Purchased Products not available to download
Since coming back to D/S and getting to grips with Daz Connect, I have come across a recurring problem of items I've just bought not being available in Daz Connect. It is mainly new releases., which leads me to wonder if there is a backlog loading the items? I am however prepared to accept I am doing something wrong. Either way, it is frustrating. Is anybody else experiencing this problem? Is there anything I can do to fix it. I even tried a manual download with the Textures for Blood Outfit and Textures Chevaleresse but the files were invalid. Hay-ulp!
Items can take a while to show in Connect. Which filse were invalid for the textures ets - the offlien packages or the DIM zips?
The Manual Download files (which I would guess is the DIM zips)
Have you tried using a different archive tool? The built-in Windows comressed folders utility can be touchy. Failing that, try using a different browser (or the Install Manager) to download.
I tried using the manager and it just hangs apparently indefinitely. I gave up after I got back from the shops and it still hadn't finished synching. I've reacquired the zips and they work now so iot may have been a connectivity issue with my ISP, so it's no biggie. I've just gone through my recent purchases over the last five days. About 75% had to be manually installed despite none of them being more than 2-3 months old. I guess for the time being I have to assume that Smart Content is not going to be much use and I'll have stick to manual downloads using the content library for the forseeable. bit of a shame because, in principle, smart content is a good idea. Thanks for you help though.
Even if you install manually you can use the Re-import metadata function to get the smart metadata (if you install with DIM it will be imported automatically).