Background sky gets all stretched out

I posted an image of the sky to the Enviroment pane, but the problem is that the sky becomes all stretched out. I need to learn how I can UN stretch the pictures I'm using for the sky.

How do I do this?


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    The images should display in the background much as they would when opened in an image editor. Exactly what sort of background image are you using?

  • Pack58Pack58 Posts: 750

    Try copying and cropping it to the same proportion you plan on rendering to

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,710

    In the options menu for the Environment pane are two actions. One will adjust the aspect of renders to be that of the background image, the other will adjust the aspect and the size to match the background image.

  • jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271

    In the options menu for the Environment pane are two actions. One will adjust the aspect of renders to be that of the background image, the other will adjust the aspect and the size to match the background image.

    Ahh finally found where you were talking about Cris, the "Environment Pane Tab" NOT environment that is under Render settings !

    Megagearx you can RIGHT click on the actual word "Environment" and find the 2 options Cris is talking about, OR click on the "4 lines" aka the Active Pane Options thing... when you have the Environment Tab selected.

    keep in mind, NOT the word Environment that is under Render settings.

    Cris.. Is there any way we could get some DS icons for the forums to go along with the smiley faces


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