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I'm agreeing with the 'provide links' as 'I heard' is a really poor way of deciding something is true.
It does, but there are a few gotchas. The .obj file depends on a companion .mtl file to define its material colours and textures, with a folder path at the top of the .obj file defining the location and name of the .mtl file. Things start getting complicated as early as this — some 3D programs that can export an .obj will set all file links as exact paths on the computer that saved them, which might or might not be where you've put the file on your computer. The same goes for the texture file links in the .mtl file. If the links don't point to the textures, or the .obj link doesn't point to the .mtl file, the textures don't load. Oh, and the .obj file format doesn't like spaces in file names.
All these gotchas can be fixed easily — both files are just plain text, you can load them into any text editor — but if you don't know what's happening it can be a real headscratcher. And after all that, chances are you'll still have to set some textures manually. The .obj format is ancient, it only knows about very basic materials parameters. If your object's materials include the more advanced parameters DAZ|Studio uses, you will have to set these yourself after doing the import.
I had a dream this morning, or just as I was waking up, about a sort-of face-transfer utility. Not really realistic but...
1. Heads on (some) base figures are provided with a high level of sub-division.
2. The utility uses a few expressionless photos to build the basic face shape, and some pics of the subject's expressions. Drop in a video or two of said character speaking etc. and AI combines it all into a face/head along with face dials for expressions. Sounds like deepfake but with knobs on.
3. Not finished yet LOL. For animation, the utility uses some sort of AI predictive calculation to lift the load when animations are rendered - the frames are pre-calculated prior to and separately from rendering and not during so animation rendering take little time at all.
Back to the real (not dream) world.
Or maybe not so far off...
If Daz could improve their muscle bending system, like when an arm or leg is fullly flexed, the muscles around that area are also flexed in a way that looks natural, that may convice me to upgrade.
I would like put these feature :
1 - one click remove Bump .
2- one click remove Displacement .
3- one clich remove Glossy .
but should DAZ split Studio 5 to 2 Version's .
1- DAZ Studio 5 lite .( Free ) = 3Delight - Iray .
2- DAZ Studio 5 Pro . ( paying ) = 3Delight - Iray - Octane .
DAZ tried the two version approach and it resulted in a major rebellion and multiple problems
None of those require V5 of studio.
Network rendering, if Poser can do it why not DS.
This is already doable (in "beta" form) in the current release. It's under "advanced" then "bridge" in the render settings pane.
I would like to control the font size
To go beyond this, it would be nice to also be able to use multiple different cards while simultaneously not being restricted by the smallest VRAM. I don't mean memory pooling, but idk... some sort of intellgent shared work.
It would be nice to be able to use my old 780 to boost the speed even just a little rather than having it just collect dust.
You are not restricted by the smallest RAM now - this is a myth that refuses to die, but it is a myth. If you have two cards with different capacities then Iray can, if necessary, drop the smaller and continue to run the render on the larger.
I would like version 5 to include all the tools available for PAs.
I would like about 20 more canvasses. See Carrara's list of multipasses for specifics
I would also like many of the plugins to be incorporated as regular features. Some of these include
- Ultrascatter Pro
- all plugins that add functionality or convenience to the geometry editor
I may be misunderstanding, but that does sound like we're restricted by the smallest RAM? If the scene is too big the smaller card won't be used and only the bigger one will... Which is exactly what I'm hoping changes.
How much are you prepared to pay for PA only features?
Did not read to whole thread and I think it was mentioned before, but a biased real time renderer (which works with Iray presets) for animations would be cool
Well, it read as if you thought that the render would rop to CPU as soon as any GPU ran out of memory - which isn't true. I'm not entirely clear what you do mean, but if I'm along the right lines I don't think it would be possible.
I would love if Daz would include bridges to more 3d modeling software.
I would also love if they could make converters for the materials from those softwares to Daz so if I let's say import something from Blender, it recognizes the material and transforms what can be transformed into a shader. If it could also recognize rigging and import that it would be even more awesome but I think that is too much to ask.
The few tools that they get that we don't have are ones that are, from what has been said, extremely finicky to work with and DAZ3D probably doesn't want to deal with the average person potentially breaking their model installation if they don't follow the steps exactly as needed. This is why they aren't available.
+1 Indeed! I sure would love this.
We already have a bunch of tools that can easily break model installations (save functions, morph loader, etc). So denying on that reasoning alone would seem a bit arbitrary.
It seems more based on the supposed (and more than likely unfounded) idea suggested by some that "if people can make their own they wont buy ours". Which was suggested as the reasoning for allowing us to make strand based hair, but locking dforce application to paid content producers. Because we all know that people being able to make their own poses stopped all sales of pose packs, and dforce clothing, and shaders, and figures, and props...
I think a proper official Unreal engine bridge would be very, very sought after.
Also a few refinements of the import options. Like importing from 3ds not making the diffuse into emissive.
Probably been said already but I don't have the patients to read 83 pages with quotes.
I would like to see a better system for importing from outside. I know that Daz makes their money by selling content, but still, there are lots of great freebies out there that daz artists do not create and others that violate daz TOS but I am still wanting to use. Even the PAs have stuff on their own sites, some for sale, most free, that cannot be loaded through the DIM and won't fit correctly in the content.
Clean up the content files. I have an absurd amount of stuff cluttering my lost and found, much of it just some bit of corrupted data for a product that is in another part of the system, and some of it is old V4 and genisis that is too old to work with 4.5 pro.
For content from other sites, there is the Content Package Asssistant.
A lot of that content probably won't have metadata added by DAZ3D, because it's older stuff. And, just because it doesn't appear in the Smart Content system doesn't mean you can't use it in more recent versions of DAZ Studio.
The ability to make our own HD morphs. DAZ can't possibly think they can do everything. For example, there isn't a proper HD Vein morph for Genesis 8. The existing vasulcarity solutions have no geren translucuency map to make the veins green, and the veins don't follow proper human physiology.
V4 & M4 and Genesis work fine with the latest versions of Studio. V4 & M4 cannot be installed through Connect though.
My wish for improvement for DAZ5:
Topic dFormers:
The usage of wieghtmaps with weightbrush is not reall usefull, cause it depends on the geometry details of the surface. So not easy to handle if you want to have a smooth transition over the related region.
I don't know of all PA-only tools, let's take dynamic stuff. (Fotmer dynamic clothing pre-dforce wasnt a PA-tool, was it?) Dforce hair. You can get these features with other packages, and these other packages offer a lot more than what the PA-only tool offers. So if DAZ offered the dforce hair tool for money, it depends how much customers would pay for it compared to other solutions that allows them to do roughly the same. That depends on so many parameters. What kind of DAZ Studio users would be interested in such a tool and how many of them are there. How much are those willing to spend. What does the competition offer. How many copies does DAZ have to sell. And so on.
And of course, there is Blender which is free and you can do a lot in Blender what you can't do in DAZ. If a user is comfortable with using Blender I can imagine that this user would not bother with PA-only tools if these come with a heavy price-tag.