Input please for my first clothing?
This isn't about the models so much, as the "wearables" setup, and the zip file. The file contains two items, a pair of shoes, and a very rudimentary begining of a corset (that's actually three items, I guess). They seem to work as intended on my system, and I think I've gathered up all the pieces into the zip file, but I'd like some input as to what I might be doing wrong.
Also, this is the sum total of my knowledge so far... so any input about where I need to go next would be appreciated.
Keep the models if you wish (CC0)
EDIT: The file is for G3F.
EDIT2: File removed. It was broken.
Post edited by SkpFX on
I would recommend putting up some images for people to see. People may not want to download an unknown zip.
Nah, it ain't no thing. It's not about the models, they suck. I wanted to know if the file was sound... it wasn't. I rebooted into my old system and installed it. The objs were missing. It works now, and I understand DS better.
Poking around it looks like the old mesh data went into .../Runtime/Geometries
Is the new standard .../data/VendorName? I'm assuming that .dsf is mesh data?
<double post>
OK, this is what it is/was...
I took the other thing out, now the file is just the two shoes.
Files contents...
Content/People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes.duf
Content/People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes.duf.png
And the installed file shows up in the Content Library as...
Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes
The model is really in need of decent materials, especially the socks. The Texture file is just solid colors, but I've included a UV image should anyone want to texture them.
EDIT: It was broken! Updated file to include auto_adapted geometry.
I truly don't understand what's going on. The first time I took this to a another mahine it complained about a missing .obj file, and worked fine when the .obj file was added. Now I see that there's an auto adapted .dsf file that also needs to be included?
It's a whole lot of trouble for a pair of shoes, that aren't really good shoes. :)
Actually what you should do IMO, instead of providing obj + auto adapted files, would be to save your item as a prop/figure asset (save as > support asset > prop/figure asset)
It will then generate a duf for that item and a proper DS-format geometry instead of a "I just converted an obj to DS format" geometry file in data/<your vendor name>/<your product name>/ as <your item name>.dsf
So assuming your vendor name is SkpFX and your proruct name is SadddleShoes with asset saved as Saddle Shoes 1 your zip would include:
data/SkpFX/SadddleShoes/Saddle Shoes 1.dsf
People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes 1.duf
People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes 1.duf.png
Thank you Leana!!!
I think I see what you're saying. Will try to work it out. :)