[Released] CC Alenia and Evelyne for Genesis 9 [Commercial]

ChangelingChickChangelingChick Posts: 3,045

CC Alenia and Evelyne for Genesis 9 is out! 

I messed up a bit on the description for required products. It lists the Body Shapes which is *not* required, but I accidentally referenced the Starter Essentials Expansion for the eyelashes (my AC was out and I was delirious). I've already got a fix submitted in to take care of it so you shouldn't need either. I realized that I listed the various breast shape options but didn't include an image to compare them, so I got a couple quick screen grabs for y'all to see what those look like. Both are left to right undialed, supported (in a good bra or corset basically) and unsupported (freewheeling). If you have any questions, please ask here because most likely others will have the same questions! Thanks!!


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