possibly to edit texture map within Daz3d

in New Users
I do most of my work in Maya but i'm not able to get 3d paint to work in there to edit the texture map. So i want to see if this is possible in Daz3ds instead. I know that i can use photoshop or gimp to edit the texture map but it needs to line up precisely with the mesh that i'm overlaying onto the body so i have to do it in Daz3ds or Maya. If i do it in PS or GIMP that means i will have to constantly reload the texture map to see if the edits i make line up with the mesh i create.
So again, is it possible for me to use Daz3ds to edit the texture map of the base body by "painting" on the body mesh?
Can't you add another layer in PS and load the texture map onto that and your texture on another layer. That way you can see if they line up without having to load it in avery time. That's how I alter my textures.
I'm trying to imprint the shape of a custom 3d mesh onto a pre-existing 2d texture (the daz body textures) not a shape from a texture map onto another texture map. And because of size and shape of the mesh it will actually have to be imprinted onto 2 texture maps--the arms and torso maps. The outline of the custom mesh doesnt come anywhere near the UV shell for the legs or face. So that means i just need to have the custom mesh imprinted on 2 though i may be able to alter the 3d mesh shape so that wont go near the arms allowing me to just alter 1 texture map.
OK i made something up really quick to show you guys what i mean. I havent made the mesh yet so i just created a really crude tank top. But just imagine that the tanktop mesh fits just like a real one onto the Daz body. What i'm trying to do is give the Daz body a farmers tan. That tank needs to match up with the shape of the custom mesh of the tanktop. I havent been able to figure out how to get Maya to print onto the mesh of a Daz body. It works when i use it on generic meshes that i just created. But Daz bodies must have some kind of surface property that i need to adjust before i can get it to work. So thats why i'm trying to see if Daz3ds can do this first.
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Because of the shape of the body texture map you can see why it would be difficult to start drawing an outline on it and then trying to get the mesh to match up with that outline. So thats why i'm trying to adjust the texture while its already UV mapped on the Daz Body, using my t-shirt mesh as a mask and "tracing" over it which would imprint onto the texture map.
There is one thing that i could try in Maya which should work but i want to save it as a last resort. I cant 3d paint on the Daz Body in Maya, i cant make a duplicate of that Daz Body in Maya and try to paint it because the surface properties get copied too. So i could make up an exact duplicate of the Daz Body created from a cylinder. It's similar in concept to how i create custom clothes but since it has to conform to the Daz Body verts it will be a little more tedious...not hard, just tedious so i want to avoid that. Once i make it i can UV map the shape i made, use the Daz body textures and set the UV coords to be exactly the same as the Daz Body UV Coords. THEN i should be able to 3d Paint on the the custom shape of the Daz Body and that will in turn edit the texture map.
Or i should probably just figure out what properties on the Daz body i need to change so that i can 3d paint on it lol.
Can you bake shadows, then overlay the shadow maps in photoshop to get an accurate outline of the clothes on the skin textures? I work mainly in Blender, but this has worked for me in creating tan lines.
Please don't post the Daz texture files - I have removed the link but you need to remove the file from the server.
I suspect what you are running into in trying to do this in Maya is the stacking of the UVs - you should be able to get around this by editing the UV map so everything fits into one square without overlapping - for example scale the body regions down by 50% centred on (0,0), scale the arms down 50% centred on (1,0) and just roughly position the areas that don't matter in the other half of the square. then bake Ambient Cocclusion on the mesh to a new map uner that UV set, save, and use Photoshop or whatever to crop it into quarters, keeping the two that you want (body and arms) for use as a mask in editing or adjusting the real maps. You don't say which figure you are using but I guess Genesis or Genesis 2 since I would expect Maya to be able to cope with the UDIMs used by Genesis 3.
So if i'm understanding how baking shadows works. I apply a lightsource to something it casts a shadow but that all takes time to render. Baking cuts down on that rendering by "painting" the shadow on the surface so it doesnt have to be rendered right? So place the mesh, place the lights and make sure both of those are setup so that the shadow that is being cast is the outline that i want. Then i bake the shadows which leaves the outline without having to rely on the lightsource? i have blender as well so if i cant figure it out in Maya i can look up how to do that in Blender.
@ Richard, i didnt post it on my imgur account so i cant remove it without knowing the url that you edited out. As far as the rest of the stuff that you said goes a lot of it just went over my head. But if i cant figure out how to bake shadows than i suppose i will have to figure out UV mapping so i can do what you talked about. UV mapping isnt my favorite subject and it seems like its not something that a lot of people enjoy either.
Sent it in a PM
Wanted to bump this up for one last question. I haven't had any luck trying to figure out how to bake shadows onto a Daz G3F model, and i havent tried to figure out how the shader network/config/whatever works just yet. I was wondering if Daz3ds can also bake shadows onto the humanoid models. Can it be done with the free version of Daz or does it need an advanced version or a paid version or something like that? I see a shader baker tab in the surfaces side tab and i've tried messing with some of the options but i cant figure out the minor details. I've tried looking for some tutorials to see what i'm missing but havent found any good ones yet. There are instructions out there for it but none of those are able to help me with the issues that i'm having.
Which character are you trying to work on? There is only one version of Daz Studio. There is no paid version. I'm not sure their are any tutorials on this. Have you done a search on YouTube to see if their are any there.
Its a standard G3F model that i'm trying to add a tanline on. For testing and figuring out how to get shadow baking to work i'm using the Dark Storm Belt. Once i know i can get it to work then i'm going to import my own model into Daz and shadow bake that instead. And yes i've checked youtube and have googled and the tutorials i've found are a bit sparse on directions. I've found the options in the surface tab, i've set my directories, i've adjusted sliders, i've added a light source and i've hit the bake button but then its like now what? when i hide the belt how to i get the baked texture to display? i'm checking the directories but i dont see the baked texture files.
If i cant get this to work then maybe in Maya i'll just unwrap the mesh onto the UV of the body and take a screenshot of the UV map with the mesh verts overlayed onto it. Open up the texture map in GIMP add the screenshot as a layer, size the two up so they are the same dimensions and then work on it from there.