Makeup and skin tone

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I did a forum search and couldn't find anything. 

I've only been using DAZ Studio for a little over a month. One problem I'm having is the discrepancy between facial and body skin tones once I've applied a makeup preset (such as when I apply any of the "Bree" makeup for V6). Basically the makup results in the figure's face looking a few shades darker than the skin on the rest of her body, making it pretty obvious that she's "wearing makeup". I'd rather not have all my figures dressed in long-sleeved turtlenecks, gloves, and full-length skirts, so I'm wondering how I get around that. Any advice would be very much appreciated. 


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    Some characters come with more than one skin shader type, like HSS, omUbersurface, Daz Studio Default, or Iray. It is important to apply a makeup that uses the same shader as the rest of the body and face. Also, you usually have to use a makeup on the character it was created for, in order for it to match the rest of the skin.

  • Thanks for that, it helps. In the beginning I may have been applying shaders and other elements willy-nilly since I had only a vague idea what they did. Noobs, right?

    I hope you don't mind a follow-up question: What does DAZ do if you apply something like a character skin or shader over a figure that's already assigned one? Does it replace what's there or do they combine (and probably make things worse)? Basically I'm wondering if I should go back and recreate a custom character I've created while being more careful about shaders etc. or whether I can get away with tweaking her settings. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    Thanks for that, it helps. In the beginning I may have been applying shaders and other elements willy-nilly since I had only a vague idea what they did. Noobs, right?

    I hope you don't mind a follow-up question: What does DAZ do if you apply something like a character skin or shader over a figure that's already assigned one? Does it replace what's there or do they combine (and probably make things worse)? Basically I'm wondering if I should go back and recreate a custom character I've created while being more careful about shaders etc. or whether I can get away with tweaking her settings. 

    There are layered texture presets which will add an oerlay to existing textures, and there are some make-up products in the store that use the technique, and soem material presets change only certain proprties (varying the translucency setting for Iray or SSS strength for 3delight, for example) but in general applying a material preset will replace the existing settings.

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