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Hm. I may have set that up incorrectly. Lemme look and I'll let you know. It was just supposed to be the two scenes, one saved with an HDRI. The textures can be found in the folder. I'll post a correction! Thank you for that catch.
Yes, yes I did. It's fixed. I will re-upload the file and re-link it. Do remember to delete the first set before installing this- if you install the files without removing the old, it won't fix the problem. Nice catch, Carola!
Happy to help *cheeky grin*
Though, the updated link leads to a link not found *hides*
I understand Jar Jar went on to be in The Clone Wars animated series, however, he was also in Episodes I, II and III, the prequels to the first three released Star Wars movies.… (I have episodes I thru VI, on dvd, in the other room.)
Now, whether or not you like Jar Jar, that's a totally different story! LOL
Ha. Try now. I just tried and it went to the dropbox files. XD
Thank you for the files! I always struggle with the best lighting to use when testing.
You're welcome!
They aren't perfect, but they are what I try to use most often. The scene testing one is what I usually check seams with - but I have forgotten to do that here and there. >.>
@oliverstwist Scrivener is a great program. I don't think I could write without it. I'm pretty sure @Llynara knew what she was in for when she offered. She's good like that. Is the craptop Windows or Mac? I can't wait to get my hands on the new update for Windows when it comes out.
You can add me to the list of Nano Buddies if you need more. You know they have Camp NaNoWriMo, too, in April. You could dip your toes in and get some writing done sooner. It's a little more relaxed than November. Give it some thought.
How strict is AIP? Can you do almond flour, stevia, and erythritol? If you can, I'll send you my favorite low carb waffle recipe. Light and fluffy and very yummy!
I love the Star Wars theme you have going on. Lol. You can never go wrong with Star Wars.
@DarwinsMishap Not so sure about your choice in office decor. But, somehow, I'm actually not surprised you might be attracted to such an interesting decorating scheme. ;)
heh, what can I say? I love macabre.
Some renders of Christian, btw. ;)
Edited-fixed the hand issue.
Ah dude, I'm expecting you to be in Part 10 in a few years! It will sneak up on you. Particularly when you have great commenters/participants. Congrats on the second thread!
Thank you, Novica! I admit, we have great forumites here that love to participate, comment, critique and just have fun.
Wow congrats on part 2 and oh boy I missed out on the first 2 pages....That was fast :D
Christian is such a hunk. Love those renders. Great work.
It went quick! Thank you!
I'm enjoying playing with the renders-I need to fix the second one with the car, he's going for gold with that index finger digging into this thigh. lol
AIP, during the elimination period, is very strict. No nuts, dairy, nightshades (tomatos, peppers, eggplants, etc.), no seasonings with seeds....O can explain more if he wants. ;) No sugars-real or substitutes, no coffee.
I'm following AIP due to the neurological issues I've been yolked with after having pneumonia last year. We went to the nuerologist and he wants me to go for an MRI, then to see a neurosurgeon. I "only" had 2 levels out of about 8 fused some years back so I know what I'm in for. I'd rather not put either of us through that "magic" again. So, after 14 days in the AIP elimination period, I was no longr dragging my left leg, or having to lift it with my hand to get in the car. I was essentially numb from the top of my head down and after 32 days in the elimination phase, I can feel my biceps and parts of my thighs and calves. I'm no doctor, but I believes this means it's autoimmune. The rhumatologist was a total d*** and Dar had to stop me from decking him. $1,000 in bloodwork (just my co-payment!!) and they can't tell me why I'm like this.
So, more info than anyone needed, and thank you for the offer of the recipe, but essentially I can't have anything that isn't completely natural. Even if it says "and other natural ingredients" it's a no go. Do you know how much of our food has guar gum in it? Holy hell. Anyway, off my soap box. LOL. I won't reintroduce any foods until I can feel my hands again (though that may actually be from my neck, HAH)
I'm DLing the program next weekend. This weekend is research and visual gathering. I may join that camp for a kick start! Thank you for letting me know about it.
@oliverstwist No sweeteners at all? Man, that's rough. I don't know what I'd do without stevia at least. I gave up carbs last year and it forced me to do a lot more cooking. Yes, I know exactly how much Guar Gum is in food unfortunately. I'm an intense label reader now. No Guar Gum in my house. I found a substitute that I'm fairly happy with and the price is about the same so I can't beat that. Though I tend to try to avoid recipes that call for guar gum, it is nice to have something I can use that mimics it because an awful lot of low carb recipes tend to call for it.
I have a favorite recipe for waffles that you might be able to use. All natural ingredients. You just might have to eliminate the stevia. I'll look it up when I get home. If I remember correctly, it only uses coconut flour but I'll have to check. I'm off to go play chauffeur for the two teenagers.
Camp NaNo- March is all about planning so do that research, outline, and set up your profile on the Camp NaNoWriMo page. They are open for business to get ready for next month. It's a lot of fun getting together with like minded people pushing you to get those words written.
Oh, wow, I feel for you Ollie. I am very sensitive to medications and additives in foods. MSG gives me pains in weird places for days. I pretty much avoid all fast foods now, and have to watch prepared ones too. I'm doing low carb and I've felt much better getting a lot of the carbs out. Like KnittingMommy, it means a lot more cooking from scratch. I do Stevia (which you can grow yourself), can't tolerate any of the artificial sweeteners. Sorry you are having so many issues! Hoping you get better quickly!
Thanks DW, got the updated files now. Wasn't able to get onto internet until now, it's been down for over 2000 users here on Gotland all day ... I was not a happy woman lol
Ok, since I promised to show my zbrush blobs... This is the first attmept at sculpting anything in zBrush. About five hours with an hour or so extra of tutorials. Managed to get it into Studio vai GoZ-but it's over 1.7 million polys so it bogged down my system big time. I did do eyes, but I didn't try to import them over with the main body.
My Blob, Bob.
Nicely modeled "blob". Now to reduce the polycount without badly changing his appeaarance.
Watch out! It's DarZilla!
Yup, I'm a Paleo person myself. which if you do strict is basically all organic, all whole foods, no grains, no dairy, no sweeteners (honey is okay because its well, natural lol). I'm not quite that strict and I sure can't afford to go all organic, but ya, I spend a lot of time reading labels and cooking my own food.. The difference is amazing in how I feel though.
I was going to say that looked suspiciously like some other prehistoric character. Lol! DarZilla! I like that. Looking pretty good there, DM! Now, you just have to import it into DS, rig it, add some shaders and render that sucker out! :)
Sent @oliverstwist a PM with unsolicited cooking advice for really strict diets. Lol. He can, of course, ignore all said advice. Just get and stay healthy. :)
lol-I'll let him know, KM, thank you!
As for "darzilla"-that was just a sketch. I have something in mind, but I need to get comfortable with the program before I go so far as to, powers that be help me, try rigging, UV's, etc on something like this.
Lol. Just giving you a little nudge. I haven't actually tried rigging anything in DS yet, but I've watched @Sickleyield's video and it doesn't look too terribly difficult.
Looking forward to more blobs. Which I have to say are much more non-blob like than anything I've created so far!
lol- I don't mind nudging. Ask O. XD And thank you!
Sneak peek WIP process. Kyle for Genesis 8 Male.
It's a quick tester render, sorry about the low rez.
Ooh, very handsome! Loving the strong chin and jawline!
Thank you! The inspiration for him came from a few faces, but one in particular for the most part. I think they blended well. :)