What features would you like to see appear in dazstudio 5?



  • nicstt said:
    Bamber said:

    I would like put these feature :
    1 - one click remove Bump .
    2- one click remove Displacement .
    3- one clich remove Glossy .
    but should DAZ split Studio 5 to 2 Version's .
    1- DAZ Studio 5 lite .( Free ) = 3Delight - Iray .
    2- DAZ Studio 5 Pro . ( paying ) = 3Delight - Iray - Octane .

    None of those require V5 of studio.

    Why pay for daz with Octane, if Octane is free from the vendor for daz?


  • Silver DolphinSilver Dolphin Posts: 1,624

    I would really like to be able to see all the small pictures and text inside Daz studio (larger fonts and icons). I would like to see is a seperation of the 3D content library from Daz Studio so that it can be browsed and it does not slow down daz studio. I would like a script that goes thru the content library and cleans up broken links and duplicates to items and if it can't find item ask you to hunt for it or delete it. I would like to see Daz studio have an option to use a seperate pcie nvme high speed ssd as a cashe to speed up program sort of how old systems with low ram used usb sticks to speed up older pc systems. We could use a reset used system memory and a purge Iray vram button as well as a info window on how much vram a Iray a scene will use. I would like to see cycles or evee or better yet a game engine integrated into daz studio. I would like to have a better output format from daz studio so the content I export does not need so much work to work in other software packages and game engines.

  • mr clam said:

    @NomadGo to Window>Workspace > Cutomize and at the very bottom of the pane you should see a box called 'Invert Mouse Wheel'. Put a tick in it, and that should be all you need.

    Fraid I don't see a Customize option there.  Did you mean in one of the other menus?

    Window>Workspace>Update and Merge Menus - a couple of recent releases have recommended running that command as new features are added.

    Yup, that sorted it.  Thank you, Richard Haseltine, Alex86fire, and Mr Clam.


    DS Windows - Workspace - Update and Merge Menus -- 20200307.png
    553 x 414 - 30K
  • cclesuecclesue Posts: 420

    A stand alone rendering facility allowing work to continue on either the current file or starting a new one.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933
    cclesue said:

    A stand alone rendering facility allowing work to continue on either the current file or starting a new one.

    Start a second instance, which you can do with the Public Build.

  • davidtriunedavidtriune Posts: 452

    the Burly Christensen or Random Walk SSS approximation shaders since I can't seem to achieve anything close to them with the current SSS shaders.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,927

    Hell yes for random walk! Sadly that is a task for the Iray crew, not Daz. I think.

  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130

    I just discovered on another thread something and thought of an amazing feature for Daz 5:

    If doing an animation, the software would analyze and recognize only the pixels that are different between frames and only render those ones, the rest reusing from the previous frame.

    I am sure the algorithm behind it wouldn't be as simple as that as a first iteration render will not have the same color as a later iteration so it's not just comparing 2 pixel colors.

    But wouldn't this feature be awesome? It would save so much time on animation rendering!

  • AsariAsari Posts: 703

    -Proper FBX import, so we don't have to do wonky magic to import anims

    -secondary character load won't destroy the previous one (G3 female for example, load any character, and load second and your first one is like from night of a living dead, unless you say save pose before loading the next).

    -Frame based texture animations

    -Frame based texture changes


    FBX import would be awesome. Even for non-animation users to avoid converting back and forth to obj and re-import everything.
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2020

    Daz Studio has come along way in improvements since i have last posted here. New Ik-chains, New timeline. ,Deforce Simulation. Fluid simulations etc. So if I were to suggest a new improvement, it would be able to enlarge the text size on daz studio so I can read it with out using a magnifier on a 32 in monitor.  Maybe have a setting like Photoshop or zbrush that you can enlarge the studio view. by pressing ctrl and + or -  to enlarge or make small  daz studio,  so you can read the smaller print as it is now I have to use the computer magnifier to read some of the Thumb nails descriptions because there is no way to enlarge the print.  that would be a real nice improvement for older folks like me with failing eye sight,

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    I just discovered on another thread something and thought of an amazing feature for Daz 5:

    If doing an animation, the software would analyze and recognize only the pixels that are different between frames and only render those ones, the rest reusing from the previous frame.

