Input please for my first clothing?

SkpFXSkpFX Posts: 42
edited June 2016 in New Users

This isn't about the models so much, as the "wearables" setup, and the zip file. The file contains two items, a pair of shoes, and a very rudimentary begining of a corset (that's actually three items, I guess). They seem to work as intended on my system, and I think I've gathered up all the pieces into the zip file, but I'd like some input as to what I might be doing wrong.

Also, this is the sum total of my knowledge so far... so any input about where I need to go next would be appreciated.

Keep the models if you wish (CC0)

EDIT: The file is for G3F.

EDIT2: File removed. It was broken.

Post edited by SkpFX on


  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,710

    I would recommend putting up some images for people to see.  People may not want to download an unknown zip.

  • SkpFXSkpFX Posts: 42

    Nah, it ain't no thing. It's not about the models, they suck. I wanted to know if the file was sound... it wasn't. I rebooted into my old system and installed it. The objs were missing. It works now, and I understand DS better.

    Poking around it looks like the old mesh data went into .../Runtime/Geometries

    Is the new standard .../data/VendorName? I'm assuming that .dsf is mesh data?


  • SkpFXSkpFX Posts: 42
    edited June 2016

    <double post>

    Post edited by SkpFX on
  • SkpFXSkpFX Posts: 42
    edited June 2016

    OK, this is what it is/was...

    I took the other thing out, now the file is just the two shoes.

    Files contents...
    Content/People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes.duf
    Content/People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes.duf.png
    And the installed file shows up in the Content Library as...
    Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes

    The model is really in need of decent materials, especially the socks. The Texture file is just solid colors, but I've included a UV image should anyone want to texture them.

    EDIT: It was broken! Updated file to include auto_adapted geometry.

    400 x 550 - 46K
    Post edited by SkpFX on
  • SkpFXSkpFX Posts: 42

    I truly don't understand what's going on. The first time I took this to a another mahine it complained about a missing .obj file, and worked fine when the .obj file was added. Now I see that there's an auto adapted .dsf file that also needs to be included? 

    It's a whole lot of trouble for a pair of shoes, that aren't really good shoes. :)

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845
    edited June 2016

    Actually what you should do IMO, instead of providing obj + auto adapted files, would be to save your item as a prop/figure asset (save as > support asset > prop/figure asset)
    It will then generate a duf for that item and a proper DS-format geometry instead of a "I just converted an obj to DS format" geometry file in data/<your vendor name>/<your product name>/ as <your item name>.dsf

    So assuming your vendor name is SkpFX and your proruct name is SadddleShoes with asset saved as Saddle Shoes 1 your zip would include:

    data/SkpFX/SadddleShoes/Saddle Shoes 1.dsf
    People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes 1.duf
    People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/SkpFX/Saddle Shoes 1.duf.png

    Post edited by Leana on
  • SkpFXSkpFX Posts: 42

    Thank you Leana!!!

    I think I see what you're saying. Will try to work it out. :)

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