How to change the color of a certain part of a character?

in New Users
For example I want to change the skin color of the green square having other skin color in the red square (Please, see the image attached)
Can be done with Geometry tool?

900 x 506 - 380K
I haven't spent a lot of time with the Geometry Editor myself, but, yes, creating a new material zone from selected polygons will certainly allow you to assign different materials to those areas under the Surfaces tab. Depending upon what sorts of changes to those areas you are wanting, you may also be able to achieve the desired results using the Layered Image Editor.
You can, if the polygon borders allow, assign an area to a nwe surface group and change its colour or other values. That won't, however, change the UV maping so the new surface will still take the same part of any textures applied. Another approach, if the polygon boundaries aren't helpful, is to use a mask to mix materials (in Shader Mixer) or textures (via the Layered Image Editor), and there's always post-work combining two different renders by erasing parts of one to allow the other to show through.