Problems with West Park and East Park



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864
    edited December 1969

    Depending on your goal, you could try loading individual parts instead of the preload and see if there's enough to do what you want.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    Yep, I thought of that too, but a hospital ward without beds doesn't quite work. Maybe when they are on sale again but I can't pay $17.

  • GhostEraserGhostEraser Posts: 1
    edited December 1969

    I also had a problem with the East Park Ward set, even though I owned the three required products (West Park Ward, West Park and West Park Legacy). Daz3D couldn't locate the obj files (for instance wpw_ward.obj) and a couple other items.

    I thought it might be a DIM problem, but the manually downloaded zip files of the West Park series were identical to the DIM installed files. However, the East Park Ward manual download and DIM installations were different as follows:

    ZIP file:

    \Daz 3D\Library\Environments\Architecture\West_P_Ward\East_Park_Ward

    I manually copied the above files into the Daz3D runtime, but I still had errors. I used DIM to install the Poser versions of West Park Ward, West Park and West Park Legacy. After that, I had no more problems.

    Looking back, this was a simple fix, but I had several very frustrating hours before it worked. I don't know if the "*.daz" versus "*.duf" difference is important.

    Thank you for your time, and happy rendering!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited November 2013

    I can't get East Park Lobby to work at all in DS Can anyone help? Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.

    The product readme online says there should be 3 installers:
    Poser Core
    DSON core
    DAZ Studio Legacy.
    The product library and DIM offers only 2 files:
    East Park Lobby (which installs Poser files)
    East Park Lobby StudioCF (which installs .DAZ files, not DUF files.).
    Where are the DUF files?

    When I double click !Pre_EPark_Lobby.daz, I get an rror message telling me to look in the log file. The log has this:

    Merging file !Pre_EPark_Lobby.daz...
    Unable to find file for storable: data/wpl_lobby_56109/ceiling/wpl_lobby_56109_ceiling/geometry.dso
    Unable to find file for storable: data/wpl_lobby_56109/gr_floor/wpl_lobby_56109_gr_floor/geometry.dso
    Unable to find file for storable: data/wpl_lobby_56109/r_window_s1/wpl_lobby_56109_r_window_s1/geometry.dso
    Unable to find file for storable: data/wpl_lobby_56109/r_window_s2/wpl_lobby_56109_r_window_s2/geometry.dso
    Unable to find file for storable: data/wpl_lobby_56109/r_window_s3/wpl_lobby_56109_r_window_s3/geometry.dso
    Unable to find file for storable: data/wpl_lobby_56109/stairs/wpl_lobby_56109_stairs/geometry.dso
    ... for many more files.

    I believe I have the prerequisites installed, but it is hard to tell, because the product web pages still screw up and list the same prerequisite multiple times. I have installed the following files with the DIM:
    West Park DS
    West Park Lobby DS
    East Park
    East Park Lobby
    East Park Lobby StudioCF

    Post edited by barbult on
  • JGreenleesJGreenlees Posts: 2,249
    edited December 1969

    I see where the problem is and will get it fixed. For your error make sure you have the legacy version of the west park lobby installed it will have the data files that it is looking for.

    East park does have the normal installers for the product but it looks like they weren't converted to DIM correctly so i will grab them and get that done this week.


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969


    I've seen this too and what it looks like is that texture add ons which comes with a Preload scene refer to the .dsf (DS 4 files) while if you have only installed the .duf (for DS 4.5+) they will fail. By installing both versions (both for 4.5+ and for 4) this works. Save with the texture sets for curious hallway to mention one item except West/East park where this problem occurs.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:

    I've seen this too and what it looks like is that texture add ons which comes with a Preload scene refer to the .dsf (DS 4 files) while if you have only installed the .duf (for DS 4.5+) they will fail. By installing both versions (both for 4.5+ and for 4) this works. Save with the texture sets for curious hallway to mention one item except West/East park where this problem occurs.

    I installed West Park Legacy and West Park Lobby Legacy. Now I can load East Park Lobby. Thanks for the workaround, Totte.
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited November 2013

    I see where the problem is and will get it fixed. For your error make sure you have the legacy version of the west park lobby installed it will have the data files that it is looking for.

    East park does have the normal installers for the product but it looks like they weren't converted to DIM correctly so i will grab them and get that done this week.