    I am sure the algorithm behind it wouldn't be as simple as that as a first iteration render will not have the same color as a later iteration so it's not just comparing 2 pixel colors.

    But wouldn't this feature be awesome? It would save so much time on animation rendering!

    I fear it's a hefty assumption that it would actually save time, given the complexity of identifying the invariant pixels

  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130
    edited March 2020

    I just discovered on another thread something and thought of an amazing feature for Daz 5:

    If doing an animation, the software would analyze and recognize only the pixels that are different between frames and only render those ones, the rest reusing from the previous frame.

    I am sure the algorithm behind it wouldn't be as simple as that as a first iteration render will not have the same color as a later iteration so it's not just comparing 2 pixel colors.

    But wouldn't this feature be awesome? It would save so much time on animation rendering!

    I fear it's a hefty assumption that it would actually save time, given the complexity of identifying the invariant pixels

    Maybe not comparing pixels would be the best way to do it. Since they have the algorithm itself that knows to create animations and motions between frames, maybe by elimination they can determine what remains static in the scene. Take that and add to it what would be covered or not covered by movements and that would maybe get close to what should remain and what should move. Of course this is just a simple idea for a complex problem and the solution would not be simple but I am sure it could be done.

    What could be done even simpler and would still be apreciated would be a combination of spot render and animation render.

    What I mean is let the user determine what should be processed every scene and what would be constant. For example, if I want to animate a character talking or blinking, I already know what part of the face moves, or that just the head moves and the rest stays still. 

    The feature could be something that would allow at the start of an animation to select an area (like the spot render does). Only that area would be rendered for all the frames, for the rest, only the first render persists.

    This would enable for at least simple animations, lowering the render times by a lot.

    Another feature that would be great would be be able to select one or more characters at the start of the animation. The render process would than be first render the scene without them, afterwards render only those character/s, what would be in fornt of them and their shadows, everything else persists.

    Post edited by alex86fire on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    I just discovered on another thread something and thought of an amazing feature for Daz 5:

    If doing an animation, the software would analyze and recognize only the pixels that are different between frames and only render those ones, the rest reusing from the previous frame.

    I am sure the algorithm behind it wouldn't be as simple as that as a first iteration render will not have the same color as a later iteration so it's not just comparing 2 pixel colors.

    But wouldn't this feature be awesome? It would save so much time on animation rendering!

    I fear it's a hefty assumption that it would actually save time, given the complexity of identifying the invariant pixels

    Maybe not comparing pixels would be the best way to do it. Since they have the algorithm itself that knows to create animations and motions between frames, maybe by elimination they can determine what remains static in the scene. Take that and add to it what would be covered or not covered by movements and that would maybe get close to what should remain and what should move. Of course this is just a simple idea for a complex problem and the solution would not be simple but I am sure it could be done.

    What could be done even simpler and would still be apreciated would be a combination of spot render and animation render.

    What I mean is let the user determine what should be processed every scene and what would be constant. For example, if I want to animate a character talking or blinking, I already know what part of the face moves, or that just the head moves and the rest stays still. 

    The feature could be something that would allow at the start of an animation to select an area (like the spot render does). Only that area would be rendered for all the frames, for the rest, only the first render persists.

    This would enable for at least simple animations, lowering the render times by a lot.

    Another feature that would be great would be be able to select one or more characters at the start of the animation. The render process would than be first render the scene without them, afterwards render only those character/s, what would be in fornt of them and their shadows, everything else persists.

    The usual solution is to composite in this type of situation. 

  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130
    Sevrin said:

    I just discovered on another thread something and thought of an amazing feature for Daz 5:

    If doing an animation, the software would analyze and recognize only the pixels that are different between frames and only render those ones, the rest reusing from the previous frame.

    I am sure the algorithm behind it wouldn't be as simple as that as a first iteration render will not have the same color as a later iteration so it's not just comparing 2 pixel colors.

