Realistic Renders... NOT!! 12 "And we're back in the room!"
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I can draw too, but can't colour, that was why 3D art appealed to me. I could create stuff that looked the way I saw it in my head.
I can't colour to save my life. i recently started practicing doing both when i bought a drawing program called Sai a while back but it's kinda slow going i get distracted to easily. i think the other part i like about just using daz studio is i get more consistent results than when i draw.
I get distracted easily too, that's why I'm not rendering right now. I'm trying to tie up loose ends with my 1/6 stuff and must concentrate on getting that done. Once I do I'll have the time and money to get back into 3D full time.
thanks guys!! and great renders here :D, i rarely get to render now since i got addicted in this game called The Secret World and work >_>
These are both rendered in 3Delight, because (if you've been over to my DA gallery from the other thread, you've seen this for yourself) I'm still struggling with Reality/Luxus/Luxrender to get results that don't suck, but here are two of my more recent pieces of lighting practice.
Mostly, I'm working on mood/theme when I'm doing this. The mantra that my art instructors always hammered into my head when dealing with figures in any space was always "lighting lighting lighting framing framing framing." Sometimes it was "lighting framing LIGHTING FRAMING!" but mostly it was the first.
Simple three-to-four pane "studio" shots.
The first (assuming these show up in the order I attach them) is me experimenting with multiple colors/sources of light, which I eventually hope will help me bash out that sort of rainy-greasy-Blade-Runner-Everything-Is-Neon feel. The second is a pair of distant lights (one standard illumination, one diffuse only). The pinup stylings are because I could.
If anyone can tell me what I need to do to be able to pose Alice here so that she's actually resting on her haunches (the Genesis figures limits, on or off, won't let me do that), I'd really appreciate it.
Please be gentle. :)
I really like the dark, moody lighting in the first one. The colored lights add a neon effect the the pic. The image is dark, with strong shadows, but there still is enough light in the right places that you can clearly see the subject.
I started using DAZ to make some concept artwork for my MMO. I try to shoot for realism and thought you guys would like to check it out! :coolsmile:
I'll try to post others when I get some more time.
Thanks! It's good to know I can make it work at least some of the time. :)
Unfortunately every time I try that same shot (with or without multiple lights) in Reality or Luxus, I get a ton of very sharp, very blocky shadows across her face, with the rest of the scene washed out. And it makes me scratch my head. A lot.
I hesitate to ask this but since the OP was realistic renders I will. Does anyone know if the new toon Kimberly or any of the others are more or less anatomical? I am not looking for nudity as much as clothing covered points. I respect that DAZ3d has went family with their characters displayed in their adds but think a quick line of text might be beneficial for new toons.
3D Universe do not do anatomically correct figures, and nor will they ever. By their own admission, they don't see a requirement for it given the type of work these figures are intended for so they have no plans to change their stance on that.
However, Kimberly is a Genesis figure and Genesis has a lot of things going for it. Most notably is that it can use any geografted products designed for it, regardless of which morphs are used. The geografts automatically shrink or grow to fit the model they're attached to. This means that not only could you use morphs to achieve what you need, you can also get the genitals from the Victoria/Micheal bundle to fit to the figure.
...Kaitey for K4 was pretty spot on, and extremely cute too.
Oh BTW the full title of this thread is Realistic Renders...NOT!!
It was originally started in response to the Realistic Renders threads on the old forums in which people were pushing photorealism. The original desire here was to provide a place for the rest of us who were not into "extreme" realism whether by choice or by the limits of our ,software/hardware, to post our pics.
--From the founder Jamminwolf in the lead post of the thread's first incarnation.
...just trying to keep the spirit alive.
Great work folks!
Actually it's "Realistic.. NOT!" as in Wayne's World. This was started by the original OP Jamminwolfie and I promised him I'd keep it going. It doesn't have to be totally real, basically, if you can render it, you can post it. We're somehwhat eclectic round here in that we all have our own tastes and styles.
Keep it coming, that's all we ask!
Seems as though Kyoto and our blessed founder himself can put it better than I can! LOL!
and here's a "not!"(oh wait all mine are nots)
started working on a short comic and decided to turn one of the panels into a picture by itself
compression is worse than normal on this one, probably look better if it's clicked on.
Slice and dice! Nice!
hello, still very new to the program... this is my 3rd attempt at rendering a character assembled in daz which took me 5 hours to compose, 2 mins to render and 1 more hour editing in photoshop XD
...welcome aboard and nice work. What is the city backdrop? (looks a bit familiar).
It looks like a shot from Smallville.
