Is there a way to keep the render window after hitting the save button?
I want to keep the window to compare it with other renders but to secure it, used to save it.
Any trick?
Try File>Save last render. If you want to compare renders there's also Render>Render Editor, which should ahve your recent renders (from the current session) at the bottom - drag two into the boxes at top-left and then go to the Compare tab at top-right to be able to wipe between them.
Try File>Save last render. If you want to compare renders there's also Render>Render Editor, which should ahve your recent renders (from the current session) at the bottom - drag two into the boxes at top-left and then go to the Compare tab at top-right to be able to wipe between them.
The render window should stay open after saving if you don't click the Close button, at least in Iray.
nope, it closes as soon as i clicked SAVE (not close) since 4.7 to till now
Try File>Save last render. If you want to compare renders there's also Render>Render Editor, which should ahve your recent renders (from the current session) at the bottom - drag two into the boxes at top-left and then go to the Compare tab at top-right to be able to wipe between them.
seems life saviour. Thanks