    But wouldn't this feature be awesome? It would save so much time on animation rendering!

    I fear it's a hefty assumption that it would actually save time, given the complexity of identifying the invariant pixels

    Maybe not comparing pixels would be the best way to do it. Since they have the algorithm itself that knows to create animations and motions between frames, maybe by elimination they can determine what remains static in the scene. Take that and add to it what would be covered or not covered by movements and that would maybe get close to what should remain and what should move. Of course this is just a simple idea for a complex problem and the solution would not be simple but I am sure it could be done.

    What could be done even simpler and would still be apreciated would be a combination of spot render and animation render.

    What I mean is let the user determine what should be processed every scene and what would be constant. For example, if I want to animate a character talking or blinking, I already know what part of the face moves, or that just the head moves and the rest stays still. 

    The feature could be something that would allow at the start of an animation to select an area (like the spot render does). Only that area would be rendered for all the frames, for the rest, only the first render persists.

    This would enable for at least simple animations, lowering the render times by a lot.

    Another feature that would be great would be be able to select one or more characters at the start of the animation. The render process would than be first render the scene without them, afterwards render only those character/s, what would be in fornt of them and their shadows, everything else persists.

    The usual solution is to composite in this type of situation. 

    I am not familiar with the terminology.

    By composite do you mean that I should render the frames by pieces and assemble the images myself?

    I don't mind assembling the images myself, but check the computer every few minutes, switching the frame and starting the render again is not the most ideal way to work. And it would totally be mindless work, nothing that couldn't be automated.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    I just discovered on another thread something and thought of an amazing feature for Daz 5:

    If doing an animation, the software would analyze and recognize only the pixels that are different between frames and only render those ones, the rest reusing from the previous frame.

    I am sure the algorithm behind it wouldn't be as simple as that as a first iteration render will not have the same color as a later iteration so it's not just comparing 2 pixel colors.

    But wouldn't this feature be awesome? It would save so much time on animation rendering!

    I fear it's a hefty assumption that it would actually save time, given the complexity of identifying the invariant pixels

    Maybe not comparing pixels would be the best way to do it. Since they have the algorithm itself that knows to create animations and motions between frames, maybe by elimination they can determine what remains static in the scene. Take that and add to it what would be covered or not covered by movements and that would maybe get close to what should remain and what should move. Of course this is just a simple idea for a complex problem and the solution would not be simple but I am sure it could be done.

    What could be done even simpler and would still be apreciated would be a combination of spot render and animation render.

    What I mean is let the user determine what should be processed every scene and what would be constant. For example, if I want to animate a character talking or blinking, I already know what part of the face moves, or that just the head moves and the rest stays still. 

    The feature could be something that would allow at the start of an animation to select an area (like the spot render does). Only that area would be rendered for all the frames, for the rest, only the first render persists.

    This would enable for at least simple animations, lowering the render times by a lot.

    Another feature that would be great would be be able to select one or more characters at the start of the animation. The render process would than be first render the scene without them, afterwards render only those character/s, what would be in fornt of them and their shadows, everything else persists.

    Iray wouldn't render shadows (or reflections) separately from the objects (in that way). You might be able to get close in some other respects by using Canvasses.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Sevrin said:

    I just discovered on another thread something and thought of an amazing feature for Daz 5:

    If doing an animation, the software would analyze and recognize only the pixels that are different between frames and only render those ones, the rest reusing from the previous frame.

    I am sure the algorithm behind it wouldn't be as simple as that as a first iteration render will not have the same color as a later iteration so it's not just comparing 2 pixel colors.

    But wouldn't this feature be awesome? It would save so much time on animation rendering!

    I fear it's a hefty assumption that it would actually save time, given the complexity of identifying the invariant pixels

    Maybe not comparing pixels would be the best way to do it. Since they have the algorithm itself that knows to create animations and motions between frames, maybe by elimination they can determine what remains static in the scene. Take that and add to it what would be covered or not covered by movements and that would maybe get close to what should remain and what should move. Of course this is just a simple idea for a complex problem and the solution would not be simple but I am sure it could be done.

