Problem with windows 10
I have a new Win 10 laptop and have just installed DAZ Studio. But the text and icons are so tiny as to be unreadable! I thought this might be because the screen resolution is high (3840x2160), so I lowered it, but it makes no difference!
Does this mean DAZ Studio can't be used in Windows 10?

3840 x 2072 - 531K
Post edited by Sertorial on
That looks about right. DS has very small text.
Here's how mine looks at 1920x1080 in Win 10:
No! It's not all right. I guess showing a screenshot isn't any use to show the problem as your computer will display it differently.
My laptop will not display DAZ Studio correctly as the text is FAR too small to read even with a magnifying glass! The program is unusable. Lowering the screen res doesn't help.
DS should use the Windows DPI setting to scale text.
This has been a complaint for a long time. DAZ knows about but refuses to fix the problem. While I like DS you might need to go to Poser 11 for better results. Hopefully Daz3d will someday that this complaint seriously
Daz has not been refusing to fix the problem - they have in fact been laying the groundwork for a fix, which is not trivial. In the meantime, as I noted above, DS has now had suppot for Windows DPI scaling enabled so adjusting the DPI setting should adjust the text size in DS.
Thanks everyone. Quite why my laptop has to have such a stupidly high resolution, God knows!
But what I don't understand is, why doesn't the problem get fixed if I change my screen resolution down to something more sensible (like 1280 or something)? Surely that should make the DAZ Studio interface look bigger?
I would think so, yes - though as I said you should also be able to adjust the DPI setting (System>Display, there's a slider "Cahnge the size...") without needing to chnage the resolution. I just tried and it updated DS live.
Are you running the latest version of DAZ Studio? If you are, it will follow the Display Scalieng settings in Windows. By default your scaler should be set to 250% under Display - Customize Your Display. Then DAZ should look much bigger. I am using DAZ Studio under Windows 10, with the same resolution as you have. It is fine now. Good luck!
Rich S.
Thanks all. No, I tried the scaling in windows, but it made no difference.
FYI this affects many other programs too (such as Adobe Photoshop CS6).
But I am happy, no DELIGHTED to say I have found a fix that works perfectly. And it's very easy to do.
That is the workaround for Windows added in - if you are using the latest version you don't need to implement it yourself.
Thanks Richard. I am using 4.8 still. But this workaround has been so easy to apply and I had to do it for a few other programs too in any case.