Installing 3rd party morphs and understanding UV maps

in New Users
HiI'm a beginning Daz artist. Do you know where you install morphs for G3F? Either manually or with the install manager. I have watched a million videos and they tell you about morphs but they don't tell you where or how to install third party morphs on a mac. I looked in my Daz 3D Library folder but they don't have a subfolder for morphs. Also, do you know if you go to unwrap a UV in Zbrush and it unwraps well without any editing, is the top of the UV the front of the shirt and the bottom part is the back or vice versa? Thanks for any help you can give!
Are these morphs from DAZ? In which case Install manager should put them in the right place - the Genesis figures don't usually have library foles for morphs, they just add new options to the figure when you next load it. Third-party morphs from eslewhere, find the Data folder and merge that (with all its sub-folders) with the existing Data folder in your content diectory.
The morphs are freebiees from another site, I think it was Renderosity
Any toughts on the UV map issue?
On the UVs, it would probably depend on the model.
For the morphs, if there's a "Data" folder in the zip merge that with the Data folder in your content directory.
Now I am having an issue where I polypaint clothing with color and the color does not transfer to Daz.
Also, instead of a shirt showing up as plastic or matte, etc in the properties, is there a fabric preset or do the render shaders make things look like fabric and other materials?
Textures are not, I think, sent across GoZ - you need to create a texture from the Polypaint in ZBrush, flip the V axis, and export as an image file which you load through the Surfaces pane.
The lighting models - Matte, Plastic etc. - are in the default Daz Shader only; they change the way specular highlights behave (or remove them completely in the case of Matte). To match fabrics you need to make adjustments to the other settings - and you need to make sure the shader you are using matches the render engine (the default DAZ Shader is 3Delight).
Thank you, sorry for all of the newbie questions..I guess thatis what this forum is for, but I don't have any money to buy assests right now, so I try my best. Anyway, thanks again!
Thanks for the info but please help. I'm new too. I got 3rd party morphs from both sharecg and renderosity. I extracted the zip files and pasted them in my library. I found them is daz under my content library file, but not the morphs. Just the files with a ! symbol. I have no Idea what Im doing here lol. How do I get these morphs to work from step one. Please help!