    What could be done even simpler and would still be apreciated would be a combination of spot render and animation render.

    What I mean is let the user determine what should be processed every scene and what would be constant. For example, if I want to animate a character talking or blinking, I already know what part of the face moves, or that just the head moves and the rest stays still. 

    The feature could be something that would allow at the start of an animation to select an area (like the spot render does). Only that area would be rendered for all the frames, for the rest, only the first render persists.

    This would enable for at least simple animations, lowering the render times by a lot.

    Another feature that would be great would be be able to select one or more characters at the start of the animation. The render process would than be first render the scene without them, afterwards render only those character/s, what would be in fornt of them and their shadows, everything else persists.

    The usual solution is to composite in this type of situation. 

    I am not familiar with the terminology.

    By composite do you mean that I should render the frames by pieces and assemble the images myself?

    I don't mind assembling the images myself, but check the computer every few minutes, switching the frame and starting the render again is not the most ideal way to work. And it would totally be mindless work, nothing that couldn't be automated.

    Render what moves as usual.  Render what doesn't move as usual.  Composite in a video editing program using transparency, chromakey, or whatever.

  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130

    I just discovered on another thread something and thought of an amazing feature for Daz 5:

    If doing an animation, the software would analyze and recognize only the pixels that are different between frames and only render those ones, the rest reusing from the previous frame.

    I am sure the algorithm behind it wouldn't be as simple as that as a first iteration render will not have the same color as a later iteration so it's not just comparing 2 pixel colors.

    But wouldn't this feature be awesome? It would save so much time on animation rendering!

    I fear it's a hefty assumption that it would actually save time, given the complexity of identifying the invariant pixels

    Maybe not comparing pixels would be the best way to do it. Since they have the algorithm itself that knows to create animations and motions between frames, maybe by elimination they can determine what remains static in the scene. Take that and add to it what would be covered or not covered by movements and that would maybe get close to what should remain and what should move. Of course this is just a simple idea for a complex problem and the solution would not be simple but I am sure it could be done.

    What could be done even simpler and would still be apreciated would be a combination of spot render and animation render.

    What I mean is let the user determine what should be processed every scene and what would be constant. For example, if I want to animate a character talking or blinking, I already know what part of the face moves, or that just the head moves and the rest stays still. 

    The feature could be something that would allow at the start of an animation to select an area (like the spot render does). Only that area would be rendered for all the frames, for the rest, only the first render persists.

    This would enable for at least simple animations, lowering the render times by a lot.

    Another feature that would be great would be be able to select one or more characters at the start of the animation. The render process would than be first render the scene without them, afterwards render only those character/s, what would be in fornt of them and their shadows, everything else persists.

    Iray wouldn't render shadows (or reflections) separately from the objects (in that way). You might be able to get close in some other respects by using Canvasses.

    I am not familiar enough with how Iray or any render engine in general works to be able to propose an optimal way for how a render engine can compute what color different pixels would be. I don't think I could solve something as complicated as animation rendering optimization in just 30 minutes of brainstorming. Especially considering I don't have all the knowledge. What I propose is more the gist of what the results would be than how it is done.


    Sevrin said:
    Sevrin said:

    I just discovered on another thread something and thought of an amazing feature for Daz 5:

    If doing an animation, the software would analyze and recognize only the pixels that are different between frames and only render those ones, the rest reusing from the previous frame.

    I am sure the algorithm behind it wouldn't be as simple as that as a first iteration render will not have the same color as a later iteration so it's not just comparing 2 pixel colors.

    But wouldn't this feature be awesome? It would save so much time on animation rendering!

    I fear it's a hefty assumption that it would actually save time, given the complexity of identifying the invariant pixels

    Maybe not comparing pixels would be the best way to do it. Since they have the algorithm itself that knows to create animations and motions between frames, maybe by elimination they can determine what remains static in the scene. Take that and add to it what would be covered or not covered by movements and that would maybe get close to what should remain and what should move. Of course this is just a simple idea for a complex problem and the solution would not be simple but I am sure it could be done.

