Hair help

in New Users
Can't figure out how to make hair look better or solid,moved all slider adjustments,parented and unparented and diff lights need some input on this please and thanks in advance!

595 x 526 - 472K
What render engine? Iray, 3DL? How does the rendered hair look like?
Doesn't matter looks like crap before and after although pc is fews years old renders go better in basic or intermidt.
Well, first of all, it would be important to know what render engine you are using, and what hair you are using.
If you are using Iray and a 3DL optimized hair, that could be part of the problem. Hair in Iray is problematic at best times.
ok i've done the pic in basic opengl and intermediate opengl and using gen3 with toulouse hair
Okay. That hair is optimised for 3DL. If I load it with default settings, my result looks like this in intemeditate openGL:
Is this how your result looks like, too?
not at all give a min. i'll find
ok couldn't find the render so i did another also tweaked a couple settings and what ya know it rendered just fine,some setting where not right. Thank you much,figured as soon as i inquired the problem would show,lessoned learned always check settings again thank you..
Glad to hear it worked out for you.