Problems with West Park and East Park

I just bought every item in the West Park and East Park collection. In trying to use them, I can't seem to figure out how they are supposed to work together. Individually, they all load ok, although there are .duf files missing for quite a few of the sets. Some sets contain preload files that do not load anything, instead giving me an error.
For example, in the West Park Basement set, there is a preload scene file (!Pre_WP.daz), but it does not load anything, just gives me an error saying to make sure my content files are set up properly. Yet, there is also a preload file (!Pre_WPB.daz) which does load properly. Then, there seems to be a morgue in the basement as well as a morgue upstairs (ground floor, actually).
Additionally, I can't can't any of the East Park items to work, except East Park lobby, which loads !Pre_EPark_Lobby.daz, but won't load !Pre_EastPark.daz
!EastPark_Ward.daz, !EP_EastPark_Ward.daz, and !WPL_EastPark_Ward.daz all refuse to load, giving me errors. I even tried loading West Park Ward first, then apply these to the scene, but they create a new scene element in the scene tab, but have no geometry.
Same thing with !Pre_EastPark.daz.
I would really like to use these sets, as they are really well made, but I am so confused trying to load them that my head is starting to hurt. I was thinking about buying all of the Parkside sets, too, but not if they are equally frustrating to use. No offense intended to Jack Tomalin, these sets are brilliant, I just need some help. And I need for the East Park elements to work.
Try resting your database MetaData and reimporting your MetaData. I had a similar problem with some West Park stuff a few months back till I did that.
I think this is a format and update issue. Some items were not originally supplied with scene files at all, some came with .daz scene files, and some with .duf scene files. The sets that are giving you problems are either mixed sets, calling for parts from other sets which may not have included the formats used by the scene when they were first released, or texture sets for original model sets, which again may not have come with the required format files. If you just purchased those issues should have been resolved, but it's possible some haven't. One solution is to install the Poser-format versions and load their complete sets, then apply the DAZ Studio materials to those.
I tried uninstalling/reinstalling, reimporting metadata, etc, but nothing worked. I took the time to individually load every file that came with my purchases, noting which ones did not work. I came up with 8 files, which I copied the log files for. Turns out that there are missing files. Using the Poser version did not work since they call for .obj's which do not exist. The Studio format files are missing .dso files, according to the logs.
As it stands, I cannot use West Park Committed, East Park Ward, East Park, East Park Lobby, some Preload scene files for West Park Basement or West Park Lobby. Pretty disappointing to not be able to use files from 6 of the 12 products I bought. The latter 2 have multiple preload sets/scenes, some of which work, some which don't.
I could probably apply textures manually, then save my own Sets/Scenes, but that won't help with the placement of objects that the preloads would have done for me. The info files on each of these products say that they have been updated with .duf files, but that is not the case with the ones I downloaded. Maybe I should try using the Downloadable Products page, instead of DIM??
I think the issue you're having may be that you don't have all the sets. The West Park Basement, for example, has a preload to load it with West Park, which won't work without West Park. The East Park sets are texture sets for the West Park sets -- they don't include the .obj or .dso files, you need the corresponding West Park set for those.
However, it may well be that some of the sets are in .duf format and some are not, and they are not meshing properly.
I have had issues with these sets loading properly too even though I have the prereqs. Sadly sometime those requirement aren't properly stated on the pagea adding to the trouble. I hope sometime they release a bundle for these sets with all content properly set up.
Sadly, I did buy all of the sets (everything except Vandalized Basement) and that was not the solution. The problem was that DIM did not install the correct files. When I used the manual route (Downloadable Products) from my account, everything worked fine. Well, almost everything. West Park and West Park Legacy did not work, so I had to do them through the DIM. A combination of installations has everything up and running and Slosh is a happy boy.
If anyone else has a similar problem in the future, here is the solution I found: Install West Park and West Park Legacy through DIM. Install all other West Park and East Park products through manual installation. At least until the DIM files are fixed.
Please report that to the bug tracker, in the Content>Platinum Club products project.
Slosh, sorry to hear you're having some issues! It seems a few separate issues are all coming together here which is causing a world of pain.
The whole DIM issue is kinda out of my control, which is why all of these problems are new to me. Prior to DIM, all the products worked perfectly - and this is the first time I've heard of the issues raised.
I will try and look into with the PC team, and see if we can't get it straightened out. If you have any questions in the meantime feel free to PM me, or head over to the JAS thread if you want to share your renders :)
I'm not sure what is up for the OP but all my WestPark and EastPark stuff loads. This is a brand new Content folder done only with DIM.
EDIT to Add: I only use the Content Library Tab and not the Smart Content Tab.
