Requesting thread be deleted

jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271
edited June 2016 in New Users

I put this thread in new users section, thinking I was not loading Victoria 2 figure correctly, and other new users could learn from my errors.

long story errors have been taken care of.


Thank you everybody


Post edited by jcbunn on


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I believe that those first few generation figures have been retired.  It would be nice if there was a notice that the figures for these packs were no longer available.  I believe that you can no longer purchase Victoria 1 & 2 or the original The Girl.  If you purchased this and it is within the 30 day return policy, you should be able to return this.

  • jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271
    edited June 2016

    Thank you for your help

    Post edited by jcbunn on
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited June 2016

    That bundle is a large collection of resources to use with Victoria 1 and 2 and not Victoria 2 herself.  Victoria 2 was just basically Victoria 1 with morphs added and they have both basically been retired.

    However, although you won't have the morphs, I believe you may still be able to get Victoria 1 (which should work with the items in the bundle you purcfhased) by purchasing and installing this:

    If all else fails remember you can return  purchases for the first 30 days.


    Edited to add: If you do manage to get Victoria 1 there are a lot of free resources available in this thread: The morphs won't work on Victoria 1 but the clothing, poses, and accessories should work.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271
    edited June 2016

    Thank you

    Post edited by jcbunn on
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited June 2016
    jcbunn said:

    No, I can not safely buy another product from Daz3D until this is resolved.

    I can no longer Trust what I am actually buying, When the page says "Victoria 2 Bundle" and "Everything you need to get the most out of Victoria 2" you expect it contains Victoria 2.

    This is pretty much a matter of semantics. I, personally, would read it as getting the most out of something you own (i.e. Victoria 2). and would not expect Victoria 2 to be included unles she was listed in the included section (which she isn't)

    The best resolution may be to simply return the bundle, which you can easily do within the first 30 days after purchase.. Click on the 'contact us' at the bottom of the page (or click on help > contact us) then select submit a ticket, fill in the form and request return of the item and choose sales support  to submit the ticket to.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622
    edited June 2016

    You can get Victoria 1 in Mimic lite she can wear V2 clothes.

    oops saw that already mentioned

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271
    edited June 2016

    It is past the 30 day period, Im new and thought I was doing something wrong with the loading of Victoria 2 as everything support wise gives a 404 error

    and then this part,

    Product Installers PC
    You will need both installers to install this product. Place them both in the same folder before running. The first installer will automatically reference the secondary support file(.002) on installation.
    PC Part2 Download Size: 14.10 MbProduct Installers MAC
    You will need both files to install this product. Place them both in the same folder before running. The first installer will reference the secondary support file on installation
    Mac Part2 Download Size: 14.39 Mb


    Every Daz Orignal Charactor Budle I have bought, ALL have had the body included, except for Victoria 2.0 Bundle

    if it would have said

    • Victoria 2.0 Character Pack 1 FOR Victoria 2.0
    • Victoria 2.0 Character Pack 2 FOR Victoria 2.0

    Like it does on 99% of the add-on product bundles then it would be clear that it did not contain Victoria 2


    I will wait till Monday, for a responce from Richard or another Daz3D staffmember before going to customer support, nothing could be done till monday anyway.

    Thanks Charlie, and Knittingmommy, and Sad for your help.

    I was hoping it was me that was doing something wrong.

    Post edited by jcbunn on
  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917

    Nowhere in the description does it say that Victoria 2 is included. It does say that Victoria 1 and 2 are the Compatable Figures. I don't think Daz can be accused of false advertising.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    We have sent a query in about this.

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    I agree it's not false advertising, but the product page is at best not complete. Nearly all of Daz's character bundles come with the base character, so the natural assumption is that this one does, too. There is a notation for "compatible figures," but this is meaningless; the V4 bundles say the same thing, and they come with V4 base. What the product page does NOT indicate, but should, is the dependency on a product not included. This is clearly a mistake. If this is an add-on, it needs to indicate the dependency to a base product. Many other Daz products do, so though should, too. 

    So again, not false advertising, but not great marketing, either. V2 isn't even currently sold, so it wouldn't hurt to simply include those files.

    I had this same thing happen on a product I bought that ended up requiring an obscure dependency for a Stephanie 4 add-on.  Even after bringing it to Daz's attention in a support ticket, and the fact that the dependency wasn't noted on the page, they didn't offer to credit. This was really my fault; it was well past the 30 days, as I didn't have a need for the product until that time. Moral of the story: test your files upon purchase. Make sure they are what you expect them to be. Don't trust the product pages, and take them up on the return policy if the product is not satisfactory to your needs.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Customer Support is issuing you a refund right now.

  • jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271
    edited June 2016

    Guy's and Gal's, please understand I am not on the attack. I Love the Daz3D program, the people behind it and the Community! I hope to one day have my Posts count in the Thousands :) I'm not even 3 months in and already have spent $ 1.793.00 dollars and am very happy with every dollar of it ( except for the V2 bundle ) and I am hoping to buy even more but please remember. These product pages were not designed for the PA's or the Daz3D Elite, they were created by marketing personel for the average comsumer.

    Ok, Thank you Chohole. I will wait till I hear something from someone before going to Customer support, I don't care about the money I would just like to be able to use the Victoria 2 Bundle

    Is there any chance the actual Victoria 2.0 model could make a cameo appearance in the future ?



    Post edited by jcbunn on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622
    edited June 2016

    I really would like to know given that they vaulted so much content anyway why they could not at least have left the base figures available since they left some content still unvaulted.

    If they did not want them free or new people buying them by mistake they could have at least made them a cheap PC+ item like much of the remaining V2 M2 stuff is.

    With maybe  a caution they may not be supported in later versions, more suited to Poser etc if that is the case.

    some of us actually do still use them too I might add, I often do in crowds in Carrara but more often I use Crossdresser or Clothes converter on their items.

    I then can autofit them to Genesis etc too.

    Alternatively (only DAZ can legally) make a clone for Genesis + for them and that might just be the better option they could do with a brief unvaulting on its release to sell it.


    edited to add, with Crossdresser or morphing clothes you can also add morphs from the clothes to the base figures such as the V1 in Mimic!!!

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783
    edited June 2016

    This is a left-over from ancient times, when base figures were never included in bundles and had to be purchased separately. It would have been understood back then that the product in question was an accessory pack and did not contain Victoria -- or Michael, if you bought the male counterpart. Nowadays, bundles always include the base item, which is usually only a morph and UV set for the Genesis-of-Whichever-Variety base. So yeah, they really need to update the page so as not to confuse anyone, especially people who haven't been around here like forever.  ;-)

    Post edited by Byrdie on
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