Rendering created lights, not the default light.

Hi, I'm trying to render a scene which has two lights which I have created. I turned off the default sky light with CRT+L but when I render the scene, my lights are not showing up, only the default sky light. How do I render my scene only using my lights?
Okay it seems turning "Auto Headlamp" to "Never" and setting the scene to "Scene only" in the Environments tab of the render Edit properties helps. The lights are realy tricky though since spot lights barely show up...
Post edited by Endlessdescent on
Basically, I'm trying to render an interior room which doesn't have any sunlight, however any spot lights I add to simulate a ceiling lamp leaves the room incredibly dim no matter how intense I make them. The spot lights seem to only illuminate a narrow swath, even when their spead is set highly.
So, I'm just using the default dome lighting but it's too bright for an interior room and there isn't any way to decrease it's intensity?
Hi, I believe you are using 3DLight as render engine, right? When using 3DLight if I want to have an even diffuse light I usually use distant light, even for interior scenes. Set two or three distant lights according to your need, and don't let them cast shadows. And set the walls of your room so that they also don't cast shadows.
Hope this helps
"Preview lights" means the lights (actual lights, not HDRI or emissive surfaces) are being previewed, with the option off the headlamp is used.
The default Tone mapping settings in Iray are for the outdoor scene, an indoor sceen will be much dimmer and so the Tone Maping controls need adjusting - you can either use shutter speed, fStop and film ISO as for a real camera or just adjust the Exposure Value (all in the Tone Mapping group on the Editor tab of Render Settings) - unlike a real camera the individual settings don't affect depth of field, motion blur or grain. Note that if light isn't getting to some parts of the image freely it will take a long time for the image to converge (lose noise).
Scene Only in the Environment group is an Iray setting, not 3Delight.