My shoes made with Maya will work with Daz?

in New Users
I am pretty new here (I literrally installed Daz for the first time yesterday). I am not sure I fully understand how to fit stuff into the models, speacially shoes. I made some tests with MD to DAZ and they seem to work fine, but my question is towards shoes.
If I make my shoes using Maya, would it be possible to then import them to DAZ and use them there with all their properties? How should I import them?
Any tip/link in the right direction will be appreciated. I searched arround for info but couldn't find much about shoes.
Thanks a lot!!!
If they are modelled to fit a Daz figure you can use the Transfer Utility to rig them - but shoes, espeically high heels, often need quite a bit of clean-up. You might be able to bring the Maya rigged version, if it fits a Daz figure there, in via FBX or Collada but that's not always successful (though there does appear to have been some relatively recent work on it, according to the change log).
Thanks a lot Richard, I will test the Transfer Utility you suggest and post my results, I was not aware of it. Should I use it for clothes too? Right now I was importing my clothes from Marvelous by importing the whole avatar.