obj/obp files

Can someone please tell what the difference is? I can use the obj files, but the obp files don't show up. I've gotten some freebies and can't seem to use them. Just want to know. Thanks.
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Can someone please tell what the difference is? I can use the obj files, but the obp files don't show up. I've gotten some freebies and can't seem to use them. Just want to know. Thanks.
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OBJ files are imported using the main import object dialogue.
OBP need to be imported into your object preset library, as they are the Bryce native format, and only work in Bryce.
Thanks, Chohole. I wondered about this too.
@goofy: Access the Preset Object Library by clicking the right facing arrow to the right of Create on the top palate. Another window opens with the title of Objects. Along the left side are headings for different objects loaded into Bryce. Near the bottom are a minus and plus sign, to the right Add/Delete/Import/Export.
Whatever OBP you have can be added to this library by clicking on Import and placing the object in whichever category you want--whichever one has the most open boxes. Or, using the Plus sign creat a new category that matches the object you want to add. Just make sure the title you chose will help you find that object(s) when you want them.
Yes sorry, I should have been more explicit.
I have my own added OBPs in the user category, and then my own folder names there.
Thank you both for the info. Now I can play in Bryce and get more organized.
See you over at DB Guss.
I recently added a container with Bryce relevant documents on my website (see sig). The document describing the Bryce file types and where they belong are in this 11 page PDF (590 KB): http://www.horo.ch/docs/mine/pdf/BryceContent_v4.pdf
Thanks Horo. I'll head over there and check it out.