Too Much Content to keep track of

Between the free stuff and the on-sale stuff I seem to have amassed quite a lot of material. Is there a way to catalogue it?   There is a program called Content Cataloger Easy (CCEZ) for Windows, DAZ Studio Edition sold here and I wonder if folks have positive or negative impressions of the program???


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I set up custom categories.  Pretty simple to set up inside of studio.

    For instance - I go to say daz's big cat3.  Right click on the photos and a dialogue box pops up.

    click on Categorize.  A box will open up and you can start to build your categories.  You can then categorize however you see fit.  For instance, I have Animals-Cats- Big Cats 3 - and under Big Cats 3 I have several subcategories incuding breeds, poses, materials etc. 

    Very handy and does not mess up any of the files that DS needs to find things.  And you can multi categorize for kit bashing as well.  For instance if an outfit has boots I will put it under say Gen2 Female- Clothes- Outfits- Outfit Name AND Gen2 Female - Clothes - Boots & Shoes.  so if I am just looking for boots to go with another outfit I can see them all in Boots and shoes instead of hunting throuhg different outfits.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited July 2016

    I haven't used Content Cataloger Easy, but I would also suggest custom categories as one option.  If you have a lot of content, be aware that it could be a substantial project to categorize it all, depending on how your personal categorization method works.  However I can't even imagine what things would be like without it, I would be unable to locate anything, I view it as an absolute necessity.  Be sure to learn how to back up and restore your custom categories right away.

    Post edited by sriesch on
  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    Between the free stuff and the on-sale stuff I seem to have amassed quite a lot of material. Is there a way to catalogue it?   There is a program called Content Cataloger Easy (CCEZ) for Windows, DAZ Studio Edition sold here and I wonder if folks have positive or negative impressions of the program???

    I right-click "Save As" the promo image of everything I buy and transfer the images to folders on my desktop as a reference. For example, the folder Desktop-Daz-Clothing-G3F has images of all the clothing items that fit the G3 Female. When I find a G2 or G1 outfit that will work, a copy of that image goes in a subfolder. Same with backgrounds, food, etc. Many images are in more than one folder.
     It's a valuable way to search for, or remind myself of, what I have that might be useful. While it took a while to download and save the promos of stuff that I already have, it was worth it.

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