    Totte's workaround has me up and running with East Park Lobby. But I'd like to uninstall all the legacy stuff that is needed to make this usable, so I look forward to your real fix in the DIM.
    Edit: I see you mentioned using the Legacy stuff, too. Thanks to you too for the workaround, Jen.
    Post edited by barbult on
  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited November 2013

    I don't know exactly how they're going to fix this to cover different Studio versions (4.0 and 4.5+)

    I have them all but have not installed yet.

    But in general (I use DIM) if a product

    is not just textures
    and is not listed as DSON
    and in the filters says it can be used in Studio versions other than 4.5

    I install the Poser version and go from there (load up, adjust materials, save out as .duf to use later).

    Edited to add: In this case even though the East Park is textures, I would install the Poser version to keep them all together. This does NOT apply to lights, cameras, shaders of course which are Studio specific.

    Post edited by Spit on
  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547
    edited December 1969

    It is a common problem with other products also. Seems that at some point when converting old stuff to the new DSON file format, only the main products were converted. It makes some sense, because in thesis the add-ons are just material presets for the main product, but a preload set tries to load not just materials, but the geometries also, pointing to the old data folder (that one with 3_0; 4_0_2; or whatever that is not the Artist's name), so it is basically pointing to an inexistent folder if you installed just the DSON version of a converted product.

  • JGreenleesJGreenlees Posts: 2,249
    edited December 1969

    MBusch said:
    It is a common problem with other products also. Seems that at some point when converting old stuff to the new DSON file format, only the main products were converted. It makes some sense, because in thesis the add-ons are just material presets for the main product, but a preload set tries to load not just materials, but the geometries also, pointing to the old data folder (that one with 3_0; 4_0_2; or whatever that is not the Artist's name), so it is basically pointing to an inexistent folder if you installed just the DSON version of a converted product.

    Some series does get converted all at the same time so you don't run into that issue but sometimes i have to update the base pack for something and do the conversion. I have a long list of things that have to be converted and am working as fast as I can to get to them. East park does have the old installers for the update but the dim files aren't right. I am repacking it and hope to have it up asap


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    MBusch said:
    It is a common problem with other products also. Seems that at some point when converting old stuff to the new DSON file format, only the main products were converted. It makes some sense, because in thesis the add-ons are just material presets for the main product, but a preload set tries to load not just materials, but the geometries also, pointing to the old data folder (that one with 3_0; 4_0_2; or whatever that is not the Artist's name), so it is basically pointing to an inexistent folder if you installed just the DSON version of a converted product.

    Some series does get converted all at the same time so you don't run into that issue but sometimes i have to update the base pack for something and do the conversion. I have a long list of things that have to be converted and am working as fast as I can to get to them. East park does have the old installers for the update but the dim files aren't right. I am repacking it and hope to have it up asap

    Thank you, Jen.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    interesting discussion. :) i manually d/l the poser files. but installing one at a time so i can rename the library folders to keep track of what is what.
    hope i'm installing it all correctly.for no troubles.

    sometimes i see the required repeated on the product page. have to close the store page and reopen in fresh tab to see it correctly. happens in Safari and in IE

  • JGreenleesJGreenlees Posts: 2,249
    edited December 1969

    East park should now have the Legacy, DS, and Poser installers.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    East park should now have the Legacy, DS, and Poser installers.

    I have installed the DUF version and it is working for me. Thank you.
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited November 2013

    A quick query — if I want to hit every one of the West/East Park and Parkside Whatever items plus ALL the dependent add-ons and extras in my installer archive, in the store, or in my Product Library page, is it enough to just search on "park"? Will that leave anything out (I'm not worried about extra false hits, I can easily ignore them)?

    Post edited by SpottedKitty on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    There are some that don't have Park in the name -- The Overlook comes to mind.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    <headdesk> I knew there was something I was missing — OK, search for "park|overlook". Anything else?

    (FWIW, I have noticed the new zips have much more complete names than the sometimes unintelligibly abbreviated old executable installers.)

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Vandalized Tube Station is the only other one I've found.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    Got it, thanks. This would have been a lot easier if we still had a link to "stuff using this product" like we had in the old store.

  • Daz Jack TomalinDaz Jack Tomalin Posts: 13,503
    edited December 1969

    Got it, thanks. This would have been a lot easier if we still had a link to "stuff using this product" like we had in the old store.

    Agreed :)

    One day maybe.. but yea, I think that's about all of them.

