Need advice about working with Genesis 2 Female Bot Armor Bundle and Bot Genesis


I'm a total Daz newbie. Just purchased Genesis 2 Female Bot Armor Bundle and Bot Genesis. My goal is to create some female robot characters I can export in FBX to bring into MotionBuilder for real-time motion capture performance. I see a lot of really nice images on the product pages: Genesis 2 Female Bot Armor Bundle and Bot Genesis but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get those different looks. Here's some general questions.Would greatly appreciate any input/advice.

Basically I'm trying to make models that will like the ones in the attached images, and understand how to modify them:

  • Basic Workflow for achieving effects similar to the sample images. I've figured out how to load some of the basics, but not really sure how to customize. Sometimes I double click stuff and it looks like it's loading but I don't see it. I'm looking for an efficient way to create the basic bot and start making changes
  • Any advice about how to avoid double-loading (like when each foot is wearing 2 or 3 pairs of shoes.
  • General approach to changes?
  • Is there a way to hide any stuff in my content folders that's not related to these two products? Or at least make folders that only contain the stuff I want?
  • How do I get stuff to show up in the Smart Content folder?
  • Is there a way to make the interface text bigger? Working on a high res monitor.
  • When I export to FBX, I notice that anything that wasn't a part of the original figure ends up having its own bones. I've realized I can handle this by hiding the bones I don't want to accidentally select... Is there a better way to deal with this?
  • Any other changes I should make since I don't need a lot of the special stuff that is Daz specific but doesn't translate into other 3D software?

One of the attached images shows Bot Genesis Grafting Figures, etc. Looks wonderful, not sure how to graft and cull (or maybe that's already done?)

Really appreciate any and all input. Thanks!

1000 x 1300 - 262K
1000 x 1300 - 221K
What is grafting.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 155K


  • I've figured out a lot of this stuff, but would appreciate advice about how to achieve the faces and hair shown for Genesis 2 Bot and Genesis Bot


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