Couple of hopefully easy questions that I can't seem to figure out

in New Users
HI Folks,
I'm Alex from the UK and being dyslexic I get confused trying to search pages of wiki text etc. for instruction so some questions I need help with please!
How do I stop all my content going into my C:\ drive which is an small SSD and make it download to another drive? I tried setting up something under preferences but can't seem to choose the paths.
How do you change the aspect ration of the frame! I'd like a nice HD 1920 x 1080px 16:9 picture! Not yet found the page set-up or picture set-up.
Hi Alex, welcome to the forums.
Your first question: it depends on whether you are downloading with DIM or DAZ Connect? And do you mean just the download files themselves, or where they are installing to?
Your second question: in Render Settings you probably have "render to active viewport" checked (I think it is the default) You need to change that to render to a new window, which you will then be able to specify the size and aspect ratio you want the render to be. I'm on my laptop (no DAZ Studio installed there) so can't do screenshots at the moment, but if you can't find the right part of Render Settings (I think it is in the "General" tab) then I'll try to post a pic a little later this afternoon.
It's too late for DS, but if you want to avoid other applications you isntall in future from putting the documents on the C: drive you need to tell Windows to use another location fro documents:
You can do the same for the other special folders - Pictures, Videos etc. If you choose to move the existing files when asked then you will need to chaneg the location stored in Daz Studio, and in any other applications that created "special" folders in your Documents folder.
To change, or update, the loca6tion used in Daz Studio
If you use the Install manager rather than Connect to install content you will need to update that to use the same paths
Here is where to set the render size and dimensions. First is where to do it, Second shows some of the ready-made options, which includes a 1920:1080 pixel setting.
Thanks for the welcome and thanks for those screen grabs - just what I needed Melaniel!
I want to have the My Daz Studio Library with all the content I have bought available from my resource drive not my SSD drive. I think I'll have to uninstalled everything and start again as I've edited the paths as you suggested Richard but Daz can't find anything. When I point Daz at the location that the install manager tells me my files are stored it can't find anything and when I visit the location via explore nothing is there except the IM manifest files!
A caveat: I learned the hard way that the 'My DAZ Studio Library' location shouldn't be changed; it contains various files and assets that DAZ Studio expects to find in a specific location. (And I have reason to believe that that location is hard-coded into the program! Just a suspicion, but still....) Just leave it where it is, and create a new library, in a different location, where you want your content to reside. Then point DAZ Studio and DIM to that new location. (But don't delete, or modify, the 'My DAZ Studio Library' reference, though.) If you've already installed content into that 'My DAZ Studio Library' location, then yeah, you'll have to uninstall it and re-install to the new library.
I have three separate content libraries -- one on my 'primary' 3-D system (where I install everything), one on a network share, and another on an external USB drive; I (try to, anyway) keep them all in sync using a product by Microsoft called SyncToy. That way, I can access my content from any of the three machines I happen to be lugging around with me at the time. However....
One additional step that I've found to be necessary, is to re-import the metadata in DAZ Studio on each machine, after I've re-synced one or the other of my 'external' (or 'secondary') libraries. This is because the content database is local to each installation of Studio, which means that I have three copies of that database that I need to keep up-to-date, and in sync with my actual installed content. (I only run DIM from one machine, which makes my life a little easier.)
From the Content Library tab, click that small icon in the upper-right corner (four horizontal lines and an arrow pointing to the right), and select 'Content DB Maintenance'. A dialog window will appear. Check the option to 'Re-import Metadata', and click "Accept". That will open another dialog, containing a list of all of your content. Click "Accept"..., and wait. (In my case, I have to wait rather a long time, because I have a god-awful lot of content!)
There's also an option on that dialog to 'Reset Database', which is kind of a 'sledgehammer' approach. It basically truncates the CMS database (a SQL term, which means 'blow everything away and start over') and reconstructs it from scratch. And yes, I've had to do that on occasion.
Thanks Ken, glad to know it's not just me who has diffuclty moving content away from the default location.Might just bite the bullet and start with a fresh install :-(
No, there is nothing hard-coded in DS itself (Look at My hair seems to use the \Daz 3D\Studio folder in Docuemnts, but it respects the location of the Documents folder itself).
Any of you kind people ever sent a Daz scene to Bryce? I opened up a Bryce file yestersday and send a CRZ sea life fish into the scene perfectly! Now today Daz is opening a new version of Bryce for the Daz object instead of putting the fish into the Bryce file I already have open! Can someone tell me if there a pipeline option somwhere please?
To avoid this, I open my Bryce scene first, then create a cube primitive and send it to DAZ Studio to establish the bridge.
Then when I send something from Studio to Bryce, it doesn't start a second copy.
Ah great thanks sriesch! I'd wasn't sure if Studio 4.9 would talk to old Bryce 7.1!
Although I'm using Studio 4.8, as far as I know 4.9 works fine with Bryce as well. I did see a comment somewhere about the order in which Bryce and DAZ studio were installed affecting something, I haven't looked closely myself:
@Richard Haseltine where you said in the first part of moving folders, if I want to move My Documents folder ( which includes numerous files already) from my C to my E drive, in the last step you say "Select the folder you want to use as the default documents folder" does this mean you have to create another My Documents folder on the E drive and then select it to move the folders and files to or will this end up giving you a path as E:/My Documents/My Documents/ whatever files or would you just select the E: drive as the destination and not create a folder first?
You need, as far as I know, to have a folder prepared - it's been a while since I have had to do the job. It doesn't have to be called Documents/My Documents I think.