Mimic.dmc Daz pleeeeeeeeze put those mimic configuration files back on site already!! edit, I am sta

WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
edited October 2012 in The Commons

found yet another figure I do not have the Mimic configuration file for!!
we used to be able to download them from the old site
now nobody seems to care or tell us to make our own in Mimic pro
(which I have but never succcessfully have done!)
Songbird remix, yes there was one but I cannot find it on my computer, I know I used it once!
edit, yes thx to Skiriki, I got of off Ken's site
so many ask for various dmc files and due to I copyright cannot share

can you please if ANYONE from Daz is reading the forum
just put the damned dmc files back up on site!!

Post edited by Chohole on


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited October 2012
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I removed some of the "eeee"s from your thread title, so it was no longer breaking forum formatting

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    sorry Cho :red: I had posted this thread a while ago and just edited it as I located some more figures I did not have all the dmc files for
    Skiriki and Ken both pointed me to his site for his and I discovered 3DU have a download page too
    so to put it all in one spot I decided to post links specifically for Mimic files here so others need not do more than a forum search.

  • Edward_552019Edward_552019 Posts: 122
    edited December 1969

    Do you have Michael 4, and David as well?


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    I have but cannot redistribute :long:
    hence this page
    if someone makes their own from the default in Mimic pro they can
    but I cannot figure out how to do that either :long:
    if they do, please can they post a link on this thread!!
    so bcameron an others can get it since Daz has not got them on site!!

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited November 2012

    I used to make DMCs, I'll do some playing and see if I still remember how to do them.

    It would be great if they would post the downloads to the old DMC files

    It would be really awesome if they came out with a new version of Mimic

    Post edited by LycanthropeX on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    maybe sooooooooooooo N:ahhh:

  • Edward_552019Edward_552019 Posts: 122
    edited December 1969

    LycanthropeX., that would be really nice if you could spend some time looking into this. I've looked over a dmc file, doesn't look too complicated, but some of the sections are vague.

    Let us know please what you come up with.



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    PS1Borg doing a great tutorial here I will try to follow.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    PS1Borg doing a great tutorial here I will try to follow.

    The tute needs testing out for clarity and use ability if anyone has the time and inclination :)

  • bad4ubad4u Posts: 684
    edited April 2014

    Post edited by bad4u on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited November 2012

    Thanks for the linky's . Hopefully Mimic users will feel the love and less orphaned.

    Post edited by ps1borg on
  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    Why is Mimic Pro the poor stepchild? DAZ needs to get the software updated so that it will work with all the figures they sell.

    I can't get M4 to work with it at all. I have the michael4.dmc file, but importing the .pz2 into DAZ Studio, he nods but doesn't lipsync. I had it working once, but this is so kludgy, I can't figure out how to make it work again.

    It would be REALLY SIMPLE for DAZ to update the Mimic software to support all the characters, but apparently they do not want to support their software anymore.

    Sorry to vent here, but I have a animated feature in production and I desperately need the M4 .cr2 to load to get it to work.

    Does anyone know how to fix this problem? The forums don't seem to have an easy to find answer. I've been looking for over two hours now.



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    have you loaded his expressions under poses?

  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    I'm not sure where to find what you're talking about. In mimic, the first part of the the loader you have to load the .cr2 file and the second entry is the .dmc file. I found the second one, but even a search on my hard drive won't find Michael4.cr2. I can load the model just fine so the geometry is on my hard drive, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.

    The documentation needs an update, and if there are files we need, then DAZ should be fixing them. The tool is far from dead. It works great on my M3/V3 models, but the others aren't working. Supposedly V4 works, but I can't find a .cr2 for her either.


    Ken :)

  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    Aha! I need to experiment with this, but I found old notes from a previous forum discussion that I saved to my hard drive. Here's what I found:

    "It took some playing around, but I got it to work.

    Here is what worked for me in Poser 8 with the latest versions of Mimic and V4 and M4. V4 seems to work without any tweaking at this point. M4 does not have a Configuration file at this point in Mimic...however there is one in Daz Studio 3. I actually copied the file and put it with the rest of my "DMC" files. I guess the thing that threw me was that at this point Michael 4 needed no tweaking. The tweaks listed earler made it "not" work. At least in my case Michael 4 loaded with all the morphs injected already.

    The "michael4.dmc" file can be found under C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\plugins\dzmimic\Configuration_Files or at least that is the default location if you haven't placed it elsewhere. For me I just load M4 with no tweaks and then choose the Michael4.DMC file from Daz Studio 3 as the configuration file. After that it works great.

    This works for me, but, from what others have written in may not work for all configurations."

    So I have the DMC file loaded in Mimic, but in DS it would appear that I also have to load the configuration file? Hmmm....

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    your cr2 files will be under content/runtime/libraries/character/Daz/people

  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    BLESS YOU!!!!!! :)

  • Casina_Casina_ Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    victoria 4.1 dmc works for m4

  • solomonsolomon Posts: 84
    edited December 1969

    a Genesis .cr2 that will work with Mimic Pro?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    mine does

  • solomonsolomon Posts: 84
    edited December 1969

    mine does

    you mean you have a Genesis cr2 file that works in Mimic Pro?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    yes, I saved it from th DSON import in Poserpro2012 but a cr2 export from studio should work too, there is a genesis dmc file under plugins mimic

  • solomonsolomon Posts: 84
    edited December 1969

    so are you able to successfully load that and the DMC in Mimic Pro, create a lipsync and bring it back to DazStudio 4.6 and it plays nicely?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    I used it more for Poser as DS4.6 32bit lipsync can be saved and used in 64bit and anyway I do not animate and render in studio (I use Carrara, iClone & Poser)
    it does work in studio though, have tried it.

  • solomonsolomon Posts: 84
    edited December 1969

    I used it more for Poser as DS4.6 32bit lipsync can be saved and used in 64bit and anyway I do not animate and render in studio (I use Carrara, iClone & Poser)
    it does work in studio though, have tried it.

    great! do you mind sharing it and the dmc?

  • AuroratrekAuroratrek Posts: 218
    edited December 1969

    I'll throw in my own request for a Mimic Pro update. How can Daz Studio pretend to be a complete character solution without Lip Sync? Mimic Lite? Useless. Mimic Live?? A joke, and a bad one at that.

  • AuroratrekAuroratrek Posts: 218
    edited October 2013

    Plus I'm a Mac user, and I'm forced to use Mimic on a PC just to have a working copy.

    Post edited by Auroratrek on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited December 1969

    I cannot share a cr2, you need to make one, the dmc you should have already

  • I had all kinds of problems, but this old tread helped me out a little and gave me hope. Still if ANYONE is thinking about buying "Mimc lite" be forwarned it will take some fiddling to get it working with V4 and M4. I was finally able to ine of them into mimic lite. It was M4, I did so by using his *.cr2 and (victorias) v4.2.DMC file. I don't know why I didn't have a dmc for M4 (but I didn't) still it is working for me at this point (fingers crossed). Just thought this might be of some use to someone trying to get this to work. In order to do it I had to use the "wizard" button to choose the *.cr2 and *.DMC file, after using the add to library and choosing just the *.cr2


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