How to know if a material is Iray or not?

CatinBagCatinBag Posts: 54
edited June 2016 in New Users

So I know a lot of materials are labeled as either Iray or not, but for the ones that are not, for example the one below:

Is there any way to filter materials by Iray/3Dlight/whatever the 3rd one is?

Iray and 3D light I can usually tell by selecting them, Iray materials look very glossy(in the viewport, textured shaded). The 3rd one I cant figure out, it looks like the Iray but has a darker tinge(in the viewport, textured shaded).

Post edited by CatinBag on


  • CatinBagCatinBag Posts: 54

    This particular example was from "Jolina HD for Victoria 7"

  • Pack58Pack58 Posts: 750
    edited June 2016

    Yeah, that's really irritating.

    What I do, if working from Smart Content, is right click one of the icons and select Show in Content Library and everything I've had this problem with has had separate 3DL/iRay folders so you can work from which ever materials folder is appropriate then go back to smart content pane.

    Bit of a pain, hopefully someone has a better solution.

    Post edited by Pack58 on
  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Short of any workaround where an appropriately named folder does not exist, you can always apply the shader, and then look at it in the Surfaces tab. If you see a MaterialID setting near the top, it's for Iray. If you don't want it, immediately undo. You might then manually create your own a self-explanatory sub-folder and move the Iray shaders into it.


  • CatinBagCatinBag Posts: 54
    Tobor said:

    Short of any workaround where an appropriately named folder does not exist, you can always apply the shader, and then look at it in the Surfaces tab. If you see a MaterialID setting near the top, it's for Iray. If you don't want it, immediately undo. You might then manually create your own a self-explanatory sub-folder and move the Iray shaders into it.


    oh cool. never noticed that.

    Pack58 said:

    Yeah, that's really irritating.

    What I do, if working from Smart Content, is right click one of the icons and select Show in Content Library and everything I've had this problem with has had separate 3DL/iRay folders so you can work from which ever materials folder is appropriate then go back to smart content pane.

    Bit of a pain, hopefully someone has a better solution.

    So you just manually seperated them basiclly? I'll give it a try if it really starts annoying me I guess.

  • Pack58Pack58 Posts: 750
    edited June 2016

    Hmmm. Guess I explained that badly. No I didn't separate them. They generally come in separate folders. Maybe some images will be better.

    Also the steps I described in my first post where for D|S 4.7. I have to remember to make sure thay are the same in 4.9 before posting. In this case they have changed but the route is shown in the screen shot above.

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    Post edited by Pack58 on
  • CatinBagCatinBag Posts: 54
    edited June 2016

    oh I see. That is exactly what I wanted.

    Thank you Pack! yes

    Post edited by CatinBag on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited June 2016

    If you had installed product with DIM, you'll see material folders labled Iray 4.8, Iray 4.9 and 3Delight. Unfortunately, when the presets were categorized, as least for DAZ Connect installs, both sets of Iray materials were assigned the same categories. The Iray presets should have been labled differently, or separated by categorizing. You can file a problem report deal with it or recategorize the materials youself.

    I chose to do the latter.  The picture attached shows how I dealt with the recategorization.  Another option is to go into the Jolina's Iray material category and split it into two groups 4.8 and 4.9.

    Tip, to help you identify what icons are for 4.8 or 4.9, go to the cloud folder for 32449 (Jolina's) and insert an X in front of the one of the Iray material folders to block them from displaying in the Smart Content tab. Refresh the Smart Content tab and recategorized the visible Iray material icons, repeat for the other set of Iray icons.  When you're done, remove the X's in the folder names to have the icons all show up again in the Smart Content Tab.

    If you bought the Jolina Hair too, you'll run into a similar issue with DAZ Connect installs.  There are two sets Iray materials Iray and IraySSS and they both have same Iray category assignments. Also, since the product comes with V4, Genesis 2 Female and Genesis 3 Female, the person who categorized the product just left the Genesis 2 Female presets in the Lost and Found category with no metadata..  To top that off some of the Genesis 2 Female material presets did not have entries to "mount" presets in the Smart Content Tab.  The 3Delight materials are missing for  01-13 and and Iray materials are missing 01-12.

    Jolina recategorized.png
    718 x 1011 - 337K
    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • SiscaSisca Posts: 875

    Another trick I use is to make sure the Info tab is visable below Smart Content. Then when you select an item in smart content one of the things it will show you is the path so you can select the version that has iray in the path.

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