    What could be done even simpler and would still be apreciated would be a combination of spot render and animation render.

    What I mean is let the user determine what should be processed every scene and what would be constant. For example, if I want to animate a character talking or blinking, I already know what part of the face moves, or that just the head moves and the rest stays still. 

    The feature could be something that would allow at the start of an animation to select an area (like the spot render does). Only that area would be rendered for all the frames, for the rest, only the first render persists.

    This would enable for at least simple animations, lowering the render times by a lot.

    Another feature that would be great would be be able to select one or more characters at the start of the animation. The render process would than be first render the scene without them, afterwards render only those character/s, what would be in fornt of them and their shadows, everything else persists.

    The usual solution is to composite in this type of situation. 

    I am not familiar with the terminology.

    By composite do you mean that I should render the frames by pieces and assemble the images myself?

    I don't mind assembling the images myself, but check the computer every few minutes, switching the frame and starting the render again is not the most ideal way to work. And it would totally be mindless work, nothing that couldn't be automated.

    Render what moves as usual.  Render what doesn't move as usual.  Composite in a video editing program using transparency, chromakey, or whatever.

    That sounds like something that could be helpfull and will add to my list of things to learn but wouldn't it be nice if we had this feature integrated within Daz? But it does sound like it might work for a complex character movement.

    However, what if I want a simpler movement, for example for a character just to blink, I cannot, or at least that I know of, do a spot render for a whole animation. I would have to either render the whole character (a lot of unnecessary render time) for the animation, or do a spot render for each individual frame.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    I'm running into a problem with G8, in that I have picked up a lot of characters and morphs over the period that it has been the current base. To the point that it takes over 15 minutes just to load a base G8F. G8M loads a bit faster, but still longer than any of my saved G1 dial-spun characters.

    I can see that loading all of the links to potential morphs is probably a good thing when you are sitting down to create a new character. But it's a bit of excessive overhead, once you've finalized that character.

    Is there already a way to finalize a dial-spin so that it is not linked to *all* of the potential morphs in your library? So a saved scene or scene subset of that character by itself, won't take so appallingly long to open or merge it into another scene?

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    JOdel said:

    I'm running into a problem with G8, in that I have picked up a lot of characters and morphs over the period that it has been the current base. To the point that it takes over 15 minutes just to load a base G8F. G8M loads a bit faster, but still longer than any of my saved G1 dial-spun characters.

    I can see that loading all of the links to potential morphs is probably a good thing when you are sitting down to create a new character. But it's a bit of excessive overhead, once you've finalized that character.

    Is there already a way to finalize a dial-spin so that it is not linked to *all* of the potential morphs in your library? So a saved scene or scene subset of that character by itself, won't take so appallingly long to open or merge it into another scene?

    I have the same problem and made the suggestion of having a way to load only the morphs wanted instead of every morph I had earlier and was basically told by someone to just use Poser if I wanted that

    Frankly, I liked the ability to be able to select the specific morphs I wanted in a figure and save it with only those morphs instead of with 900 others

  • UnseenUnseen Posts: 665
    edited March 2020

    Have the option to enable/disable lighting on some items in the scene. A feature available in VUE that I have never seen in any other software that I use.

    Post edited by Unseen on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    JOdel said:

    I'm running into a problem with G8, in that I have picked up a lot of characters and morphs over the period that it has been the current base. To the point that it takes over 15 minutes just to load a base G8F. G8M loads a bit faster, but still longer than any of my saved G1 dial-spun characters.

    I can see that loading all of the links to potential morphs is probably a good thing when you are sitting down to create a new character. But it's a bit of excessive overhead, once you've finalized that character.

    Is there already a way to finalize a dial-spin so that it is not linked to *all* of the potential morphs in your library? So a saved scene or scene subset of that character by itself, won't take so appallingly long to open or merge it into another scene?

