Make a 3 point spotlight and backdrop plane look natural
Using 3 spotlights, or plane lights, a backdrop plane, and a bottom plane..
(I'm making it a black background, (or white) with just a model in middle)
When I do, the character becomes WHIIITE. Is there a right setting? I apply Willow skin render preset, and then go "defaults" given by it in iray.
When you say 3 spots and the planes does that mean you have changed it to scene only or is it still using the dome as well?
So, should I change it to dome or scene,
or scene & Dome?
If I use spotlights.
If you want the model isolated against a flat background consider ditching the plane, then save the render as tiff or png and use an iamge editor to insert a plain layer of the desired colour under the rendered image.