon?
sea lings awake , well, one is awake
It depends on where you are? I think it is still morning in Wisconsin. Definitely morning in Dazland (Utah). My father is in Washington right now is it is morning for him. One of my uncles live in Hawaii so it is morning for him.
Too bad my uncle never thinks of paying for me to fly over to visit him and his family in Hawaii. I would love to visit him, but he never thinks of it. It would not be good to ask him to do that and then ask him to pay for it.
We got thunder. I had to shut down my desktop. :( Welp, thunder == good.
it's hard to ask relatives for favors.
Micah will not get me anything to eat. I gave him and Melody some Iams today, but Micah will not get me any food. He does not do anything for me and I got him Iams.
i've been living in the same rooms for 15 years, i want to move sooooo badly.
all those empty foreclosed houses. they should start raffling them off.
if only i had money to buy a lil cottage. pay movers to move my fridgerator and air conditioner. i don't think the taxi would let my dog in the cab, i'd have to rent a car to bring my dog to the new cottage. sigh
i'd move to the south shore, closer to work, closer to the nature preserve.
Santa Barbara looks nice in pictures. if i moved to Santa Barbara i wouldn't bring my frigerator.
The other day i went to work. they could tell i was a little upset. i said that i had to cancel one of my trips because i could not find a pet sitter. one of the employees suggested something about getting rid of the pets or something like that so i said that is a great idea why don't i get some rat poison and kill the cats, the kittens and then kill myself. i walked to the office to show that i was ready for work. the employee who said that came and apologized to me. I told him that i would not do that just for him.
is there a kennel by you? you could board the kittehs while you're away. some vet places do boarding.
kennels are not cheap and i currently have 4 cats. two of them are kittens who have not been weaned yet. they have not started eating food. i offered some iams kitten food to one of the kittens and she would not eat it yet.
if they kennel the kittens with Melody, maybe it will be cheaper?
i understand the problem. my dog is big, no one wants to sit him as a favor.
it's too hot to go out to buy a lottery ticket. if i had a dollar for every dollar i spent on a lottery ticket doh
if they kennel the kittens with Melody, maybe it will be cheaper?
i understand the problem. my dog is big, no one wants to sit him as a favor.
it's too hot to go out to buy a lottery ticket. if i had a dollar for every dollar i spent on a lottery ticket doh
another problem with putting them in the kennels is that Melody and Micah need rabies shots soon. the kittens have not left the apartment so they have not seen a doctor.
And, they are normally very reasonably priced.
how hard is it to move to a new State and basically start a fresh these days?
i'd have to take into account renting a car one way.
i'd have to find a job straight away. and dog friendly (big dog) apt availability.
my passport is expired so i can't ask Canada or Australia to let me in. :lol:
My passport expired. I have lost the expired one so I am not sure if I can get a new one. I lost it as in I lost a photo, not lost it as in i lost my driver's license when the cop pulled me over for speeding. (i have never been pulled over for speeding and I still currently have my license, it was just an example)
I want to move to somewhere else too but I cannot afford it.
I've lived in Ohio most of my life. A four years ago we moved to Texas for 2 years and ended up moving back 2 years ago. Funding a move is difficult. For me I have a wife and two kids, two vehicles, two pets, and a house full of stuff to haul around. Had to rent a large U-hual with a tow trailer and the wife and kids were in my truck that was full of stuff. When we got to town, the kids stayed with family and me and the wife lived in a motel until we could find a place that excepted animals. Then you have the expense of transferring your vehicle registration to the new state. It is very difficult to do state to state moves. Think long and hard about it before you do it.
...ours is tied to the winter snowpack in the mountains. Had a very "good" winter this year in terms of snowfall so we're sitting pretty good for the summer.
We're good for about 30 ft of snow every winter, but this past winter we had a grand total of 10 ft. Very odd winter.
...been living in the same place myself for nearly fifteen years. Don't want to move but will have to do so at summer's end because of city codes which disallow more than two individual living units on one property.
As I may have explained earlier the owner is building a cottage where the old garage used to be which will be her office and living space and renting the main house out. According to building codes the flat I am now in has to be "returned"" to the house meaning it has to be accessible from the rest of the structure and can no longer be a "self contained"living unit. The determining factor for this being a "self contained" unit is the kitchen which will have to be removed to comply with regulations.
As I also mentioned, the owner looked for any possible loopholes to get around this for she loves the fact I have been dependable in my rent payments and a quiet tenant. Sad because this has been such a good deal all these years as all utilities were included. The best I can find in the city for around the same rent I am currently paying are cramped single room studios most of which are in absentee "corporate landord" managed buildings with only the basic utilities (water/sewer/trash) included. I don't make a tonne of money and cannot afford to pay first/last month rent and security deposit up front that many of these places require. I also am not pleased with the idea of having to pay application fees, which are non refundable nor are credited to the first month's rent (if accepted).
I thought about low income places as I would easily qualify, however the paperwork is daunting to say the least because of government involvement. One place I checked into years ago made me feel like I was applying for a high level security clearance to move in. The application was almost a half inch thick.
At this stage of life I just like to stay put, particularly as I do not have access to a vehicle and do not drive I'm hoping to find a similar place in the neighbourhood either in a large house split into several flats or older independently managed apartment house. After having my own place all these years I am not going back to a shared living situation, particularly with people I do not know. So it's going to be a busy summer.
Where are my cables to hook up my scanner to my desktop? I want to scan in a drawing I did years ago, but I need those cables first.
I say we destroy all the nasty bugs once and for all.
(I once went to a nature museum and the lady said that the nasty bugs have a part in nature and are needed. Well not those exact words. well I still hate them)
...not very fond of the "creepy crawlies" myself.
...but flutterbys and dragonflies, now they're cool, and bees are fine as long as you don't mess with them.
Though Yellowjackets are a bother as they can be aggressive.
Creepy crawlies don't bother me. I'm the resident creepy crawly killer in the house. Though most the time I pick them up and let them go outside.
...well the 6 legged ones I can handle trapping and setting free outside, its the eight legged variety that give me the willies.
...especially the short legged scuttling ones. They usually end up meeting with the business end of a shoe sole.