    I have the same problem and made the suggestion of having a way to load only the morphs wanted instead of every morph I had earlier and was basically told by someone to just use Poser if I wanted that

    Frankly, I liked the ability to be able to select the specific morphs I wanted in a figure and save it with only those morphs instead of with 900 others

    Sounds like it's past time for there to be some way of locking and unlocking the morphs a figure calls on when loaded. One would need to be able to unlock it too, if you need to do a modified version of the character (older, younger, give them a sibling, etc) . I've no objection to needing to relaunch Studio for a character building/modification session. But when I'm building scenes with saved characters for illustrations, I want to be able to load them in something like under 15 minutes each.

    It's reached a point that I'm about to abandon G8. Which definitely means abandoning the purchase of any more G8 character mrphs, because that is just making the situation worse.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    wilfred said:

    Have the option to enable/disable lighting on some items in the scene. A feature available in VUE that I have never seen in any other software that I use.

    You can accomplish that already in iRay using LPE (Light Path Expressions) parameters in the canvasses settings.  You can isolate the light source and isolate the geometry you want to capture it hitting.

    The following is for 3dsMax, but the LPE parameters are standard Iray.


    Here's an example:


  • One thing I was surprised not to find and thought it useful: A 'Layer Delete' button in the LIE editor. DS 4.11 was randomly making all layers 100% opacity even when I had set some to 0%. If the layer wasn't there, it couldn't show it.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    One thing I was surprised not to find and thought it useful: A 'Layer Delete' button in the LIE editor. DS 4.11 was randomly making all layers 100% opacity even when I had set some to 0%. If the layer wasn't there, it couldn't show it.

    There should be a - button, next to the + for adding a new layer, when you have a layer selected.

  • Wish there was on 4.11. Maybe on 4.11 it was one of those temporary removals that got un-fixed in 4.12.

    Over the years with a finite element stress package, every odd version was a good one, and every even version unfixed the fixes made in the previous even version. Happened 1988 to 2006 when we finally got so peeved we ditched the system entirely. Nothing useful came from the modeller upgrades in that time, either, and I wrote a modeller in 2004 that was quicker and better after 6 weeks of sporadic programming than the one we paid for annually with the FE package.

  • Singular3DSingular3D Posts: 545
    Mystiarra said:
    Nath said:
    scorpio said:

    After hearing that Nvidia is dropping support in iray for anything older than the 20 series of cards I would like to see another render engine added.

    Wait, what?





    I definitely second that!

  • Mystiarra said:
    Nath said:
    scorpio said:

    After hearing that Nvidia is dropping support in iray for anything older than the 20 series of cards I would like to see another render engine added.

    Wait, what?





    I definitely second that!

    I'd love Vray, but I ca't imagine how Daz would license it for free software without nerfing it something massive. However, I'd love a PBR renderer not dependent on one brand of video card. 

  • UnseenUnseen Posts: 665
    Sevrin said:
    wilfred said:

    Have the option to enable/disable lighting on some items in the scene. A feature available in VUE that I have never seen in any other software that I use.

    You can accomplish that already in iRay using LPE (Light Path Expressions) parameters in the canvasses settings.  You can isolate the light source and isolate the geometry you want to capture it hitting.

    The following is for 3dsMax, but the LPE parameters are standard Iray.


    Here's an example:


    Thank you very much, Sevrin. I didn't know that option... ;)

  • AsariAsari Posts: 703
    Paid Vray addon, make users pay for it who want it. Doesn't Blender also have Vray but you have to pay for it? Of course the DAZ demographic is completely different than the Blender demographic. And of course, unless DAZ ports their current Iray materials to Vray materials ... an expensive Vray addon wouldn't garner too much attention. Material conversion from Iray to other render engines aren't self-explanatory, doubt it would be any different with Vray.
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Asari said:
    Paid Vray addon, make users pay for it who want it. Doesn't Blender also have Vray but you have to pay for it? Of course the DAZ demographic is completely different than the Blender demographic. And of course, unless DAZ ports their current Iray materials to Vray materials ... an expensive Vray addon wouldn't garner too much attention. Material conversion from Iray to other render engines aren't self-explanatory, doubt it would be any different with Vray.

    Daz doesn't make the materials.  The PAs make the materials.

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