Iray and ParticleFX...
Posts: 485
How to go about getting Iray to apply shaders to non-Objects in scene..
The only object in scene that we can apply a shader too is the constructor...I have tried to apply to just the material but it doesnt affect the material and only applies to the constructor not the effects...ParticleFX you cant select just the effects...At least not yet...
Any Idea's...
Post edited by foleypro on
Have you seen this?
The objects I am thinking
yup thanks,Nice tutorial but its for Max 2015...I am doing this in DS4.8...
The key thing from that was converting the bubbles in Max to mesh objects. I'm not sure Iray has support for non-mesh objects. That's why hair needs to be converted...there is supposedly an Iray curve, but it's not the same as a riCurve or directly translatable, so I suppose it's the same for nonmesh particles.
We do have an exporter option for ParticleFX but it only is dsa and duf...We dont have object or fbx export options yet...
It would be nice if there was a 'generic' particle/curve that everything could understand and use.
We still Haven't figured this out and no one at Nvidia has answered back yet...
I have emailed Vasilly who was one of the programmers for ParticleFX
So maybe Vasilly might know what to do..
The only thing from bringing this plugin back to DS is the IRAY shader thing...
Been a long time coming but HEY maybe soon...And well its been a DAZ soon for this plugin..."
I am hoping he might have an answer...DAZ will not accept the plugin because IRAY isnt working...
The only problem I see here is that if we some how converted the non mesh objects into objects would then MAX out the users Ramm in a matter of seconds...I am still looking for a FIX for this...
You are the Master of scripts...How can we tell DS that the non-objects are objects ready to recieve the textures...?
We can apply the uber shader but it doesnt adhere to the object...
Maybe NEW UV maps for the objects that the Plugin pulls from in our Plugin folder...?
ParticleFX uses its own Objects for the Plugin...Maybe just maybe DS isnt reading the uv maps properly and thats why the uber shdaer isnt recognising the objects...
I havent uvmapped the objects since 3Delight because 3delight see's them and thats why the plugin works...
Maybe something changed in the reading of the objects from 3delight and IRAY...?
I dont know just thinking here...
Simply put the problem with the plugin is that it cant read anything when it comes to IRAY...
In 3delight works as intended....
IRAY it only renders the emittor...
I have tried to apply the base uber shader and nothing...
Maybe re-mapping the uv's of the call objects might work...
If someone might have an article or tutorial I might look at please let me know...
I have posted in the Nvidia dev forum about this problem but no responses..
Sad I am...Just one hurdle and its done...One...