Stocking problems :(
I'm all a bit new to this and don't know where to turn for help with making a product work.
I've just bought the Sexy Skinz - Stocking for Genesis 3 female and I can't seem to find how to make it work. It appears to be materials that I can't apply to G3. I have selected the surface tab and the 3_skinleg tab, double clicked on the material and nothing happens. I have tried selecting the parent tab and double clicked on the materials, but nothing. I've gone into the content library and found the People/Genesis3 Female/Clothing/Sexy Skinz Stocking folder and used those icons instead, but no joy.
Am I missing something REALLY obvious?
Is the figure itself selected?
yes, in the scene tab. then clicked on the surface tab. In the editor I have clicked on the Genesis 'tab' and then double clicked on the materials in the smart content panel.
I have volume 1 of this product and I am guessing it works the same.
Load a Genesis 3 Female (I note you said you "clicked on the Genesis 'tab'")
Ensure the G3F is selected in scene tab
Navigate to your Sexy Skinz folder and double-click the stocking option of your choice. There'll be a slight delay as the Layered Image Editor 'does it thing'.
It should not matter what skin shader the figure uses.
Ah, well spotted. I thought/hoped it would something simple. i was trying add them onto V5. Doh!
Thank you for all the help :)
Don't you just hate when that happens? Cant even tell you how often I do stuff like that. Or, I have it selected in the surfaces tab but not in the scene tab. or vice versa...