Noob Questions

I installed DAZ Studio 4.9, and I have a few questions.
1) I installed the program to drive D, the My Daz3D Library & My Library to drive N, but DAZ Connect apparently defaults to where the main programs's installed. I don't want it on 'D.' So the question is: can I just drag it over to 'N,' and repoint the Content Manager to it? Or will I break something doing that?
2) What's with 4.9?!*# I downloaded Studio & all it's Starter stuff with DIM, installed those things with DIM, and when I open Studio, I have to install them again by double clicking each of them?? Am I doing something wrong? I mean, I know that there's the 'Connect' thing. but it doesn't recognize things installed by DIM or manually anymore?? What happens with stuff purchased from Rendo or DNA then?
That should do it for now.
Did you open Studio's Content Directory Manager and point Studio to your content?
There's something odd going on. Yesterday, I installed 4.9 and it's 14 or so related files. Everything showed up in DIM's 'Installed' tab. This morning it said 0 installed, yet they were in and accessabe in 4.9. So then I installed a product through DIM. I looked in the ManifestFiles Folder (which I moved and made the changes in appdata's ini file) and it was there. YaY! 1/2 hour later the DIM said 0. The manifest files are no longer in the folder either.
So I plan on uninstalling to try again, and I see there is no uninstaller?? "just remove through DIM..." Yeah right.
What now?
Where did you place your manifest files? Mine are not in the default location and nothing happens to them.
The default paths for content will be set using the Public Documents folder location (for DIM installs) and the user Documents folder for your account (for Connect and the folder for user-saved files). One possible issue might be if you are not always logging in under the same account.
Hi Richard,
I moved the ManifestFiles to drive D, and changed the InstallManager>Accounts ini in User>AppData to reflect the new path..
I moved the Connect in Preferences>Content Manager>Connect to drive N by navigating to that path from edit location.
So I just re-installed everything again over the already installed stuff (that IS installed, but not seen by DIM) expecting a HuGe mess, and everything seems fine. It's staying in DIM's 'Installed' tab. We'll see tomorrow morning.