Help please! Missing content

in New Users
Hi, I always had this problem. It's very difficult to me to find my content. Poses, materials, characters, scenes, props. Many times they are in others folders or in "Lost and found". I have re installed all my content but It worse everything. Now, I missed many content. What can I do? Please I'm desperate
Have you tried looking under Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats in the Content Library pane?
Lost and Found contains items that are not (yet) properly categorised - you can always, as you find them, categorise them yourself for now (or even set up your own parallel list of categories and ignore the Daz set). The simplest method is to right-click on the folder containing a product's files and categorise the whole lot at one go.
Some (but not all) products can also be viewed by product name in the content library, which might help to easily locate content for a specific product that you cannot easily find elsewhere.
Yes Richard I tried it. I tried to categorize them but I can't I don't know how. I clicked on the uncategorized thing then categorize but then a pop up emerge (Please, see the image attached)
I had most of my things categorized but I tried to reinstall all to see If I could categorized them. Now I can't find many things. I don't know what to do. Help please!
Get out of the Smart Content pane. In the Content Library pane all content that is properly installed and mapped will appear either und DAZ Studio Formats or Poser Formats. Categories and Products still use the database like Smart Content so don't use them either.
I don't have DS in front of me, but there should be an option after you select one or more content thumbnails to right-click and select something like "Categorize" from the context menu, then you can browse to various categories, add new ones, and put the checkmark in front of (or remove the checkmark in front of) whatever category(s) you want to add the content to.