EDIT: Definitely.
yep it was from smallville, this image to be exact ;D
3D Universe do not do anatomically correct figures, and nor will they ever. By their own admission, they don't see a requirement for it given the type of work these figures are intended for so they have no plans to change their stance on that.
However, Kimberly is a Genesis figure and Genesis has a lot of things going for it. Most notably is that it can use any geografted products designed for it, regardless of which morphs are used. The geografts automatically shrink or grow to fit the model they're attached to. This means that not only could you use morphs to achieve what you need, you can also get the genitals from the Victoria/Micheal bundle to fit to the figure.
Thank you that is exactly the information I needed. Personally I stay away from nudity or suggestive art creation. I have no problem with it but my daughter is 13 and I am very careful to maintain what I feel is age appropriate behavior with anything she has access to. I do a lot of cartoon type graphics for her and her friends. For a while I had standing orders for book covers with cartoon characters. Lately it has changed to werewolves and vampires. I asked about the anatomical effects because some of the young ladies have made comments that the cloths don't hang right or look right in the chest area. They still like the cartoon look but want it a bit more realistic. All the same I already miss my 10 and younger daughter. I can appreciate 3D's attitude. They are in good company. Walt Disney closely guarded the use of Tinkerbell to insure she wasn't used suggestively.
Thank you that is exactly the information I needed. Personally I stay away from nudity or suggestive art creation. I have no problem with it but my daughter is 13 and I am very careful to maintain what I feel is age appropriate behavior with anything she has access to. I do a lot of cartoon type graphics for her and her friends. For a while I had standing orders for book covers with cartoon characters. Lately it has changed to werewolves and vampires. I asked about the anatomical effects because some of the young ladies have made comments that the cloths don't hang right or look right in the chest area. They still like the cartoon look but want it a bit more realistic. All the same I already miss my 10 and younger daughter. I can appreciate 3D's attitude. They are in good company. Walt Disney closely guarded the use of Tinkerbell to insure she wasn't used suggestively.
At least until the internet got hold of Tinkerbell. Dammit, I want my childhood back!
If you're looking for anatomical correctness in the chest, I can only assume they mean the way clothes seem to follow the contour of the breast instead of more modestly stretching between them. There was a set of morphs which deals with exactly this. Take a look at Sickle's 'Breast Fixer' on Rendo, it may be the sort of thing they're looking for.
Very nicely done,
You're off to a great start!
Just got the David 5 Starter Bundle, plenty to play with there!
Uhh I have no explanation for this one . :blank:
Oh except click on it if you don't want to see it with being horribly compressed.
How do you get the lights on the insect/speeder to glow like that? I had a way in Poser, but it won't work in DS.
I don't do it in D|S. I do it in postwork. sometimes i can use the ambient channel in the surfaces tab (and even then i do some post work to it to get it to look the way i want) but most of the time the part i want to glow doesn't have it's own material section so i have got used to just doing it in post .
Oh, I see, the effect I'd want would be the glowing eyes below.
Ok here's what i do but I'm pretty aware that my way isn't the best way so it wont help much lol.
usually i don't post how i do a lot of stuff anymore cause i end up getting messages about how I'm wrong and there's better ways of doing stuff blah,blah, blah. lol so i end up keeping that stuff to myself now.
i do it something like this in Gimp. render as normal and if possible change the area i want to glow in the ambient channel in the surfaces tab in D|S >colour over with desired colour in (gimp for me) doesn't have to be exact i just use what ever brush and paint a big blob over the area i want> Gaussian blur.
so i think what i would do for your example picture is paint a couple red circles over the eyes on a separate layer, blur those them on another layer use a smaller yellow circle, blur that one and something like hard light blending option.(or what ever one looks right i use variois ones depending on teh picture)
In the example i posted i only wanted the heels to glow but it was the whole boot or nothing, so i rendered it a few times and mixed those together in gimp on top of the method i wrote about above.
I'm sure there is a way to to it in D|S but this is just the way i like doing it so i never checked.
Oh and i use point and or spot lights set to the colour i want and point it at whatever.
Mmm, that does look cool, though a little involved. I did that render I did fully in Poser without any postwork. I placed a pair of clear spheres over the eyes and did something with them in the material room, I forget what now. Below is how that figure looks in DS. The eye effect there was one I couldn't seem to reproduce in Poser.
Oh yeah i sure that the shader mixer/builder in daz studio can do that too but i don't know my way around that at all. i messed with it a while back and gave up lol.
but it seems that if you know your way around it you can do almost anything with it.
Yeah, I'll search for a tute and have a play when I get chance.