Hmm. I could have sworn I posted the reply I just spent several minutes typing out (??). Maybe I forgot to hit "Post". Anyway, Jack, no worries. I got everything running just fine. The DIM is still in beta, so bugs are to be expected. Fortunately, I've been at this long enough to know there are always solutions. These products have been around for awhile and have worked for others without problems, so I knew it must be something with the installation. By the way, I love all the stuff you have in your store and I will own it all before I am through!
Richard, I don't know where to find Content>Platinum Club products to post the bug report. Can I assume, since Jack Tomalin is personally aware, that the issue is going to be addressed?
Jaderail, I didn't think to start a content folder just for West Park. I have a separate folder for Supersuit, and one for Freebies, but other than that all my stuff is in one directory.
When I said NEW content folder I meant a FULL My DAZ 3D Library folder. But all the content was installed using DIM.
..I've been doing manual installs of everything as I've had it backed up in archives for installation on the new workstation. Of course this means the DIM is pretty much useless unless I download all twenty plus "pages" of purchases made over the last five years all over again first.
With the manual install (as much of a pain as it is) I've only had one issue and it is because I think I'm actually missing an installer.
I have all the West Park sets. I downloaded and installed manually pre-DIM. They are all working fine.
Have not tried the DIM yet. I don't want to re-install all my content.
Yea, that's no problem.
Just to clarify.. do all the other DIM installs work ok on your setup?
I'm trying to establish if its just the WP DIM installers, or if it's something with your particular setup. I had another person get in touch with a similar problem, and it turned out their DIM content folder wasn't added into their DS preferences.
Just covering all bases :)
This has only been a problem with the WP DIM installs. I haven't had any issues with any other product in DIM.
Thanks for confirming, ok.. will look into this and hopefully get a fix out soon. Cheers!
If you are still having issues please let me know the exact error you are getting.
The preloads you mention all require some of the other sets so please make sure they are all installed as well. I will take a look at the DIM's today.
I reported an issue in bugtracker about east park/west park ward at the beginning of last month: ticket 0049687
I found I own both East Park Ward and West Park ward. West Park loads fine, East Park does not load at all and cannot find objects from the West Park set. The East park ward set web page does not list required products to run this set and just has multiple links to west park, It is confusing.
This was never fixed or addressed.
East Park throws the error: Cannot find a file for /Runtime/Geometries/West_P_ward/wpw_ward.obj
I looked up the bug report, and replied. You need west park ward, west park legacy and west park for that product to work correctly. The error is happening because you don't have west park ward.
I did check the page and all three products are listed as required. It is possible the site hiccuped and didn't show the required when you bought it.
Jen: I think daz site may have a display problem. This is what I see in two different browsers when I just look at this product, Just West park, West Park, West Park
The correct info is displayed now. Thanks JGreenless.
hmm does look like a display problem, but i am glad it's now showing up for you.
Thanks, JGreenlees for looking into this. I no longer have any problems with the products. I bought all West Park and East Park products (12 in all, I think) before this problem came up. The issue was with the DIM installers for the sets, with the exception of West Park and West Park Legacy. Both of these items installed properly with the DIM, but all others had to be installed manually with .exe from my Downloadable Products page. Once done, those products worked as they should.
I bought WPW and EPW some time ago. Just decided to load it today but no luck - errors - can't find files. So I downloaded again from my product history here at DAZ - re-installed all the files contained in the manual downloads (if I have to use DIM, I will ditch DS and save for Poser)... still no luck.
Here is the error:
P.S. I checked after the install - the files it is looking for do not exist, either in my data folder or in today's downloads from the Product Library.
make sure you have west park and west park legacy installed as well they are required when using west park ward and east park ward
Oh, I see now ... another one of those "this doesn't work unless you buy that, and that won't work unless you buy yet another". I clearly didn't buy the whole set when they were on sale so now it is useless unless I spend more.
I don't have a problem with the artist - really good quality work. I do have a problem with some of the marketing methods used at DAZ. I really did not want the legacy (old-and-worn) look - I wanted the East Park look. It wasn't obvious to me that I would need to buy the Legacy product too.
on the top of the page it does list the required products
In the case of east park ward it lists - Required Products:
West Park Ward
West Park
West Park Legacy
The reason it does require them is that the west park set is a set of building "blocks" that all fit together and thus may use a wall included in the other pack, a texture or what all.
You can always contact DAZ for a refund if you aren't satisfied.
Now, I assumed that because I have West Park Ward I would have the necessary items. It is not clear that I need both WPW and WPL.
East Park Ward is a set of textures for the West Park Ward and West Park Legacy 3D building sets and props. It transforms the models into an insane asylum on its opening day - brand new and ready for the patients!
It does say in the discription West park ward and West park legacy. Nothing is bolded to indicate one or the other. If it was meant for either it would say West park Ward OR West park legacy.
I am really sorry that you are having issues with this but it does work as is intended and the page does list what is required. When looking at items always check the required list. It will let you know what products it needs to function.