The Poses Rhyming With Roses Complaint Thread
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Once they start churning, yes. But my Lion Shaman picked up a Vindicator whose previous owner had no further use for it... because they didn't start churning fast enough...
...yeah, that was always my issue with magic in the game.
No real balance between tech and magic save for something like a Fuel Air Explosive, The "Chunky Salsa Effect" (frag grenade in a small enclosed area), a Tungsten rod from orbit., or a couple Cyberzombies (which generate their own negative background count) armed with miniguns.
2100 and I'm just on way home now - good thing too think I zombie-walked through most of today ;(
While on the subject of poor days at work...
I think my favorite line is " I've never gotten any salary... and what's vacation time?" XD
*edit* When she says "I'm a dead human too" it's because she's half-human half-ghost. Her ghost half is that "flying marshmallow" that follows her around everywhere. Ghosts look like marshmallows for some reason.
And this is the princess she serves. She's 100% ghost unlike Youmu.
it is still sad though.
I know I need to spay Melody and the two girl kittens.
are there bugs on the kittens? if bugs are getting to your soda, they might also be in Melody's cat food and on the kittens.
came across this article on writing goals. :)
How to Set SMART Writing Goals
it's https, so maybe needs log in to read it.
my createspace royalty came. i thought the threshold was 20 bucks, but seems they've changed it to 10. not exactly enough to buy another block of isbns.
Am in hospital with an infected foot from stepping on glass. They're gonna have to operate to dig the last bits out, blech. It came right through my shoe! Had to throw them away.
At least the staff is nice! And my boss is cool, he dropped by this morning to ask if I wanted my work computer (he's funny guy, 'm sure e wasn't serious).
Hope everyone has a better day than I am!
Doesn't sound like any fun D:
I'd actually like to have a computer to work on if I were n the hospital. Laying in bed all the time w/o somthing to do would drive me MAD XD
i reinstalled an older version of FF. maybe that will solve the login thing.
i'm having a hard time with tables in dreamweaver, it won't friggin let me resize the columns.
and the coffeepot eezz empty grawrrrrr zombee schlep schlep
Doesn't sound like any fun D:
I'd actually like to have a computer to work on if I were n the hospital. Laying in bed all the time w/o somthing to do would drive me MAD XD
oucheez. does the tetanus shot hurt worse than the booboo?
Doesn't sound like any fun D:
I'd actually like to have a computer to work on if I were n the hospital. Laying in bed all the time w/o somthing to do would drive me MAD XD
My lovely friend Cynthia brought my Dell writing machine, and this hospital (Austin Heart Hospital) has WiFi. I'm just too gunked up on antibiotics etc. to do anything but watc cooking shows, chat, and post in here with the occasional email.
I have a ton of stuff to read, a glucose tester to learn, and a huge booklet on what to eat, and wen and how to eat it. Sigh.
As long as I can get email and chat,I'll be OK!
oucheez. does the tetanus shot hurt worse than the booboo?
Here's the pain level meter so far:
1 - walking
2 - bumping bad foot on bed, wound washing
3 - Insulin shotin ar, anticoagulant in stomach
6 - Tetanus shot
That sucker HURT!!!!
Oh noes! Real sorry to hear that. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. And ouch, that's got to hurt mate, But it sounds like you are being well cared for, at least for now :)
home at last.
bus over half hour late. then had the bright of going for ice cream so i could wait for the taxi sitting down but they couldn't find the place an hour later i gave up and started walking then the taxi found me then i felt like i had to give extra tip for not giving up even though i'm pretty much tapped out right now. for some reason i keep calling the spanish taxi service even though i only know a few words like horas felices and esta consada and i know the two lls in tortilla is pronounced eeya
hopefully the forums won't give the try again message tonight
making a turkey club sammich, extra mayo.
had a terriblr fight with dreamweaver feh phiiffft, i can't get shadowbox and fly menus to work together on the same page, it's either or, i can't figure it out.
mui consada
i mail ordered a few of those protein shakes that's supposed to be good for diabetics, maybe it will help the fatigue.
and ackk the weather page says 96F tomorrow, that's like 96wtF.
i need to start working on a stat system for my characters, for d-10 and d-2o s
it's turning into a Pink floyd evening.
i is just a new girl, a stranger in this town, where are all the good times ... lala - got to turn it off it's depressing.
and on we sweep with thrashing oar ... ... ... hmm. nah
oh yeah
du du du - i need yoo tonight, cuz ahm not sleeping, sumthin about yoo babe
sleepy. falling asleep to sandstorm remix by darude, of all songs.
the sun will come out tomorrow
the birds will be singing so joyfully
mr bluebirds on my shoulder
John Carter is on TV. Seems like it was at the movies just last week. Ed I hope you have good movies where you are :)
Funny Legend of Zelda pic. Ganon is all dressed up as Santa while Link and Zelda are being all serious, then he shouts "I'M TRYING TO BE FESTIVE FOR ONCE YOU PUNKS!!" XD
I told Micah that he could not have any of the kitten food I was giving Melody. He ate it anyway. He just finished eating some.
JOhn Carter was interesting the second time around as well, Kinda retro-hero, modern heroes are far more conflicted by being vampires, werewolves or wizards or something ;)
Virtual vandalism, enjoy busting up the virtual furniture :)
I love it when the forum tells me I'm logged in, then I hit REPLY and it tells me to log in >_>
Anyway. Was watchiung this video and the guy brings up something I never thought of. Vampires are *supposed* to be weak to sunlight, so why aren't they harmed by moonlight (As moonlight is just sunlight reflected off the surface of the moon.). His theory is that they're just more susceptible to ultraviolet rays than humans are - not the sunlight itself.
I also love this pic of Rumia - apparently its from a comic she's in called "The Whispering Dark". She's the one that can manipulate the darkness itself (Allthough she often runs into stuff while doing so ^_^)
Hey neat
... this new forum software sucks planetoids. I was almost finished with a comment when it "freaked" and took me to another thread, in the process killing everything I wrote.
Apologies, but I am just about fed up with the epic "FAIL" that is this new site upgrade.
Wow it actually took you to another thread mid-post? Sure it's the forum doing that and not some bot or something hidden away mucking things up? D:
Mmm the picture, the video, or the vampire-UV rays thing?
Mmm the picture, the video, or the vampire-UV rays thing?
Both really cool ;)
No apologies necessary at all. So klutzy with fancy web widgets I always blame myself when they glitch :) oh wow no wonder I couldn't get the size thingy right, was assigning big text small numbers. TY! :) And wrong syntax for colour wow size ! size !
Elephants flap their ears when they get angry. And their tails stick straight up. Wow. Never knew that.
angry elephant, best to stay clear of it's way when that tail goes up. :gulp:
how to tell when a dragon is angry?