  • chanurchanur Posts: 49
    edited December 1969

    here comes a list that I've found at the Member forum some times ago, maybe you'll find it helpful to sort out your parts of West Park/East Park ( Entry #7):

    Kattey said:
    Speaking of west and east park, and various parksides, I lost count of which ones are there and what textures are for which, so I made a small list of things I could trace.

    West Park
    West Park is a hospital located in a small, dilapidated, sleepy town of Parkside.

    (standalone) West Park
    textures for West Park East Park
    textures for West Park West Park Committed
    textures for West Park The Overlook

    (connected to West Park but doesn't require it to function) West Park Lobby
    textures for West Park Lobby East Park Lobby
    textures for West Park Lobby The Overlook Lobby

    (connected to West Park and West Park Lobby but doesn't require them to function, furniture) West Park Legacy
    (connected to West Park and West Park Legacy but doesn't require them to function) West Park Ward
    textures for West Park Ward and West Park Legacy East Park Ward
    textures for West Park Ward and West Park Legacy The Overlook Ward
    poses for West Park, West Park Lobby, West Park Ward West Park Poses

    (standalone) West Park Day Room
    (insert furniture for West Park Day Room) West Park Day Room Recreations

    (connected to West Park but doesn't require it to function) West Park Ablutions
    texture for West Park Ablutions Vintage for West Park Ablutions

    (connected to West Park but also mostly functional stanalone) West Park Morgue
    (connected to West Park and West Park Morgue but doesn't require them to function) West Park Basement
    textures for West Park Basement Vandalized West Pack Basement
    poses for West Park Morgue and West Park Basement West Park Morgue and Basement Poses

    Small, sleepy, mostly dilapidated town. Was previously a brisk railroad hub near the coast but after railroads got diverted from the town due to some unspecified event the town started to fade and eventually fell to ruin. Few things live here except of wind, rust and memories.

    (standalone) Parkside Head
    textures for Parkside Head Norhern head for Parkside Head
    textures for Parkside Head Quickening Decay for Parkside Head

    (insert interior for Parkside Head) Parkside Head Interior
    textures for Parkside Head Interior Northern Head Interior for Parkside Head Interior
    textures for Parkside Head Interior Quickening Decay for Parkside Head Interior

    (standalone) Parkside Point
    (insert interior for Parkside Point) Parkside Point Interior
    textures for Parkside Point Interior Quickening Decay for Parkside Point Interior
    textures for Parkside Point Interior Forlon for Parkside Point Interior
    textures for Parkside Point and Parkside Point Interior Point Pleasant for Parkside Point
    (addon for Parkside Point, environment) Parkside Point Ground
    poses for Parkside Point and Parkside Point Interior Parkside Point and Parkside Point Interior Poses

    (standalone) Parkside Station
    textures for Parkside Station Vandalized Parkside Station

    (standalone) Parkside Passenger Car
    textures for Parkside Passenger Car Vandalized Parkside Passenger Car
    (addon for Parkside Passenger Car, somewhat functional standalone) Parkside Haulage
    texture for Parkside Haulage Vandalized Parkside Haulage
    (addon for Parkside Passenger Car, somewhat functional standalone) Parkside Freight
    (addon for Parkside Passenger Car, somewhat functional standalone) Parkside Cargo
    textures for Parkside Cargo and Parkside Freight Cars Parkside JTC Logistics
    (addon for Parkside Passenger Car, somewhat functional standalone) Parkside Box Car
    textures for Parkside Box Car Vandalized Parkside Box Car

    poses for Parkside Station, Parkside Passanger Car and Parkside Box Car Parksid Poses

    (standalone) Parkside Heath
    no textures, aww...

    (standalone) Parkside Tube Station
    (insert props for Parkside Tube Station) Parkside West
    textures for Parkside Tube Station Vandalized Tube Station

    (standalone) Parkside High Lobby
    textures for Parkside High Lobby East Park High Lobby
    (standalone) Parkside High Hallways
    textures for Parkside High Hallways East Park High Hallways
    (insert furniture for Parkside High Hallways and Parkside High Lobby) Parkside High Recess
    poses for Parkside High Lobby, Parkside High Hallways and Parkside High Recess Parkside High Poses

    There is no place called East Park, except in the memories of past.

  • Daz Jack TomalinDaz Jack Tomalin Posts: 13,503
    edited December 1969

    Ah thanks for posting that, I couldn't find it when I looked!

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