How to Make INJ Files?
How do I save a morph as an INJ file?
I use Daz 4.9 and V4.2
I now have a LOT of morphs that I created in Blender, all of which have been imported into V4 and assigned to appropriate menus in the Paramers tab.
This V4 has been saved as a Scene subset, always loads fine, and all morphs work as expected... All is good so far.
However, as the V4 file is now over 80mb in size and the Parameters/Morphs tab is getting a little complicated, I think I need to do a bit of housekeeping and sort it out a little better, so. . .
Here's what I would like to do..
Have One V4 file (I could call it V4DefaultMorphs or something like that), which just contains the morphs that I use regularly (This would be saved as a SceneSubset)
Have all other morphs that are either character specific/oneoffs/rarely used etc (single morphs and morph groups) saved as INJection files (unless there is another way to save morphs only??)
This way i could then load in my V4DefaultMorphs character as usual, and then, INJ any other morphs as and when required. This (to me anyway) seems like a good plan?
What I have tried...
SaveAs > SupportAsset > MorphAsset.
This brings up an error message "You must save Figure/Node Assets before you can save Morph Asset(s)."
Will this work for V4??.. If so how do i save a Figure/Node Asset?? (I have googled... but cant find anything helpful)
Scene > Assets > ExP Export. (and then run DzCreateExPFiles-V4.BAT)
I have done a test with this with a CR2 version of my V4, BUT it puts the INJ files in the default V4 Delta folder (plus a LOT more folders too), and when loading the CR2 file into scene it loads up all the dials automatically whether i want them there or not.
Other vendors Injections simply have Inj/Rem files... 1 click and they load into V4. . . So, how can I save an Injection in Daz?
Sorry if this has been a bit long winded, but i have googled it and the very little information I have managed to find is for Poser.. and I dont have that.
This is a task for the ExP Exporter -
You can the use the PowerLoader script to decide which morphs load.
Thanks for the reply Richard
I have had a quick read through of your post in the link (very helpful.. Thanks)... and there are a few differences in your walkthrough to what I have previously tried, noteably the bit about Powerloader script "(from the \Character\DAZ People folder)" . . . Unless that is the actual V4.2.cr2 file or .dsb file, I dont have anything else relevant in there??... Definitely nothing mentioning Powerloader. I have however, found a Powerloader .pz2 file in the ( !Daz\Victoria\Deltas folder )... would this be the one to alter??
Although I havent actually tried your route as yet (I will be later this evening tho), one question pops into mind straight away... Once I have loaded my defalut V4.cr2 with my basic morphs selected from PowerLoader into the scene, can I run PowerLoader again (from somewhere?) to add more morphs as required to the already, loaded into scene, V4..? Or is Powerloader only available on loading the cr2 file?
Thanks again
The .dsb file is the PowerLoader script (strictly the launcher, PowrLoader itself is part of DS). Yes, you can rerun PowerLoader - it should be in the viewport right-click menu with the figure selected.
Nice one. . . I have had a check and PowerLoader option is indeed in the viewport right-click menu. . . and it works :)
I will have a go at putting my morphs in this way and see how it goes...
Thanks again for your help.. Very much appreciated. Thanks