My Very First of these days
So I have been using Poser for years (started with version 3, latest version Poser 10). People have been campaigning to get me to switch to DAZ Studio, partly because it's free and partly because the third-party content makers seem to be drifting in that direction. I got a notice about DAZ 4.9 and decided to take the plunge (though I dread having to learn an entirely new system from the ground up).
So I think, "Okay, I'll load a super-simple scene, do a quick render, and see what happens." I load the basic Aiko figure and stick the Sally Mae hair on her. That's it. I leave everything at default except for changing from the "photorealistic" to the "interactive" setting (someone online said that sped up renders). I set the render size for 600x800 px and press the Render button.
That was 48 minutes and 37 seconds ago and my progress indicator still says "Iray: Render target canvas was written" and progress is 0%. As in zero.
Okay, I know there are surely a thousand settings that affect render time. But a small, single-figure out-of-the-box render takes nearly an hour and doesn't even reach 1%? Not an auspicious start.
[AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processors; Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit; 8 GB RAM]
Leaving everything default means that all the surfaces are having to be converted over to Iray and causing a delay. Instead I suggest that you load the basic genesis 2 figure (because there are Iray settings you can apply to update it to Iray with ease). You can go ahead and use the sally Mae hair if you want. I should just auto fit to the figure. For best results you would want to apply the Iray Uber shader to the hair. It doesn't overwrite any maps so that makes it easier. It will be in Shaders/Iray or Shader Presets/Iray.. I forget which one you will find it in. The you would need to select the hair surfaces and object. Easiest way is with the surface selection tool at the top (looks like 3 cards and an arrow).
You do not mention your graphics card but even if you're running CPU only rather than GPU the render should not take anywhere near that long. I regularly have to use a computer that lacks a decent graphic card and while not fast most renders are pretty reasonable.
You may also notice an improvement if you give the light something to bounce around off in your scene, other than simply the figure. Its a long way to infinity and back, even if you're a photon.
I don't think the progress bar moves off 0% when in interactive mode (It doesn't in my studio but the render is done) - For interactive mode you just press cancel when you think its done ,
You need to use Photoreal if you want the progress bar
Thank you very much for all your advice. I'll put it to use and give rendering another try.