Daz Install Manager

This is probably a silly question.
Since the DIM syncs with your account at Daz, products that are left sitting in your 'Ready To Download' tab for a length of time will automatically update if there's a newer version introduced, or not? In other words, will it check with the site (in the background) to make sure it's the most current version before it moves to 'Ready To Install?"
Thank you
Post edited by Geoffrey_Woodget on
Ready To Download has not been downloaded so of course it will be the latest version when it is downloaded.
Huh. That was a stupid question!
I was thinking for some reason that tab showed files already downloaded but not installed yet.
Yeabutt, who's buried in Grant's tomb?
Your thinking about the Ready for Install tab.
Nope. Far left.
I thought they were downloaded already. I can't read. I'm more of a Poser user, I used the DIM to reinstall my Characters to Poser.
no it just shows its ready to be downloaded so it can be installed. Think of it as your product library that you manually download your products. Have you set DIM up to only show Poser products? It won't effect what your question is referring to. I'm just curious if you knew you can do that.
No, it's set to the default.
I was just being stupid apparently.
Thanks Frank!