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Files sent! :)
Baldric just hit the store. I'd put him in the cart, but the page still shows the price as NaN. But soon. Really soon…
ETA: Aaand in the cart he goes. (I hope I didn't make him dizzy! lol)
lol- Hope you enjoy him! He was actually fun to work on for me.
Since Mrs. Chow came out today, I thought I'd show a project I started with her base; the idea is to figure out Danior's Grandmother- Ane. I've gotten the base skin nearly finished before having to put her aside, but the plan is to get her into zbrush to really work on her characteristics to see if what I've been trying to learn has stuck. So, the first part of the proces; her skin!
I am really liking her skin it is full of the brown spots my grandmother had and the kinda saggyness that old people have excellent!!!
I defintely enjoy working with him. I've turned him into a redhead for the scene I'm working on now. I rendered a wip, which I've posted elsewhere, but I think he deserves to be here, in this thread, above all others. As expected, this Darwin's boy is wonderful.
Baldric WIP
And once again, you create a female based on a named figure I wasn't going to buy… making me rethink my decision.
Grandmother- Ane's skin looks so old, all those "liver spots." Reminds me of my own grandmother. I'm looking forward to see how she evolves.
Very nice render of Baldric, L'Adair! Thank you for posting him.
And thank you! Ane is, so far, just skin. I didn't re-work her base figure shape just yet. It'll be interesting how/if I can work her sculpt into a Rom Grandmother from the Asian base.
I'm confident you can do it. Wasn't the asian base sculpted from the base G8F in the first place? (Or are the base figures started "from scratch"?) Anyway, worst case scenario, you don't use Mrs Chow, but you already have the skin! Best case scenario, the one I believe will happen, is we get another great character to play with sooner, rather than later.
(Do I sound like a "fan girl"? I totally am!)
Her skin is fantastic!
The finished Baldric image is now live in my gallery. The area behind him is very dark and the trouble brewing is much easier to see full-size, so this is just the thumbnail, but it links to the gallery page, for any who want to see the full image.
Enemy Of My Enemy
Some renders of Christian that I'm doing. I kind of liking the one where he's got the mask on, to be honest.
That's pretty much on the nose; I plan on taking her into Hexagon and Zbrush in the future. I have a specific look I want to try to get for this Grandmother.
Love this! You did such a great job with him, thank you!
Both are well done, and the one with the mask is pretty foreboding. Wonder what he's gotten into?
You're welcome. (Though I really think I should be thanking you for such great characters, including Baldric.) And I'm really happy you love the image.
Haven't forgotten Kaiden, either! Finished up his body morphs and connected/saved everything. Crappy render, and it's getting redone (It was way too noisy, and had to be postworked. Alot), but it gives the idea.
Next deseaming base skin, making the rest of his eye materials, tattoos, colors for the fibermesh brows/lashes, extra skin materials and double checking the HD skin detail morphs and possibly redoing them.
Kaiden is looking good!
BTW I had to hire the hotest model I know to advertise some "undergear" so of course I gave Danior a call.
Really like what I see :) Kaiden looks nice Dar! And Danior makes a perfect undergear model I would say Deathbycanon :)
Thank you!
And thank you, Deathbycanon- he looks great, and I am so glad you enjoy working with him!
Well, the first experiment to turn him blonde didn't work well; he didn't render long enough for the soft backlighting effect I used and as a result the hair is all wonky. The brows, though, you can see the translucency of the blonde coloring well where the rim light skirts across them, so I'm happy with that.
Kinda made him "nerdish", but why not? XD
Next time will be a different hair set and scene. Gotta give the good "NICU" Doc a variety of tests. ;)
He looks great, I like the nerdy look. Back lighting makes me crazy. When it works it's fantastic, when it doesn't it just doesn't, lol. I can spend hours just fiddling with trying to get the back lighting right only to get fed up and finally decide to go without it.
Yeah, I know that feeling. Plus I had to cancel a 30 hour render due to lighting not converging correctly a few minutes ago. Ticks me off, because I worked hard on the poses and lighting on this one.
Wow! very sweet pic! Like that a lot, light or no!
Aw, thanks! That's Diesel with his husband, Kaiden, btw. ;) Whose name in the story is Garrett, but there were a few Garretts out there so I chose Kaiden for him instead.
30 hours? Do you do CPU renders, then? (My 4GB card basically laughed at the very concept of rendering -- and also sounded like rush hour at O'Hare when it even thought about trying -- so I've always done CPU.)
It wasn't over-large memory wise, but enough that it kicked into CPU Rendering. However, it was probably due to the render settings, which were VERY high end due to most of the lighting seen in that render were from emissives (Outside and inside) along with an HDRI for the outside landscaping. Of course, glass, reflective surfaces, etc.
It's a lovely picture Dar!
Thanks! I just wish it had come out the way I wanted. Eh. I'll try another.