Moonshine's Drive-In Questions
Posts: 926
Is there going to be a projector for the drive-in? It's been a few decades, but as I recall there were always two screens at opposite sides of the field with the concession stand between and projectors on top.
Where would the projector be at this drive-in?
400 x 400 - 96K
Maybe it's got a rear screen projector ....... or maybe not ........maybe it's part a expansion pack .......ya never know with Jack's stuff
Funny... little bit of a logic trap on this one.
At the old drive in from the little town I was from in Louisiana (still running when I was a kid but I think went out of business when the old guy who ran it passed away in the mid 90's) there was a two story structure at the entrance. The second story was where the two projector windows were above the concession stand. Out the side is where the tickets were sold and taken as cars were driving in; there was a concession stand around "front" below the projector windows; on the other side was the back entrance to the building, men's and women's bathrooms, and garbage cans; and the "back" of the building (which was the side facing the street had a small door but was mainly used for posters showing "Now showing" and "Coming soon" posters... aah, memories. It was great cause the high fence had a bunch of holes in it where kids who couldn't afford tickets would try to look at the film and barely hear from one of the nearby speakers. The old coot used to sneak up to the holes with an air horn and scare the crap out of those kids.... yep... my ears still ring. *chuckle*
I was thinking it was something like this, but it may have been two-story. I do recall you could go into the concession and that the bathrooms were there, but this was in the early seventies and I can't remember any details.
I remember that a lot of them were because kids used to try to do obscene shadow puppets on the screen by hoisting one another up. *laugh* It was a slanted roof tilting down away from the concession stand so kids would also climb up on the roof and hang over the edge to do that too.
Still useful, though, if your scene does not include the projection booth or concession stand. :)
Happy I bought it and I will figure something out for the rest unless Jack is listening and wants to recreate the original drive-in house I mentioned. *keeps fingers crossed*
Jack Tomalin said something about the projection booth in another thread.
There is one over at Rendo with a projection room/concession stand/bathrooms...
Oh good. According to that thread there will be more later on it.
I wonder if the Concession stand will have popcorn and candy.
Mmmmmmmmm... Ju-Ju B's, Mike & Ike, Milk Duds, etc. etc.
Sorry.... sugar coma time.
I'm always listening - that doesn't mean to say I do as everyone asks, but I do take everything I see into consideration ;)
I'm always listening - that doesn't mean to say I do as everyone asks, but I do take everything I see into consideration ;)
All I ask of you is all I ask of everyone which is, of course to obey my every whim as your overlord and master of the
All I ask is for its thoughtful consideration and I appreciate it.
(Note to self, position orbital satellite to better aim mind control beam at Tomalin residence.)
Afraid so, otherwise it would be like that scene out of Scanners where that dudes head explodes ;)
Afraid so, otherwise it would be like that scene out of Scanners where that dudes head explodes ;)
Damn, foiled again. I'll get you, my pretty. And your little do.... oh wait, wrong person, sorry.